The classrooms of Haizhou College are still noisy before class.

Lu Chen put the bag on his seat, his expression slightly puzzled, because a strange thing happened just now.

When passing by Zhao Xiaohan's location, the two looked at each other briefly, and as a result, she avoided her line of sight as if she had seen a ghost.

Do I look that scary? I remember I've recently become handsome again....

Lu Chen looked at Zhao Xiaohan's back, it seemed that he rarely saw her during this time, even if the two were in the same class.

She seems to be avoiding herself consciously or unconsciously, and reducing her presence in the class.

Lu Chen remembered that her personality was still quite lively and she was very popular in the class, but I don't know what day she suddenly became unknown, like an invisible person.

He didn't care about people who had nothing to do with him, and he didn't take Zhao Xiaohan seriously.

But this matter may have something to do with shadows....

Recall carefully, it should be after the day he and Ying went to see Wendy's interview... Zhao Xiaohan is so abnormal.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, Ying didn't tell him anything, did she do something behind her back?

The occasional wind blowing outside the window, as well as the scenery on the campus in May, were completely unable to attract Lu Chen's attention, and he looked at the empty seat next door with a somewhat absent-minded expression.

The backpack was on the seat, but she was not there.

Doesn't the class teacher also attend class? The fencing team has not been training so tight lately?

Remembering the events of this morning, even if Lu Chen was sluggish, he should react - the shadow was avoiding him.

Is it because you are shy, and you dare not face yourself?

Shouldn't it? The two have been in love with each other since they were in Inazuma, and it stands to reason that now, even if they are not like the old husband and wife, they should be sweet and sweet

... It really turned out to be like Yae Miko said, like a simple and young stupid couple....

Secretly took out his mobile phone, and clicked on the avatar of the shadow in WeChat.

First Marshal Tivat: Don't you take English classes either?

First Marshal Tivat: Busy training?

First Marshal Tivat: Don't get me back! (Image: Tearful Crying Cat Cat's Head)


The other party never replied, Lu Chen was suddenly a little upset, and he put away his mobile phone.

Because he kept thinking about the Lei movie, Lu Chen was absent-minded throughout the class, causing the head teacher, who had always cared for him, to glare at him several times in a row.

Zhou Yang's fingers were numb when he reminded him behind him.

After the class bell rang, Lu Chen left his seat as soon as possible, and he crossed the long tree-lined road to the gymnasium.

The tall figure was indeed here.

Lei Movie also seems to be full of thoughts, she has been suppressing her real strength, and she can hardly control her movements.

The team members who trained against her were miserable, and had been poked in the mask several times by the steel sword, and each time they scored, there would be a heavy sound of metal colliding, which made the onlookers jump in shock.

The power of the shadow sword is too heavy, almost all the moves are aimed at taking people's lives, and the eyebrows of the varsity coach are trembling, for fear that a person who does not pay attention to the shadow will pierce the opponent's mask.

After seeing Lu Chen appear in the training ground, the coach and the poor team member all breathed a sigh of relief.

Regardless of Guan Lei, the training match will kill people...

"That... Let's take a break... Lu, classmate Lu is looking for you..." "

Lei, classmate Lei?"


Everyone felt that the atmosphere was a little wrong, so they automatically retreated.

Lei Movie looked over, and the teenager with a gentle smile walked towards him, as if it was a spring wind, filling the dull gymnasium with life.

Lu Chen always has a magical power, as long as he appears, the black world will be full of color.

He rarely has serious times, and always appears in front of him with a light smile, which makes people's mood inexplicably better.

Sometimes in order to amuse himself, he will use that kind of youthful gaze to tell some interesting things, or tell a cold joke that he thinks is funny, but he can't understand at all.

"Aying... I know you didn't do well in English, and you don't have to vent your anger on your teammates!

"Do you want me to go back in the evening to tutor you alone?"

"Hey, hey."

Just like now.

Ray took off his mask, slightly brushed his long purple hair that was a little messy, and then returned to the dressing room without saying a word.

