
Chapter 618 The Birth of Xinmengliu (Second Update)


I saw the mysterious point deep in Wu Yuan's soul rapidly expanding in the endless void, faintly combining with the virtual world of destiny, and quickly transformed into a vast and boundless world, in which countless lives and matter seemed to be born and nurtured.

The dreamland of the mind - the world.

After 160 million years of practice, life after life, it seems that he has experienced hundreds of millions of reincarnations, making the spiritual and mysterious techniques he created more and more powerful, and his soul becoming more and more pure.

The will is getting stronger and stronger.

A Taoist heart becomes stronger and stronger.

Especially after peeking into the inner world of the towering black-armored giant, Wu Yuan finally felt fulfilled.

anger! resentment! evil! Kill!

All kinds of 'evil' emotions have always filled Wu Yuan's heart, but they have not infected him and assimilated him. Instead, they have further sharpened his heart and made his mind stronger.

The edge of a sword comes from sharpening.

See your nature clearly.

Based on time and space, Wu Yuan thoroughly understood the core of dreams and illusions.


"You don't worship gods, Buddhas, or heaven, you can only rely on yourself." Wu Yuan's consciousness shines brightly, illuminating the boundless time and space in the virtual world of destiny: "By myself, with great power gathered in one body, I am the strongest."

With a strong heart, even if you are in a desperate situation, even if you encounter setbacks and hardships, even if you are burdened with endless hatred, you will not expect to rely on others.

"My spiritual cultivation has unknowingly entered the eternal level." Wu Yuan slowly opened his eyes, thoughtfully.

He was very happy in his heart, but he didn't show anything.

The soul is eternal, the will is immortal, and many external objects cannot easily shake his heart.

After practicing for more than 100 million years, the memories of countless lives came to his mind, which seemed to blur his original memory and drown his spiritual glory. After all, how many years had Wu Yuan practiced before? Just hundreds of thousands of years.

At this moment, with the transformation of his soul, the mark of life belonging to Wu Yuan once again became blazing and unshakable.

"With hundreds of millions of years of cultivation, in terms of the strength of my soul and will, I should be comparable to the saint." Wu Yuan murmured to himself: "Moreover, I am only one step away from being able to truly open up an eternal spiritual dream."

It is extremely difficult for the soul to be eternal.

For example, the immortal powerful may not be able to have eternal souls, especially those immortals who are lucky enough to break through, and their mental will may not be very strong.

Of course, like the saints, all of them have eternal souls, and their spiritual cultivation may be extremely high.

On the vast ocean, Bai Di has been fishing leisurely, but in the fish basket on the side, the harvest is pitiful.


"The eternity of the soul? The most important step on the road to dreamland, has he achieved a breakthrough like this?" Bai Di was stunned: "He hasn't even achieved immortality yet. It seems that he hasn't even created the eternal secret."


Bai Di was indeed surprised.

Normally, when practicing the secret arts of the soul, most of them first create eternal secrets, then achieve eternity, then open up a path, and finally use the brilliance of one's own path to condense the soul's will and make the soul eternal.

Mostly it comes step by step.

And someone like Wu Yuan, the Qi Refining Master, achieved success without even creating the eternal secret?

Even rarer than the birth of a true saint.

"A breakthrough is about to begin." Bai Di sensed from a distance: "It seems that his spiritual dream will soon be stabilized in the world. In the future, he may really be able to open up the Mengyu River."

"Another Xin Meng Liu strongman is about to be born." Bai Di thought to himself.

There are many schools of practitioners. From the perspective of cultivation methods, there are material path and law path, among which the law path can be divided into Qi refining, body refining and so on.

In terms of attack methods, it can be divided into two major schools - material flow and spiritual soul flow.

Previously, for the two great deities like Wu Yuan, no matter whether they were close combat or long range attacks, no matter what kind of power they used, sword techniques, sword formations, etc., they were essentially physical attacks.

As long as the enemy's physical defense is strong enough, it can be resisted.

But things have been different since Wu Yuan started trying to create the secret technique of divine spirit. As the name suggests, the divine spirit style is better at divine attackers.

Most of those who are good at divine soul attacks are those from the Qi Refining lineage. The most feared of the powerful divine souls in eternity are the Heart Tool Style and Heart Dream Style.

The Heart Tool Style is to condense one's own soul and will into a weapon, using the weapon to represent the world. It pursues absolutely powerful divine attacks and ultimate destruction. Most of them are strong people who have fully understood the Dao of Destruction and the Dao of Five Elements.

The flow of dreams in the heart transforms the mind and opens up a brilliant, endless and extremely stable dreamland. It uses endless dreams to make the enemy sink until the mind completely collapses. Most of them are the eternal strong ones who have understood the avenue of time and space and the avenue of destiny.

