Continent of Tivat.

After modifying people's cognition through the World Tree, at a certain moment, Lu Chen suddenly felt that his body was changing.

"Achen?" Ying saw Lu Chen looking at his outstretched hand a little blankly, and he was in a daze for a long time, and he couldn't help but be a little worried.

"What's wrong with you?"

"In my ears..." Lu Chen frowned slightly, "No, it's my heart, I heard some voices... It's messy, don't you hear? "

Sound?" Shadow looked left and right suspiciously, "What sound?" "

Not yet?" Nasida also came over suspiciously.

The location of the three people was a village in the Meru rainforest, and they wanted to continue to observe the changes in the world after modifying the world tree, but at this time, there was no rain in the forest, the surrounding atmosphere was quiet, and there were no sounds that Lu Chen said.

"Wait, I see!" Lu Chen did not explain more to them, but directly took off into the air.

His body soared rapidly, and soon he was above the entire continent of Tivat.

As he looked down on the continent from the perspective of an observer, those voices became more pronounced.

"Will we win? "

Will He come?"

"God, please bless me..." "

I don't want to die in the last days!" We humans... Lu

Chen suddenly found that his perception became boundless, and it seemed that he could penetrate into every corner of the continent under his feet.

He felt the wishes of countless people, they prayed, they encouraged, they blessed each other....

Lu Chen felt "hope", which is the concrete embodiment of "human power".

He tried to respond to those voices, telling them the belief that mankind would triumph.

As a result, countless wishes came to him more fervently and more religiously.

Lu Chen's mind suddenly swelled, his current body could not withstand such a force, it was as if he was about to be torn apart by this "responsibility".

He could only stop and slowly adapt to the force.

And in this process, he found that his mind was beyond the cognition of ordinary creatures, he was ascending, he came to a higher dimension.

In his eyes, time and space, life and death, the laws of this world seem to be under control.

"Is this the power of will?"

"I am... God?

"The god of this world?"

Lu Chen stretched out his hand, and the water vapor condensed in the high air seemed to be pressed the pause button, and he gently pinched a water droplet and observed it carefully.

His eyes can see the atomic structure of the water droplets through the surface, and countless huge and intricate details are imprinted in his mind.

Lu Chen waved his hand again, time passed, the water vapor dispersed, and a long-lost heavy rain fell.

Then, after the rain cleared, the light shone through the thick clouds, warmly shining on the continent of Tivat at his feet, and he overlooked the earth, and countless beings greedily absorbed the nutrients he brought.

Under the sun, Lu Chen was plated with a layer of divine light, and he looked at those beings like gods.

He enjoyed the process until—

a worried voice appeared behind him.


Lu Chen turned around faintly, the shadow's hair was blown by the wind, and there was a shock and strange emotion in his purple eyes.


..." "You are..." Countless

wishes and prayers were suddenly interrupted, human thinking returned again, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and that compassionate and divine demeanor disappeared.

He helplessly pulled the corners of his mouth, revealing the kind of rogue smile that Ying was most familiar with.

"How? I don't recognize it for a few minutes? "

I'm still me, I don't believe you touched it~"

At this moment, Yingcai finally breathed a sigh of relief, and she flew to Lu Chen's side.

"The way you looked just now is so strange, I've never seen you

like this..." "And the power you exude all over your body makes me unapproachable, you are like the maintainer of heavenly reason, no, no, it's an unattainable existence higher than them..." "It's

the human realm force..." Lu Chen thought, in addition to himself, the only person who fully mastered this power should be the original person Fañez, at that moment just now, It is likely that he is very close to the existence of this human creation god.

"If the final battle comes, you have completely mastered this power..." purple eyes stared at Lu Chen, "You won't become another person, will you?" After ascending the throne, you will still be... My Achen?

"How is that possible." Lu Chen shook his head and smiled, "No matter what I become, I will be your Achen."

After he finished speaking, Ying still looked frowning, and it was difficult to mind.

Lu Chen could only take her hand and comforted her patiently, "When I go to Sky Island, I will turn it into our resort, how good the scenery in the sky is, when the time comes, build a big martial arts training ground for you, and let those human heroes who ascend to heaven all serve you as a sparring partner, well... You also have to build a big kitchen, how can it not be fried~

" "You're talking nonsense again." The shadow glared at him helplessly, but his cheeks softened.

"I mean really." Lu Chen led him, and the two slowly descended and returned to the realm of Meru.

In the sky, the sound of shadows was blown very softly by the wind.

"You're never going to change."

"Of course~

" "Good."

Shadow's mind was messed up, and he didn't want to think about it anymore.

So the purple eyes moved again, with curiosity.

"Do you know the wish of the Son of God?"

Lu Chen nodded gently, "Well, she hopes that I can accompany her, forever." "

There is no cover-up, no escape, Lu Chen does not want to lie to Ying at any time.

"Is it just like this..." Ying sneered, and his smile became narrow, "That fox, it's rare to have such a young and simple time~

" Lu Chen said with a smile: "Actually, she has always been the little fox back then..."

"The little pink-haired fox who will be easily deceived by your bunch of delicious and delicious ones." Kage Shinobu couldn't help but get up.

After landing, seeing the two talking and laughing, Nasida was finally relieved.

"I'm worried about death, I thought something happened to you Lu Chen..."

"Of course not, who am I?"

Lu Chen smiled, seeing Nasida sitting obediently on the stump, and wanted to pat her on the head, but Nasida reluctantly avoided it.

"Where are we going next?" Narcita asked instead.

"Going to the border, I want to see if the current border can hold up for a few months."

"Didn't you go to see it in heaven just now?"

Lu Chen shook his head, "The boundary I said is not here, it's the other side. Half

an hour later, the three returned to the [110786] real world, and Lu Chen continuously spread his perception, feeling that a thick dark aura was spreading into the realm.

Meanwhile, in a farmland on the outskirts of a desolate city, a group of heavily armed operatives are fighting Warcraft.

"There are already sporadic Warcraft infiltrating in." Nasida's little face became gloomy, and she pointed to the area of the battle in the distance, "It looks like the dead and wounded are very heavy, should we rescue it." The

shadow thought that Lu Chen would always keep a low profile and lead everyone to leave here through the gap in time and space, but he nodded uncharacteristically.

"Of course you have to save."

"And, this time, there are old friends."

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