
Chapter 205 Fruit of the Holy Tree (2)

When the sword tomb collapsed just now, a crack appeared briefly, and the crack appeared inexplicably and disappeared inexplicably. Gu Baiying stepped forward quickly, and the bone-embroidered gun slammed into the ground. The skeletons were separated by the gun wind, but the ground was tightly stitched together, and nothing could be seen.

There is a lot of spiritual energy underneath, Mendong murmured, I can feel that the fruit of the holy tree is here.

But where do you go from here? Tian Fangfang lay on the ground with half of her body lying on the ground, her ears pressed against the ground to listen and listen, and then she tapped the dry yang axe, not even a trace was left on the ground, he asked, Why? Only the junior sister went down, is it because the junior sister was recognized by the holy tree? The junior sister is the predestined person of the holy tree, so the junior sister can enter?

There is indeed a possibility. Mendong tensed his face, and the two buns had already spread out in the critical situation just now, he said: There are some spiritual trees and grasses in the Xiuxian world, which are themselves nurtured by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and have grown for many years. , is not easy to find, it will release a kind of spiritual realm, similar to the seal, others cannot enter, nor can they find the entrance. The so-called chance is here. It is related to a spiritual grass, and it is recognized by the spiritual grass and can enter the spiritual realm. Only those who are in the middle are truly destined people.”

Really? Meng Ying's voice came from one side, and she said calmly: But it seems that there is more than one person. The priest and Mimi are also gone.

Just now, everyone's thoughts were on the hairpin star, but they didn't realize that Mu layerxiao and Mimi also disappeared.

Uncle, what should we do now? Tian Fangfang looked at Gu Baiying at a loss: We can't even touch the entrance to that Lao Shizi Spirit Realm. Junior sister and junior brother will not be in any danger, right?

Gu Baiying slammed the bone-embroidered gun in his hand to the ground, and in an instant, countless Yuan forces burst from the tip of the gun and quickly swam into every corner of the ground.

The teenager gritted his teeth and said, Look, if you can't find Yang Hairpin, I'll tear it down.

It was pitch black all around.

But in the darkness, there was a little bit of light shining brightly. This light is getting bigger and brighter, tearing a hole in the darkness. Hairpin Xing rubbed her aching buttocks, a fluffy tail swept across her face, Mimi held an illuminating talisman in her mouth, and gently scratched the back of her hand, pulling her back from her stupor.

This is a cave, which is exactly the same as the cave where the Sword Tomb was located, but it is different. There was a gurgling sound of water flowing by, and the hairpin star sat up and looked in front of him.

A tree grows in front of him.

No, maybe it's not quite accurate to say it's a tree, because the tree grows upside down.

The roots of the tree are rooted in the cave above the head, and further up is a black abyss that can't be seen to the end, and I don't know how high it is. The crown of the tree hangs on the top of the person's head. This tree grows with black leaves. In the dark one, there are golden fruits hanging heavily on the branches, which are very dazzling.

This is the holy tree? Someone's voice came from beside him.

Hairpin Xing was startled, and in a blink of an eye, he saw Mu layerxiao standing beside him, and his eyes were also surprised.

Brother Pastor? Why did you fall? Hairpin Xing was surprised.

The sword tomb collapsed just now, and I didn't stand firm. When I woke up, I was already here. Mu Chengxiao looked around: However, did Shishu and the others fall?

Hairpin Xing looked around and shook his head: It seems that only the two of us are trapped here.

Saying it was sleepy couldn't be more accurate. There were cave walls on all sides, and it was bounced back when I probed it with Yuan force.

What the hell is this place? Hairpin said to himself.

I heard Junior Brother Mendong say that some spiritual grasses and trees will automatically form a spiritual realm, and others cannot enter to protect themselves. Maybe we are entering the spiritual realm of the holy tree. It's just. Shepherd Xiao revealed doubts: Why are only the two of us here?

Hairpin star: .

Why, why, of course, because Mu layerxiao is the protagonist of this story, and he has no chance in this world. As for myself, it was probably an accident. If I hadn't just pulled Mendong and moved it away, it is estimated that Meng Ying would have fallen.

Thinking of this, Hairpin Xing felt a faint pain in the palm of his hand. She raised her hand to look at the palm, where the shape of a flower was already complete, and now it seemed that it was about to break through the palm and grow.

Whenever she changes the plot and rewrites her own destiny, the growth rate of this multi-flower will be faster and the pain will be stronger. Hairpin Xing had no doubt that when the flower completely separated from the palm and grew out of the palm, it was probably the time of death arranged for her by the way of heaven.

Junior sister, what have you been looking at with your head down? Are your hands injured? Mu Chengxiao asked casually when he saw the hairpin star in the palm of his hand without saying a word.

Hairpin Xing retracted his hand and looked forward: I'm thinking, is this the fruit of the holy tree?

