
Chapter 209 Doubt (2)

Hairpin Xing watched helplessly as the heat in Mu layerxiao's eyes faded instantly, and his expression gradually became clearer, but his face to neck was still terrifyingly red - this time, it wasn't hot, but embarrassed. There is no doubt that if there is a crack in the ground now, Mu layerxiao should go in without hesitation.

Seeing this, Tian Fangfang and Mendong immediately turned around and looked at other places as if nothing had happened. Tian Fangfang coughed twice: This treasure is said to be a treasure place, except for a tree that will bury people. I think it's almost called a corpse place, and we can't come here for nothing. There is a nearby sword mound. Many monks have left things, let's look through them, and take away any Qiankun bags, what if there are any good things in them?

He was used to not wanting to walk away, and when he said this, he immediately took action. Ignoring the horror of the bones in the sword tomb, I rummaged through it and said, Fellow fellow practitioners, it's not that I am unkind, but it's really a waste for you treasures to stay here, it's better for me to bring Go back and make the best use of it. You can rest assured that our Taiyan faction is not someone who does nothing. Before we leave, we must bury your bones in the ground for safety.

Hairpin star: .

Isn't that called inaction?

When he looked like this, Mendong hesitated for a while, and followed. In the Qiankun bags left by these monks, there may be a rare kind of spiritual grass. When a group of people come out to experience, they will always gain something.

Meng Ying didn't move, and of course, for her, there was no need to turn over the universe in the bones. Beside her, Mu Shexiao sat stiffly. Although she tried to pretend to be calm, she could feel his embarrassment even through the hairpin star. The protagonist, who used to be infinitely beautiful, should have been the biggest gainer in this trip, but now, like a child who has made mistakes, he sits upright against the wall, so embarrassed that he doesn't even dare to lift his face.

Hairpin Xing was looking at Mu layerxiao a little funny, when a lukewarm voice came from his ear: Is it so beautiful? Do you want me to let you down and watch?

The hairpin star snapped back to his senses.

She was in severe pain due to the imprint of the flower in the palm of her hand, and she just confronted Mu layerxiao again, her body was really weak, and now she was hugged by Gu Baiying. It's just that even though it's Lianxiangxiyu's action, it's always a bit simple and rude to do it. This young man's face is not good-looking, his handsome face is tense, as if someone owes him the spiritual stone and hasn't paid it back.

Mimi woke up amid the noise, Yin Langshi rolled over and flicked his tail slowly, and the next moment, his eyes lit up at the pile of bones, and he rolled happily inside.

Hairpin star sucked in a breath of cold air, this cat can't be wanted anymore.

She looked away with difficulty, not wanting to see the bad picture, and turned to ask Gu Baiying, Uncle, won't you go and look inside?

Her original intention was to euphemistically imply that Gu Baiying would put herself down, there was nothing wrong with holding her like this, but Gu Baiying shouldn't be very happy when she thought about it. Who knew that Gu Baiying glanced at her and asked her back, Then why don't you go?

The hairpin is speechless.

How can she go? Now she also pulled out the Wuyou sword, and fell into the spiritual realm of the holy tree with Mushexiao. Not only was she not affected by Liu Huancao, but she also injured Mushexiao. This kind of behavior is extremely rebellious to the Tao of Heaven. Think about it, turning a man who is standing on the top of the sky into a junior brother sitting in the corner earnestly admitting his mistakes, I am afraid that this plot will not be spoiled by anyone who has read the original book, but it is conceivable that the way of heaven treats her of anger.

If there is another great opportunity found in this pile of bones, Hairpin Star has no doubt that the flower in his hand will break out of the ground immediately.

After thinking about it, it is better not to join in the fun.

I already have the biggest harvest. Hairpin stared at him sincerely: It doesn't matter what spiritual treasure is not a spiritual treasure, the important thing is that we have found the fruit of the holy tree, Shishu, your spiritual vein Saved. That's my biggest takeaway.

