
Chapter 615 The greatest hope (first update)

If Wu Yuan originally had great confidence and firmly believed that he could break through the obstacles and leave within a hundred thousand years, then after fighting against the towering black-armored giant, he has calmed down a lot.

Not to mention the second and third guardians.

The first guardian alone was terrifyingly powerful and almost shattered all Wu Yuan's hopes.

The four major groups joined forces and could only hold on for a moment in front of the towering black-armored giant.

However, this actually made Wu Yuan calm down completely and no longer insisted on leaving within 100,000 years.

"The mysterious White Emperor."

"Mengyu River, Gumeng Mountain, and the three guardians here brought my two deities here silently..." Wu Yuan thought silently: "Such magical powers are incredible."

You know, Wu Yuan’s Qi Refining deity is at the core of the Holy World.

Will it be moved away silently?

In the core of the holy world, the power of Taiyuan True Saint is no less than that of the Holy Saint.

Everything illustrates the power of Gu Menghe.

"My two great deities are missing, and I'm afraid Hou Tu Zusha will notice it soon..." Wu Yuan thought: "But, can we find this place quickly?"

Hard to say.

According to Bai Di's account, Gumeng Mountain was left by the Empress Nuwa.

Although Wu Yuan believed in the Hou Tu Ancestral Witch, the Hou Tu Ancestral Witch was also the supreme myth of Yu Hai.

However, Wu Yuan did not dare to say that Hou Tuzu Shaman was definitely better than Nuwa Empress.

After all, that is Empress Nuwa.

"You can't place your hopes on external forces." Wu Yuan became increasingly calm in his heart: "Bai Emperor knows my strength and potential, but still feels that I may be trapped for hundreds of millions of years...Fighting against the first guardian also proves what Bai Emperor said The words are true.”

"If I didn't have the determination to risk my life and survive, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get out of Mengyu River." Wu Yuan had thought everything through.

No external force can be used.

You can only rely on yourself.

what to do?

"My strength in all aspects has almost reached its limit." Wu Yuan thought: "The body-refining deity has reached a peak on the material road. The next step is to achieve material eternity, and then the body can be built. Eternal divine body.”

The bodies of the eternal strong men are divided into eternal legal bodies, eternal holy bodies, eternal divine bodies, and black and yellow bodies.

The eternal divine body is not common among true saints. Once it is forged, its pure physical strength is comparable to that of the Taoist Realm.

"With such a powerful force, it is natural to win the first guardian." Wu Yuan frowned: "It's just that it's so difficult."

Over the years, Wu Yuan has been constantly pondering the "Original Method", but it is precisely because of his understanding and practice that he can feel the difficulty of this step.

What Hou Tuzu Wu said is true.

Material eternity is not much less difficult than opening a path for life in the long river.

"The body-refining deity has opened his own way?" Wu Yuan shook his head secretly: "The difficulty is getting higher and it is almost impossible to do it in a short time."

In the final analysis, Wu Yuan's background is not enough.

Like the Emperor of Heaven and Emperor Yantuo in history, which one is not an outstanding person and does not have many opportunities? But they still practiced for a long time before they successfully opened a path.

"On the contrary, it's the Qi Refining Lord."

"Today, even the eternal secret technique has not been created yet." Wu Yuan thought: "Maybe it can be done."

"Especially the "Dream World" he used, which successfully affected the black-armored giant at the beginning, causing his attack to fail..." A glimmer of light suddenly flashed in Wu Yuan's eyes: "That's not right!"

""Dream World"."

"This is the Mengyu River, and this is the creation left by Empress Nuwa... I first entered the Dream Dao because I created a similar spiritual secret technique. Only then did I successfully resist and came to the Bright Dao." Wu Yuan thought about it. Many, many: "When fighting the first guardian, all my other tricks were useless, only the realm of dreams."

"The dream world that only dominates the ultimate secret technique has greater effects than other eternal secret techniques."

"Moreover, the soul of the first guardian seems to be very special, extremely chaotic, as if countless creatures from the abyss have gathered together." Wu Yuan vaguely realized something.

A lot of clues came to mind.

Let Wu Yuan gradually clarify his thoughts.

"Through the Dream Dao, I drew on the dangerous 'fog dream' of the Dream Dao itself, and created the 'Dream World' in just a few thousand years." Wu Yuan murmured to himself.

He remembered what Bai Di said before leaving.

Tribulation and fate will always go together.

"Could it be that."

