
Chapter 215 Birthday (2)

Gu Baiying was stunned for a moment, and then inexplicably said: Nonsense, do you like it?

If you encounter Mosha, will you kill him directly? Zhu Xing turned his head and stared into his eyes.

There was no ordinary ridicule on her face, and she restrained her smile. Only then did Gu Baiying realize that she was asking herself very seriously.

So he answered more seriously than ever: Of course.


He didn't say why, and he didn't hesitate, as if it was something that couldn't be considered. The young man's eyes are beautiful and clear, his eyes are magnanimous, clear and unobstructed.

Also, if his own father, Gu Caiyu, didn't have to sacrifice his life to check and balance Guidiaotang. Fairy Qinghua later fell, and it was also related to the demons. He became an orphan because of the demons. Do you still expect him to like the demons? It is difficult for a strong man.

Yang Hairpin Star Gu Baiying was a little suspicious.

Hairpin Xing suddenly laughed, and his voice became as light as usual: That's good, now that the demons may make a comeback, I'm still worried that you won't be able to deal with the demons. But it seems that you are determined now, and it is estimated that you can make a comeback. Our sect is well guarded, so I can rest assured.

Hey, Gu Baiying pinched her face in dissatisfaction: You're still worried about me, why don't you worry about yourself first, just your cultivation level, don't be scared to pee your pants when you meet the devil.

This was a subconscious action, and when he regained his senses, his hand had already pinched Xing Xing's cheek. The woman's skin was soft, and the hand was warm, and the black scar was slightly raised, causing his fingertips to suddenly become hot.

Looking at each other, the young man was suddenly at a loss for words, and his whole body froze.

Hairpin stared at him, as if he didn't know how to react for a while.

On the persimmon tree, there were Xia cicadas squeaking a few times, which made the night on the mountain a little more moving. The cheerful voice of the girl came: Miss, ma'am, look at the double-sided embroidery I've just learned, it's just right to make a cloak for Mimi—

Hongsu's voice stopped abruptly when she saw Gu Baiying: Gu aunt?

Uncle? Hairpin Xing snapped back to her senses, she froze for a moment, and asked, Why do you call him Uncle?

Hongsu slammed her mouth shut, first glanced at Gu Baiying, and then cautiously said, That's what Uncle Niu called when he came here last time.

Hairpin Xing coughed lightly: Don't shout like this in the future, if someone outsiders hears that something big will happen. God is pitiful, she and Gu Baiying are innocent, and people who don't know think she has done something to Gu Baiying.

Hongsu was unhappy when she heard the words, and retorted confidently: Uncle Niu and I have always shouted like this, and I haven't seen Uncle Gu get angry, so why should you care, Miss.

Hairpin Xing looked at Gu Baiying and asked incredulously, Aren't you angry?

A hint of shame flashed in the boy's eyes, and then he said angrily, Does your own maid want me to discipline you? What's the use of my anger.

Hairpin Xing hurriedly said: Yes, yes, it's my fault, I shouldn't let Hongsu talk nonsense. She glared at Hongsu: Hongsu, hurry back to the house.

The little girl's mouth was flat, and her face was full of grievances: Miss, don't be angry, I called Uncle Gu like this before, and Uncle Gu didn't say anything. I thought Uncle Gu would be happy to be the uncle of our Yang family. No. Thinking of Uncle Gu, I was unwilling in my heart. Hey, the eldest lady has been spoiled by her family since she was a child, and her ten fingers do not touch the spring water, but when she arrived at Gufeng Mountain, no one cared, no one took care of her, and even forgot her birthday, I finally found a sweet one. Uncle, uncle is still not happy. The more Hongsu said, the more sad: Aren't our eldest miss going to be lonely for the rest of your life?

Hairpin Xing wondered in her heart, what happened to her, she would be lonely for the rest of her life, and also, the little girl's tears came as she wished, which was unexpected.

Gu Baiying looked up at the hairpin star: Your birthday?

Hairpin: Huh?

The birthday of Miss Yang, a small supporting role, was not written in The Top of the Nine Heavens. Even if it was written, it would be strange if she could remember so many words.

Hongsu intimately gave a hint: The eldest miss's birthday is the first day of next month.

The first day of June? Gu Baiying's expression changed: It won't be long after that.

When I was in Yuecheng, the birthday of the eldest miss was very lively. There were eight tables for the banquet alone, and the congratulations from relatives and friends could not be piled up in the room. Hongsu's words are not known to be true or false: This year in Zongmen, I don’t know if I can receive a birthday gift. It’s definitely not a joke, after all, the eldest miss has forgotten her own birthday.”

Hairpin Xing was astonished to see it, Hongsu was really a condescending talent not to sing, this is the master of the master.

Gu Baiying, a young and vigorous young man, obviously couldn't resist Hongsu's suggestion. After a pause, he stood up and said, Forget it, it's getting late, Yang Hairpin, you rest early, I'll go back.

He hurriedly left the courtyard of Xiaoyao Palace, Hongsu put his mouth close to Xingxing's ear, and whispered: Miss, I can guarantee that he must have prepared a birthday gift for you.

Hairpin stared at her: you almost wrote the words 'come and give me a gift' on your face, can he not give it?