Lu Chen couldn't see the expression on her face, and it was certain that she wasn't angry, but she still didn't talk to herself.

But he finally caught her, and Lu Chen didn't want Ying to continue to hide from him, so he followed her all the way to the dressing room.

After Ying opened the door, Lu Chen looked at the scenery in the dressing room and was stunned for a second or two.

There were screams from girls in the dressing room....

Lu Chen awkwardly left the dressing room and went to the door of the gymnasium to wait for Lei Movie.

A few minutes later, the shadow of changing back into a school uniform and skirt quietly appeared in front of Lu Chen, who raised a smile and walked side by side with her on the boulevard.

Summer is approaching, and the emerald green leaves are covered with branches, and the harsh sunlight is shining through the gaps in the leaves.

Under the sun, several pairs of men and women passing by laughed and pushed each other.

Lu Chen and the two were incompatible with their atmosphere, and it looked like they were in a cold war.

But Lu Chen knew that it was not a cold war, and Ying was thinking about something.

She lowered her head and looked at the stone road absentmindedly, and Lu Chen quietly took her hand.

She did not dodge, letting Lu Chen hold it tightly.

"What are you thinking?" Lu Chen didn't ask her why she was hiding from herself.

"Thinking about us..." Shadow's voice was low, "Are we relatives now, or lovers..."

After these words, Shadow stopped making a sound, and continued to stare at the stone slab on the ground, as if he could see some exquisite pattern from it.

Lu Chen showed a helpless smile, and he realized what he was thinking about.

Isn't the shadow able to adapt to the intimate relationship between the two people now? Feeling guilty? Or are you afraid to face it, afraid of losing?

In fact, Lu Chen had also struggled with this.

In the previous life, Lu Chen lived a dashing and wandering life, and there was never a lack of peach blossom luck, but for the relationship between the three people, he was very solemn and careful to maintain.

In this, there is a layer of divine obstacles-he has always regarded the two sisters as relatives, and although they have feelings for each other, they have never dared to face them.

Growing up together, eating together, living together, playing together, and being like relatives suddenly becoming a couple, thinking of this, it is indeed a little confusing.

So, at that time, everyone wanted to live carefree like this, forever....

It wasn't until life and death parted and Lu Chen came to this world to reunite with Ying again that he began to face this problem squarely.

I don't seem to want a sister or sister, he wants to be a true lover of the shadow.

He had figured this out a long time ago, but he didn't expect that Ying was still stuck in the past relationship, drilling the tip of the bull's horn that did not exist.

"Of course lover!" Lu Chen said without hesitation, he held Ying's hand tightly, almost pinching her white and tender hand out a red mark.

The shadow looked at himself, his purple eyes flickering slightly.

"Also relatives." Lu Chen continued.

Ying's expression was a little dumbfounded, and Lu Chen tapped her head door with his finger.

"Have you read too much of that fox's novel? Or a rotten colloquial love letter?

Lu Chen returned to his previous unorthodox smile, "We are also people who have lived for thousands of years, how can we be framed by the rules of the world?" Who can control us? The

shadow blinked and looked at Lu Chen's expression seriously.

"Anyway, no one can separate us, unless the world is destroyed-

" Lu Chen said here, and emphasized: "The world destruction we will also die together, turning into ashes are all mixed together, you are satisfied!"

Shadow sneered, "How can you say that about yourself, what ashes mixed, so disgusting."

"I'm a metaphor, you know the metaphor?"

Ying suddenly showed a blooming smile, she held Lu Chen's hand and learned Lu Chen's tone:

"I don't speak well."

"Then learn!" Lu Chen smiled wickedly, "I'll give you a tutoring alone after I go back in the evening!" "

It's not serious." She rolled her eyes, but was still smiling.

Lu Chen had also been laughing, and the sunlight spilled from the gaps in the leaves and hit each other's faces, making him feel warm.

On the boulevard, clasped hands on each other, all the way forward.

Lu Chen hopes that this road can go on forever.

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