Her eyes were bright and her words were serious, as if she really regarded Gu Baiying's spiritual pulse as the most important thing in the world.

The boy's ears were slightly red and he avoided her gaze. After a while, he suddenly said, Yang Hairpinxing.


Liu Huancao is useful to senior brother and Mu layerxiao, but why is it useless to you. Is it really because of the ring given to you by the snake witch that you were able to subdue the Wuyou Sword?

The boy's voice was cold and casual, as if he was describing an ordinary thing, but almost immediately the hairpin Xing's whole body stood up.

She could have fooled Meng Ying, Tian Fangfang, Mulayerxiao and Mendong with these casual words, but Gu Baiying was sharper than she thought.

Tian Fangfang and Mendong were still rummaging through the piles of bones, and no one around paid attention to them.

After a while, the hairpin said hesitantly, Uncle Shi, I have a secret treasure. I got this secret treasure by accident, and it saved me.

Okay. Gu Baiying suddenly interrupted her.

Zhan Xing raised his head subconsciously.

After being silent for a while, the young man said: On the way to practice, everyone has their own opportunities. It is not a big deal for you to have a secret treasure in your body. You don't need to report it to me. Besides, your cultivation base is not enough now, and you are reckless to keep your secret treasure in your body. Talking about it will inevitably attract people’s attention. Don’t mention it to anyone casually in the future.”

Hairpin Xing was stunned for a moment. She had been hesitating for a long time because of Xiao Yuanzhu's affairs, but she was impulsive and wanted to be honest while Gu Baiying questioned her, but he stopped her again.

Once courage is lost, it is difficult to come back.

She asked softly, Can't I mention it to you too?

Gu Baiying's expression froze and stared into her eyes: If you want to say it, you will naturally say it, why bother to look embarrassed. Since it is inconvenient to say, there is no need to force it. I don't have the habit of persecuting the younger generation.

He lifted the uncle's shelf again.

Hairpin Xing wanted to say more, when Tian Fangfang's voice came from the other end: Okay, clean it all up. Although the quality is not very good, the quantity is good enough. Uncle, let's take these bones up and bury them under the tree outside. Bar.

Tian Fangfang and Mendong moved quickly, but in just a moment, they searched the pile of bones. Everything that could be used was put into the Qiankun bag, and the remaining bones were not a solution to stay here, they were all taken away by Meng Ying's sack. Everyone plans to go back to the ground and set up a tomb, which can be regarded as letting them go to the ground.

The group left the underground cave and returned to the ground. The seal in front of the giant tree has completely disappeared. I don't know if it was because of the disappearance of the sword spirit, all the tree spirit artifacts hanging on the tree fell off the treetops, fell to the ground, and piled up into a small tomb.

It really became a sword grave.

Several people buried the skeletons brought out from the ground under the trees, and found the rocks to be used as tombstones. The snow in the long valley was silent, and the ground was soon covered with silver. Perhaps it will not be long before this sword mound will be covered with snow, and the remains of this sacred tree will no longer be found in the entire treasure trove.

Just like the Yuezhi Kingdom of that year, it completely disappeared from the map of the capital.

The pain in Xing Xing's palm gradually subsided. With Gu Baiying standing under the tree, she asked, Why is Mimi missing?

He was still there when he came out, why did he disappear in a blink of an eye?

As he was talking, a low cry came from behind him, and the white cat emerged from the ground, shook the snow on his body, and rubbed the corner of the hairpin star's clothes intimately.

Hairpin Xing bent over to pick it up, and Meng Ying had already activated the teleportation formation.

Everyone walked in one by one, with the hairpin star walking behind. The fur of the spirit beast in her arms was warm, she turned her head and looked at the far end of the treasure.

Ten thousand mountains are full of snow, and everything is white.

When the Tathagata came, it was rarely seen.

Gu Baiying glanced at her: Let's go.


Happy Holidays to everyone today!

The next volume is more exciting~

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