That's for your sake, Miss. Hong Suyu held Xing Xing's hand earnestly: Today I went to inquire about Miss Liu, the shepherd and Miss Liu have already made it clear that his sweetheart is Fairy Meng. Compared with Fairy Meng, miss, you have little chance of winning, since Uncle Shepherd can’t win it, let’s settle for the next best thing, grab Uncle Gu first, ride a donkey and look for a horse, and we will change it later when there is a better one.”

Hairpin Xing inexplicably thought of Gu Baiying's sentence, This stick is barely worthy of your status as a direct disciple. It's not too late to change it when there is a better one in the future.

I don't know how Gu Baiying felt when he knew that he had become that second.

She stood up from the threshold, patted Hongsu's shoulder, stepped into the room, and muttered to herself, In the future, in the future, it must come first.

Riding a donkey to find a horse, don't find the horse yet, the person who rides the donkey is planted first.

As soon as Gu Baiying returned to the Xiaoyao Hall, she heard Mendong speaking nonsense to the mu layer in the hall: Very good, you have done a good job, memorize these little poems by heart, and when you chat with Senior Sister Meng in the future, Saying a word or two from time to time will definitely make her look at you with admiration.

Gu Baiying couldn't help pressing his forehead.

Daoist Yueguang was busy giving lectures to his disciples on weekdays. He had an immortal orifice in winter, and his physique was special, so he didn’t have to practice diligently. If Mu layerxiao is looking for someone, he doesn't even have to go to Taoist Moonlight's Dharma Hall, just come directly to Xiaoyao Hall.

Gu Baiying walked in from outside the hall, put down the bone embroidery gun, leaned on the pillar with his chest folded, and watched the careful discussion between the two juniors.

Mu layerxiao is very humbly: but now, there is nothing special about my sister's treatment of me.

You didn't show anything special to Senior Sister Meng. You have to let her feel that in your heart, she is different, unique, and the most important person in your heart. Mendong grabbed herself. Pink headband, rightly so.

Mu layerxiao blushed: Then how to behave?

That's a lot. Mendong took a sip of the tea, moistened his throat, and then continued: I will give her an umbrella when it rains, and remind her to drink more hot water when I come to Sunflower Water, see A good word to share with her, that's the detail women want.

But Senior Sister Meng doesn't seem like someone who cares about this. Mu Shexiao hesitated.

Wrong, that's what you thought. Mendong said, Listen to me, in a few days you can pick a gift for her, otherwise what's the difference between you guys and ordinary classmates? Cultivation and progress together, and live a good life. become brothers.

Gu Baiying raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then I don't know what Senior Sister Meng likes? Mu Chengxiao hesitated for a moment: I originally wanted to give her a sword, but the top-quality spiritual tools are rare, and I am afraid that the ones I found are not as good as her own moon soul. Those medicinal herbs and herbs, Senior Sister Meng has seen a lot, and I can't take it out.

You can really think of sending a spirit tool. If you are like this, it's better to give up Senior Sister Meng as soon as possible. It's really rotten wood that can't be carved. I'll tell you.

Gu Baiying's ears perked up quietly, and the next moment, Meng Dong found him behind the pillar and asked curiously, Uncle, when did you come back?


Gu Baiying walked out and said indifferently: Just now. After a pause, he said again: What were you talking about just now?

I'm talking about the pastor brother actually wanting to give Sister Meng the spiritual tool, the spirit pill, and the herb, ​​Mendong sighed: If I were Sister Meng, I'd be pissed off.

Gu Baiying's expression moved slightly: Then what should I give?

Rouge jewelry lantern! Mendong said without hesitation: We don't have anything good on the mountain, but there are a lot of things for women at the bottom of the mountain. From jewelry, gold and silver, small to rouge gouache, what else candy lanterns? Sachets, flowers and plants, let alone senior sisters, even I am moved. Senior sisters see things related to cultivation every day in the sect. If you want to give them away, why don't you give something different.

Jewelry gold and silver?

It's in the painting gold building. Mendong is obviously very proficient in these things: The treasurer Jin herself is so beautiful, and the jewelry in her building is still very good.

But the things in the painting golden building are very expensive? Mu Chengxiao hesitated. Although he is now a direct disciple of Xuan Lingzi, in the sect, the medicine spirit grass can be used, but it cannot be sold down the mountain. And the Taiyan faction is not as good as the Yinfeng Sect, which has mines, and the spiritual stones that are distributed to its disciples every month can only be considered good. Meng Ying has been short of everything since she was a child. If she really wants to buy jewelry of ordinary quality, it is not good.

Then you should buy some rouge gouache gadgets. Mendong sighed: You are so stupid, and you don't know what Yang Hairpinxing and Liu Yunxin really like about you. Isn't that right, Shishu. Shishu? Mendong Looking for Gu Baiying's opinion, when he turned his head, he saw that Gu Baiying had walked into the room on his own.

Uncle Shi can't listen anymore. He sighed and patted Mu Shexiao's shoulder: Think about it.

Mu layerxiao nodded ignorantly: . oh.

The female disciples of the Taiyan faction are all engaged in careers, and the male disciples are all in love =_=

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