Wu Yuan's eyes fell on the guardians of the bright path in the distance: "I am blocked by three guardians, but the hope of breaking through the bright path also lies with these three guardians?"

Think of this.

Wu Yuan could no longer sit still, and saw the Dharma Body flying into the sky, quickly flying towards the path of light.

"Boy, you're here again."

"If you dare to come in this time, I will definitely smash your head." The towering black-armored giant stood on the edge of the Light Road, waving his huge fist and roaring.

And this time.

Wu Yuan's dharma body did not step into the path of light again. He only stood on the edge and looked at the other party calmly.


"Don't you dare come in? You're a coward." The towering black-armored giant snorted coldly. A huge stream of air spurted out from his nostrils, showing how angry he was.

"The world of dreams."

With a thought in Wu Yuan's mind, Dharma Body displayed this unique skill. The invisible and hazy power instantly penetrated into the body of the towering black-armored giant, feeling the power of his soul.


"Get out." The majestic black-armored giant trembled slightly, then roared angrily, and an astonishing fluctuation in his soul swept over him.

tyrannical! Kill! evil! crazy!

Wave after wave of violent souls continued to spread out from the majestic black-armored giant's soul, along with the fluctuations of the soul released by Wu Yuan, and reversely eroded into Wu Yuan's soul.

"The smell of anger."

But this time, Wu Yuan was not in a hurry to cut off the contact with each other. Instead, he was running the innate spiritual treasure of the divine soul type. On the one hand, he resisted the waves of erosion, and on the other hand, he felt the mental waves of the towering black-armored giant.

This time, be patient.

Wu Yuan finally sensed it clearly.

The spiritual world of the towering black-armored man is indeed filled with the demonic wails of countless vengeful spirits. These wails are not illusions, but reality.


"Get out! Get out of my way!" The towering black-armored man's expression was distorted, and he roared angrily. His huge eyes stared at Wu Yuan, as if he wanted to eat Wu Yuan alive.

He raised his fist again and again, but lowered it again and again through gritted teeth.

Because Wu Yuan was standing outside Guangming Dao.

The towering man in black armor was out of reach.

"Dream Realm." Wu Yuan used the Dream Realm again and again. Although it had no effect on the towering black-armored man, it was still a source of distress. The angrier he became, the more turbulent his spiritual world became.

The erosion impact on Wu Yuan will also be greater.

"It's amazing."

"This first guardian, from the perspective of his spiritual world, is indeed a collection of countless living beings, but through a mysterious power, the anger, evil, resentment, hatred and other emotions of these countless living beings are transformed into Everything is perfectly integrated into one." Wu Yuan was shocked in his heart.

What an outrageous method this is.

Like Wu Yuan, he has achieved extremely high levels of spirituality, but he thinks he is far from achieving it.

"My judgment was correct."

"If I rely solely on brute force and material attacks, it will be almost impossible for me to defeat this first guardian, unless I can let the body-refining deity open his own path." Wu Yuan realized something in his heart: "I can only rely on illusion! Damn! A stronger divine skill."

"The way of dreams is not enough because the dreams I constructed are too crude and cannot target the various vengeful demonic thoughts possessed by this first guardian."

"Dream World" is very extraordinary. It is a very powerful ultimate mastery. If an ordinary master is accidentally hit by it, he will sink for half a breath.

Half interest time.

In the fight between life and death, it is enough to decide life and death.

But the first guardian was different. His spiritual world contained too many thoughts, and every thought was extremely powerful and difficult to suppress.

The dream world can only cover a small part, but it cannot confuse most of his thoughts.

This way.

The role that the dream world can play is naturally very small.

"If I want to completely confuse this guardian with illusions, then I have to build a stronger dream world and be more tolerant." Wu Yuan thoughtfully said: "Understand every resentment and hatred of his thoughts, so that everyone can All my thoughts are willing to sink into my dreams.”

"If you can do that."

"Then, as soon as I think about it, this guardian will probably perish." Wu Yuan thought to himself.

He asked himself, finally looking for hope.

However, just from the initial experience of the countless thoughts in the towering black-armored man's spiritual world, Wu Yuan knew how difficult it was to achieve this step, which far exceeded the 'realm of dreams'.

You know, the dream world is already the ultimate mastery of domination.

Will there be another qualitative change?

"Eternal secret skill?" Wu Yuan murmured to himself: "If I can achieve that step, I should be able to create a divine soul-like 'eternal secret skill'."

It's hard.

But relatively speaking, it will be easier than Wu Yuan's body-refining deity to open up his own path.