For those who are strong in the inner dream flow, the larger and more stable the inner dream is, the stronger the killing moves they can perform will naturally be stronger. Therefore, it is divided into three realms: dream world, dream universe, and dream river.

Only when the soul is eternal and opens up the world of dreams, can one truly be called a strong person in the dream flow.

"Meng Yuhe."

"This is the state that Nuwa has reached, and it is also the realm of the vast sea. So far, she is the only one who has achieved this achievement." Bai Di secretly sighed: "Throughout the ages, it would be great if the true saints could open up the dream world, let alone the dream world. universe."

As powerful as Hou Tuzu Wu.

In terms of Heart Dream Flow, she only opened up the Dream Universe, so she sent Wu Yuan here.

Of course, Hou Tuzu Wu is powerful in other aspects.

"This is Wu Yuan."

"A life from Changhe can also achieve this step, tsk tsk." Bai Di marveled in admiration: "But I was wrong. In this aspect, he seems to be more talented than Hou Tu Zuwu."

Bai Di did not know many secrets.

For example, Hou Tuzu Wu saw it more accurately. She knew the background of Wu Yuan's Qi Refining Deity. She seemed to be far behind the Body Refining Deity, but she just couldn't find the direction.

If there is no potential, how can the Taoist Master of Time and Space grant the Samsara Sword?

And the Mengyu River left behind by Empress Nuwa is no worse than the great power left by the Taoist Master of Creation in terms of mystical details.

Don’t talk about anything else.

Just the fact that Mengyu Hanoi can truly practice in a dream, and even allow the powerful at the eternal level to practice latently, greatly shortening the time of real practice, this alone is enough to put many saints to shame.

"Three Guardians?"

"I can't stop him anymore." Bai Di muttered to himself: "Well, it's better to tell him some basic information in advance, so as not to blame me later, and wait until he passes the light path before I can really see him."

In the world of light.

"Spiritual dream?" Wu Yuan sensed the illusory world in Qi Refining Lord's heart, which was constantly evolving and circulating, vast and seemingly endless.

Wu Yuan has not received the specific inheritance of Xin Meng Liu, and among the thousands of eternal powerhouses he has learned from, there is no Xin Meng Liu strong person.

After all, most of the powerful people in Xinmengliu are true saints and holy saints, and they basically understand the avenue of time and space and the avenue of destiny.


Many previous accumulations, especially the understanding of time and space, as well as the influence of Meng Yuhe's special environment, all made Wu Yuan unknowingly embark on the practice of Xin Meng Liu.


"Huh?" A trace of shock flashed across Wu Yuan's eyes, and he felt a huge and vast message suddenly pouring into his heart, which was very complicated and complex.

With Wu Yuan's current spiritual strength, it took him a breath to fully digest it.

"Heart Vessel Flow, Heart Dream Flow?" Wu Yuan thought thoughtfully: "Did Senior Bai Di send this message to me just now?"

In this mysterious place, only Bai Emperor can do it.

What was just passed on was a lot of common sense about the powerful people of the Divine Soul style.

"So it turns out that only by condensing the soul, condensing the heart, or opening up the dream world can one be called a powerful person in the spirit style?" Wu Yuan thought to himself.

This is the criterion for judging the eternal strong ones.

Just like in the eyes of the eternal strong, understanding a great road is the starting point.

The vast Yuhe River is just the cradle of life.

"My dream world, now, is probably the weakest among the strong ones in Xin Meng Liu." Wu Yuan couldn't help but smile.

If the dream world wants to become huge, the practitioners must first be strong enough, such as the True Saint and the Holy Saint. They are all terrifyingly powerful. The dream world opened up will naturally be huge. This is the cornerstone.

Secondly, it is the eternal road.

The easier it is to cultivate the avenue of dreams, the larger the dream world will be, such as the avenue of time and space.

Finally, and the most important point is to create your own unique skills and your own glorious way.

"There is only one way of self."

"The paths opened by some true saints and holy saints are not very suitable for constructing dreams. So even if they are strong, they can only reach the dream universe level at most." Wu Yuan thought to himself: "If you want to reach the final dream Yuhe level?"

"Then, we must use the dream world as the cornerstone to create eternal secrets and even open up our own path, so that they fit together perfectly."

In a sense, this is a paradox.

After all, most powerful people can only have eternal souls after becoming saints and can hope to open up a dream world.

But if you become a saint, you have already opened your own path, so how can you perfectly fit into the dream world?


Only when you are in the long life stage and your soul is eternal can you hope to reach the top of the flow of dreams.

