
Chapter 115 Neverwinter Mountain (2)

It was also the last peaceful time before going to Neverwinter Mountain.

Hairpin Xing approached the lake, only to realize that the lake water is clear, as transparent as the air, and you can see the pebbles and white sand under the water. By the side of Lanjing Lake, there is also the skeleton of a giant beast. The skeleton was washed white by the lake water, half buried in the sand, and half exposed on the rocky beach. Behind it is the blue sky and forest sea. Weird and magnificent.

What is this? Hairpin Xing reached out and touched the skeleton. The skeleton was cold, like the texture of jade.

It should be the snow rhinoceros. Meng Ying replied.

Hairpin Xing saw that some disciples from other sects in front had rolled up their sleeves and approached the lake, not knowing what they were doing. While hesitating, Tian Fangfang rushed over with an axe and said, This place is full of spiritual energy, Junior Sister, you see they are all catching fish. Let's also catch a few tails and roast them to eat. This fish is fat and bigger than the outside world. It’s much better, and eating something is good for our practice!”

As long as it is beneficial to practice, Meng Ying has never opposed it. But Hairpin Xing looked around: We don't seem to have any seasoning, do we?

I have it, I have it! Mendong pulled out a row of bottles and jars from the Qiankun bag and said, In the past, I traveled abroad with Uncle Fifth and Uncle Seven, and sometimes I encountered a place with abundant spiritual energy to grow. I have to do it myself. Bring it with you! He took out another copper pot and put it on the ground: I also have a medicine jar for decoction, which can be used to cook fish soup!

Hairpin star: .Are you here for a picnic?

Just as he was talking, Tian Fangfang on the other end had already smiled and said, My dear, this fish is really fat!

After all, people come to this secret realm only once every ten years. The fish in the lake are plump and not afraid of people. Tian Fangfang fished a lot of ground, and asked Mendong to pick up some branches, sat on the spot by himself, and called Mu layerxiao to cook the fish together.

It's hard to tell how Qing Hairpin Xing felt when he saw these two sitting together cooking fish. Tian Fangfang was fine. His dry yang axe made him look like a royal chef, so looking at him like this is nothing more than a return to his own business, but Mu layerxiao also sat on the grass solemnly and scratched the scales of the fish with the God-destroying knife. For a moment, the hairpin star could understand the mood of the original work.

A good male protagonist was brought into this look, if she were the original, she would also want to kill.

Children probably naturally have a fondness for picnic outings, and it is the first time for Hairpin to see Mendong so excited. He and Mimi sat beside Tian Fangfang while carefully cleaning the weeds picked from the side.

Hairpin Xing helped Tian Fangfang to string the smaller fish on the branch, and asked Mendong casually, What kind of grass is this? Is it edible?

It's Yao grass. Mendong said, It is said that it was formed after the death of the daughter of the Emperor of Heaven. 'Its leaves are Xucheng, and its splendor is yellow. In fact, it is like a dodder hill, and the clothes are charming to others.' If a woman eats this, she can change into a pretty.

Hairpin Xing was a little surprised: So good? Then you can pick more and put it in.

Don't keep calling me, Meng Dong was unhappy with a small face, You have to eat and pick it yourself.

I can't say that, Zhan Xing pouted towards the other end: Isn't there someone who doesn't do anything?

She was talking about Gu Baiying and Meng Ying.

The two didn't participate in the picnic, so Meng Ying didn't care. After all, letting such a beautiful fairy kill fish doesn't sound like a human thing. But Gu Baiying also sat under the tree and did nothing, just closed his eyes and rested, which made people uncomfortable. As if he was the young master who came to enjoy the vacation, they were all servants who came to serve the young master.

My uncle's craftsmanship, of course, is not something that anyone can eat. Mendong is very protective of Gu Baiying, How can I work for you?

What's your uncle's craftsmanship? Hairpin Xing teased, Is it the craft of beating, smashing and robbing with a gun?

You don't look down on people anymore. Mendong was angry, My uncle's cooking skills, if the Three Realms are a chef and hero meeting, they will definitely be on the list. It's just that he only cooks for the head, and I secretly tasted it once. A little. The child licked his lips, I also want to be the head of the Taiyan sect in the future.

Your ambition to be the head of the sect is actually because you want to eat your uncle's cooking. Hairpin said: You are also a talent.

When he was talking, Tian Fangfang's fish was already cooked.

Mu layer Xiao and Tian Fangfang both came from ordinary farm families, and their work was very quick. I don't know what was missing in the fish soup, and it was boiled gudugudu in the medicine jar. Li Danshu must have a heart attack when he saw this scene. The rest of the smaller fish were strung on the branches and smeared with a handful of seasonings that I didn't know what it was. Tian Fangfang made a few skewers by himself, started a fire on the ground, and started grilling the fish. Looking at the people in the sect next to him, the same is true.

This is really a hike.

When the fish was being grilled, there were people from other sects next to him who came and brought a few skewers of grilled quails. Probably there was a master chef in the team, and by the way, he beat a few birds and rabbits to cook together.

Anyway, the birds, animals, insects and fish here are all bathed in spiritual energy and grow, and they are all excellent ingredients. Mimi was spinning around the fish soup jar, Mu layerxiao handed a bunch of roasted rabbit meat sent by others to Zanxing, Zanxing waved: Don't eat game.

It's all people's thoughts. Tian Fangfang said here, suddenly remembered something, took out from the Qiankun bag, and took out a few large watermelons.

This time even Meng Ying was surprised for a moment.

Gu Baiying glanced at it: What?

Before in the Palace of King Li'er, I saw that the watermelons sent from the palace were very sweet, and I thought about taking a few back and saving some seeds to see if I could feed them in the sect. Tian Fangfang said: It will be done now. It's good to eat fish.

He chopped a few melons with an axe, which was quite generous, and sent a few more to the sect next door, which was considered a return.

Hairpin Xing looked at the watermelon in his hand, and then looked at the grilled fish and fish soup in front of the fire, and always felt a little dazed.

The fish here is very fat, and when it is grilled with seasoning, it will give off a slight burnt aroma. As Mengdong was roasting, he suddenly said, Fortunately, the merman is not here, otherwise, if he sees it, he will probably be angry. Does this count as eating his kind?

This question is too esoteric, it has already involved species, Hairpin Star can't answer it, and others don't want to answer it at all. However, after Mendong reminded her, she remembered one thing, so she activated Yuan Li, and a layer of light blue light gradually emerged from the hairpin's body, and the light condensed into the appearance of a fish scale.

This is. Meng Ying paused.

That night Yinli's primordial spirit was left in my body before it disappeared. I don't know what it is. Have you seen it before, Senior Sister? Hairpin asked.

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