Wu Yuan's Qi Refining Master flew over, sat down with the Dharma Body, and at the same time activated the 'Dream Realm'.

"Damn it!"

"Ah! You damn bastard." The towering black-armored giant roared angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

"This thought." Wu Yuan tried to give up resisting the erosion of the spiritual world of the towering black-armored giant.

Instead, take the initiative to feel it.

"If you want to use dreams to confuse the other party, you must first know what the other party wants." Wu Yuanren knew this.

……call! Wu Yuan only felt his consciousness rumbling.

He has been in a peaceful world, a peaceful land. Wu Yuan has transformed into an ordinary young man in the village, farming every day, with elderly parents, a sister who married into a neighboring village, a wife, and a pair of young children. children.

"Is this what one of the thoughts experienced?" Wu Yuan thought thoughtfully.

He gradually sinks into this identity.

Although life was hard, it was happy and contented, but soon war came.

The alien army broke through the capital, and small teams of foreign races attacked and killed various places. One of the small teams came to this mountain village, burning, killing, looting, and committing all kinds of evil.

The young man went hunting in the mountains and luckily escaped.

However, when he returned home in the evening, he was greeted by a village full of flames. He rushed into his home like crazy. His parents had fallen into a pool of blood. His wife's clothes were messy, half of her body was covered in blood, and she was lying on the bed cold... In the bucket in the corner of the yard were his children who had lost their voices for a long time... He was completely crazy.

Soon after.

Among the soldiers who followed the 'Wu Tianwang', there was an extremely brave man who fought at the vanguard in every battle.

While fighting the enemy bravely, he gradually gained the appreciation of the King of Heaven and was eventually made a general.

After leading the army in battle, he remained ferocious. His army never left any foreigners alive, nor did he accept any surrender. This made his reputation even bigger and frightened countless foreigners.

"As a general, you don't have to take the lead. The only way to lead the army is to advance and retreat in a controlled manner." Other generals once advised: "Secondly, if you kill too much, you may be criticized by the ministers in the court."


"Hmph! If I don't kill with all my heart, I'm afraid my parents, wife, and children will blame me after I die." The general in his prime said in a low voice, his eyes filled with fierceness: "I have only one thought in my life, to kill all the aliens!"

"I don't care about the women, children, old people and children in your army. All the foreigners will be killed."



"The killing intent soaring into the sky." Wu Yuan quickly woke up, his heart filled with silence: "Just a thought is so unshakable."

This idea is just a very common one among thousands of ideas, but it is still shocking.


Wu Yuan continued to feel the next thought and realize a different kind of life.

One thought after another, the spiritual world of the majestic black-armored man contains countless thoughts. Each thought is filled with resentment and anger, which is why it is so evil and crazy...the desires of these thoughts are so heart-stopping.

A young man whose entire family was killed by aliens.

A petty official who lost his wife to a dandy.

A child whose parents were poisoned.

When his parents are seriously ill, he is owed wages by a wealthy landlord.

Piece by piece, when these countless thoughts gathered together, the spiritual world of the majestic black-armored man was formed.

This is the sealed spiritual world.

What if you let go completely? The anger and hatred in it are enough to make the world change its color.

The more he felt, the heavier Wu Yuan's heart became. He felt every thought, and the emotions contained in these thoughts seemed to be infecting him.

"The gathering of countless resentments."

"What kind of method is this? But I have to target every thought and finally create an eternal secret that is unique to me, covering all thoughts?" Wu Yuan felt the difficulty.

time flies.

Ten years, a thousand years, ten thousand years... Amidst the roar of the towering black-armored giant, Wu Yuan used the dream realm again and again. He has changed from a majestic guardian to the object of Wu Yuan's study of dream illusions.

Wu Yuan continued to sense, and he had more and more thoughts in his mind, and he began to make various deductions and structures.

This is an accumulation.

Thick accumulation can lead to thin hair.

"This is also a way to sharpen my Taoist heart. To perceive these thoughts is like experiencing thousands of lives." Wu Yuan's heart is like an abyss, like a deep sea: "Only by empathizing with each other can I see the most cruel evil in the world." , Only then can we create eternal secrets."

"These countless angry, resentful thoughts."

"If my unique skills can make them transcend and sink, maybe it will also be a kind of relief for them." Wu Yuan kept thinking, and the motivation in his heart became stronger and stronger.

When tens of thousands of years have passed.

Wu Yuan firmly believed that he was on the right path.

Not only for himself to get out of trouble, but also for the countless thoughts in the spiritual world of the towering black-armored giant.

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