The giant tree in front of him looked too special, and there were only a few golden fruits scattered on the top of the tree. These fruits are the size of wild fruits, the shape is round, and the tops are golden. Just smelling them makes you feel aura fragrant.

Mostly. Mu Shexiao looked at the top of his head, pondered for a moment, and suddenly said: So it is, the root of this sacred tree is on the ground, but the crown of the tree is underground, it seems to grow upside down.

When he said this, the hairpin star was stunned. The tree full of spiritual artifacts that they had seen outside the Snow Valley was actually the root of this tree. And the vines they saw all the way down to the ground turned out to be part of the roots of the tree. But the treetops that really bear fruit are under the ground. In this way, even if someone finds the treasure map, they will either stop at the tree full of spiritual artifacts outside, or they will go underground and be killed by the Wuyou sword. And make them never find the entrance. It is no wonder that over the years, I have never heard of anyone in the world of immortality finding the fruit of the holy tree.

It seems that this tree is very smart, Zhu Xing looked at Mu layerxiao: Senior brother, are you going to pick the fruit?

Hearing this, Mu layerxiao stood up and paused. He said, The treasure map was originally given to you by the snake witch, and the fruit of the holy tree should also belong to you.

The hairpin stared at him in surprise.

Mu layerxiao in The Top of Nine Heavens is really not a friend who is polite and polite to people. What kind of Lingguo Lingcao, the opportunity of the mind, it is his, and it is not his, but it is strong and domineering. Now the plot has been twisted by her, and even Mu Laixiao has become a friendly and principled senior brother. Who knows how the road will develop in the future.

Blessed to the soul, Hairpin Xing suddenly asked, Senior brother, have you ever thought about finding eight ladies in the future?

How is that possible? Mu Chengxiao looked at her in surprise: Why do you say that?

Hairpin Xing smiled: It's nothing, I just ask casually.

Mu Chengxiao seemed a little uncomfortable, and he said with a light cough: Junior sister, what happened in the past was a misunderstanding, so there is no need to mention it in the past. You and I are now in the same class, and I will treat you as my own sister, you don't have to do it for me. Do too much.

Does he feel that he has bad intentions towards him and is burdened?

Hairpin patted him on the shoulder: Senior brother, you don't have to misunderstand, no matter if you like Senior Sister Meng or Miss Liu, I will support you. But now I don't know if the fruit of this holy tree can be plucked rashly. Your cultivation level is not as good as yours, and you fought against the mirage before to burn Yuanli, but now you have not recovered it. It is really not suitable to get started.

Even if the fruit is picked, it's not for the uncle to repair the spiritual veins. So you must not be burdened. This is a very dangerous thing.

After the hairpin finished speaking, he looked at him earnestly: So, it's better for you to pick it up.

What a joke, half of the flowers in her palm are about to be exposed, who knows if she will pick up another opportunity that should belong to others. Mushexiao is different, even if there may be some dangers in the process of picking fruit, but as the protagonist, he will definitely be able to turn auspiciousness into a safe and sound, and this kind of showy thing should be left to Mushexiao himself.

Mu layerxiao didn't know that Hairpin Star was thinking so much, only thinking that it was a fact that Hairpin Xing was damaged now, so he didn't think much, and jumped to the branch.

As I got closer, I saw that the fruit seemed to be alive, as if it was breathing up and down, and the golden light flowing on the peel was full of aura. Mu layerxiao pondered for a moment, then tentatively stretched out his hand and held the fruit. As soon as he started, he didn't know if it was his illusion, and felt that the fruit seemed to tremble a bit.

He took a deep breath, pulled the fruit down, the branch shook slightly, and the fruit was picked.

The hairpin star, who was standing on the side, breathed a sigh of relief.

The surroundings were still quiet and there was no danger. The water flowing slowly in the cave is still gurgling, but Xing Xing suffocated: Senior brother, something is wrong.

There was a bunch of vines and weeds growing next to the underground water flow, which was not noticeable. However, as soon as the golden fruit was plucked, many luminous flowers bloomed from the weeds unknowingly. These flowers are layered on top of each other, like lit fireflies, illuminating little by little from the darkness, spreading their petals and slowly blooming.

What is this? Muchengxiao flew back to the hairpin and stared at the flowers with awe.

A sweet smell emanates from the petals.

It's so fragrant, Zhan Xing's nose moved: Senior brother, do you smell something?

On the ground, everyone was trying to find the entrance to the spiritual realm. Mendong, who was lying on the ground listening to the movement, suddenly changed his eyes: Leaving the happy ants?

A few ants with faint green light ran across the ground.

Tian Fangfang glanced curiously and asked, What is a liuhuan ant? This little ant looks very unique, can it be exchanged for a spirit stone?

Wherever there are ants, there are grasses, and there are no exceptions. Mendong murmured: The fragrance of grasses, once inhaled, will make both men and women happy, until the heart is broken and the soul is broken.

Not good, he stood up and looked down at the ground in panic: They are in danger!

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