"In the future, the way of my Qi Refining Lord should be based on the dream world." Wu Yuan said secretly: "In terms of material attacks, the Body Refining Lord is far superior to the Qi Refining Lord."

"But now, my mind is eternal and I understand time and space. If I don't follow the flow of my heart and dreams, it will be a pure waste of my talent."

Heart and dream flow, this is a road that leads directly to the top.

Wu Yuan has made up his mind.

"Start breaking through."

"First, create an eternal secret." Wu Yuan thought: "The dream of the soul, expand."


The spiritual dreamland that was originally in confusion began to expand crazily, and slightly illusory miniature worlds were born. In each of these worlds, countless creatures began to be born, and countless materials were generated.

Most of these worlds are reflections of the many worlds Wu Yuan has experienced, and they are mostly similar.

Mental dreams are different from the real world.

The real world must rely on accurate laws, the operation of Tao, etc. Once established, it is difficult to change.

And in the dream state of the mind, every thought arises and every thought dies, they are all illusions. Talking about the size is just an illusion. The most important thing is the essence.


In Wu Yuan's spiritual dream, multiple worlds were born, and countless miniature worlds overlapped and circulated. Looking from a distance, it looked like a ring of long rivers, with no boundaries and no end.

Any world can be the starting point or the ending point.

Full of mystery.

If it were the real world, these countless world changes would probably take an unknown amount of time, but in the dreamland of his mind, they were all created by Wu Yuan's thoughts without consuming any energy.

"Time and space are the basis."

"This is my current spiritual dream, and it is also the first eternal secret art created by my Qi Refining Master." Wu Yuan showed a smile: "Reincarnation for eternity."

This is the result of Wu Yuan's hundreds of millions of years of practice. During the more than 100 million years of practice, it has already taken shape.

It is not until the soul is eternal and the dream of the soul is opened that it can be created in one breath.

Eternal secret skill—eternal tribulation of reincarnation!

Different from the special moves of physical attacks, like the moves of the body-refining deity, as the strength becomes stronger, the moves often change and evolve.

As for the divine soul attack, as Wu Yuan's mental dreams become larger and more powerful, the power will naturally become stronger and stronger.

"It's a pity that I am still a long-lived person after all, and I have not yet understood the way of time and space." Wu Yuan said secretly: "Otherwise, the power of this move may be enough to threaten the true saint."


The current Wu Yuan does not have enough foundation. He is probably one of the weakest Xinmengliu powerhouses in the endless sea, but it can also be said to be the nightmare of countless long-lived and immortal powerhouses.

Weak, that is compared to other Xinmengliu strong ones.

Under normal circumstances, any random move by an ordinary Xinmengliu strongman would be a killing move among saints.

One sentence.

There is no one who is weak in the flow of mental dreams. In other words, weak people cannot construct mental dreams.

"Keep accumulating."

"It took me hundreds of millions of years of practice to create the first eternal secret. If I can create the second and third doors, I might be able to open up my own path." Wu Yuan secretly looked forward to it.

Create more eternal secrets, frame them in the dreamland of the soul, and unite many secrets into one, and there will naturally be hope for transformation.

This is the most correct path of cultivation for Xinmengliu powerhouses mentioned in the message sent by Bai Di.


"Reflecting reality, evolving in the dream of the mind." Wu Yuan was keenly aware that in the dream of his mind, a trace of mysterious power suddenly emerged miraculously.

It is the power of faith.

"Can these powers of faith help stabilize the dream world and help the dream world expand further?" Wu Yuan thought thoughtfully, through the power of faith emerging from the dream world.

He watched faintly, and in the virtual world of destiny, in the endless distance, there were faint light spots.

Mark of life!

Every point of light is the source of the power of faith, and also represents a coordinate and a mark of the dream world.

These marks are extremely weak, but when countless marks gather together, they are a force that cannot be ignored.

"No wonder, the true saints want to spread the faith."

"No wonder, the true saints and the holy saints want to cultivate their descendants vigorously. They will never forget it and there will be repercussions...I see." Wu Yuan finally understood.

After the eternity of the soul.

The inner dream is eternal and can leave an imprint on the original origin.

Even if the real person dies, the dream world can still exist forever, and the material and spiritual soul will not interfere with each other.

"As long as the mark of faith is still there, as long as there are enough marks, even if you die, you can still condense your true body from the endless void with your immortal will and return." Wu Yuan said secretly.

This is the eternal truth.


"If you want to completely obliterate an eternal powerhouse, essentially, you have to obliterate him and all the marks he left behind?" A glimmer of light flashed across Wu Yuan's eyes.

If you want to achieve this step, you can only rely on divine soul attacks.


ps: The third update will be after midnight, everyone should get up and watch it tomorrow morning.

Asking for a monthly ticket.

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