After Nasida proposed to threaten the soldiers of the Winter Kingdom, the captain's expression finally relaxed.

"As a soldier, I swore never to put down the long sword in my hand..." The captain subconsciously looked at his

soldiers, "But..." "But, even if you don't do it for yourself, you have to think about your soldiers." Nasida said with a smile: "If you continue to fight, it will only cause unnecessary casualties, as long as you lay down your weapons, I will treat your soldiers kindly."

"Seriously? Do you talk count? The captain was a little surprised, he didn't expect the grass god to be so magnanimous.

"Lord Xiaocao God has always been kind, of course, words count." Lu Chen said as he glanced at the gloomy looking doctor on the other side, "Do you think we will be as shady as some people?"

The Doctor immediately snorted coldly, "Don't take their word for it! There is still a glimmer of life in the backwater battle, if you easily listen to their rhetoric..."

Lu Chen's figure disappeared in an instant.

There was a bang in the air, and the doctor suddenly snorted, spitting blood from his mouth and flying in the air.

Lu Chen wiped his fist and smiled mockingly, as if he felt that his hands were dirty.

After the doctor landed on the hard ground, he could no longer stand up, coughing and panting, and was extremely embarrassed.

Seeing such a tragic situation for the Doctor, the skirmishers standing behind Nasida could no longer control their expressions and showed a hearty smile.

At this moment, even Lu Chen, who he had been unable to see, had a much taller image in his heart.

But the skirmishers resisted the idea of stepping forward to mend the sword, the situation was still unclear, he wanted to be patient, he did not want to undermine Nasida's efforts to bring about a truce.

If Lu Chen and Ying could hear his heart, Gao Low would praise him: The child is finally sensible....

The captain did not glance at the Doctor, who was lying on the ground snorting, he sighed and looked at his soldiers.

"Vanguard, listen to the order!"

"Now, lay down your weapons and wait for my follow-up orders."

After hearing the order, the soldiers all laid down their weapons neatly, and none of them objected.

Seeing those pitch-black formations that maintained a high degree of discipline even after the general trend had passed, Wendy was amazed.

"Although it is only a team of pioneers, it is so disciplined, the true strength of the Winter Kingdom can be seen..."

he said and looked at Zhong Li, "You say, what kind of conditions will Nasida and Lu Chen offer?"

Zhongli muttered slightly, "They are all smart people, and with the current complex situation in Tivat, they should not make the situation more tense."

"Well," Wendy nodded slightly, "I guess so."

After seeing the captain's statement and feeling that he no longer needed himself, Lu Chen silently walked to the corner and sat on Wendy's bench.

He didn't want to touch the fish, after Nasida repaired the world tree, the system prompt finally appeared.


World Mission] [Repair the World Tree and Solve the Problem of Dead Domain Spread

] [Mission completed, reward 10,000 rough stones, reward 10 million real-world currency

] [Hint: Subsequent stay time will consume rough stones]

Although there were many twists and turns, the world mission was still difficult to complete, Lu Chen glanced at his rough stone reserves.

[Rough Stone 72250]

is a very impressive number, since he only missed the last Water System God Eye, he has not exchanged anything, just to complete the last puzzle of the complete light realm power.

Now everything is ready, only the card is drawn.


The 50,000 rough stones were directly smashed into the prayer system by him, and meteors fell from the sky.

The golden light flashed one after another, and Lu Chen quickly looked at the prayer interface.

[Golden Prop - Pride of the Sky (Two-handed Sword

)] [Golden Prop - Eye of God (Water)] [Golden Prop - Canned Knowledge (God of the Positive Machine Construction Blueprint)] [Golden Prop - Canned Knowledge (Meta-Energy

Mechanical Structure Building Blueprint)

]. This prayer finally made up for Lu Chen's five-star weapon, which was still the sky series, and the two canned knowledge in the golden props also caught his attention, one was the complete construction blueprint of the pseudo-god he had just dealt with, and the other was the Yuan Energy Machinery, which she should like to like when she gave it to Aying.

But the most important thing is that this time Lu Chen finally made up for the last Water System God Eye.

He rummaged through the system, and the seven colors of God's eyes were neatly arranged together, and the light shone together.

Lu Chen slowly stretched out his palm, trying to condense the seven elemental forces together according to his previous experience.

As a result, a whiter and purer light mass slowly appeared in his hand.

Moreover, the perception of the body suddenly expanded by countless levels, and Lu Chen felt that his current perspective on the world had changed subtly, as if he could see the essence of everything.

"Huh? Lu Chen, you are..." Wendy looked over curiously, and then frowned deeply.

"It's from the sky, a higher level of power." Zhong Li had seen a lot, and at a glance, he could see that this tiny light mass contained unimaginable power.

And just after the full version of the Light Realm power was displayed, Lu Chen felt the sense of prying eyes above the high sky, and this time it lasted for a long time and did not disappear.

He looked up at the location of Sky Island and thought to himself, am I being targeted?

The Light Realm Force is the most primitive and original force in this world, and it is the creation power of the continent of Tivat.

Now that he has mastered the complete Light Realm power, does that mean that he is already at the same level as the existence of Sky Island?

Told the good news to Ah Ying, Wendy and the old man, and the three had different expressions.

"Even if you see the maintainer of Tianli, Achen, you have the power to fight?" Ying's eyes widened slightly, and unconsciously, Lu Chen had far surpassed her strength, and was no longer the rogue guy in the back garden who could only defeat himself by wrestling.

"Hey! Why do you always think about fighting and killing, there are not no good people above the sky..." Wendy said casually, "Ishtaru helped me a lot in the first place..."

Zhong Li frowned deeply, "In this way, we will have the real bargaining chip to confront the upper gods." "

I didn't expect this day to come so early..." Wendy looked at Lu Chen, changing her usual casualness, "The things that follow, if you want to do it, we will support you."

He thought secretly, he didn't expect that one day, Lu Chen would become a banner of the Tivat continent, because only he really stood in the perspective of ordinary humans, and he was more willing to believe in Lu Chen's character than the iron-blooded layout of the Winter Empress.

"What are you guys talking about? Why don't you take me?

Nasita saw everyone gathered in the corner and walked over curiously.

"Huh? Captain, they have already staked down? Lu Chen looked at the square of Meru City, most of the onlookers had dispersed, the captain was gone, and only the doctor who had fallen to the ground with serious injuries and the skirmishers guarding him were left in the square.

"Hmm." Nasida nodded, "The captain is indeed a trustworthy man, he and his soldiers have been detained by the regiment of thirty, but

..." Nasida said: "He said that he is willing to bear this matter in his own name, including all the losses caused by the fools

" "Then he can pay for it..." Lu Chen glanced at the ruins around him, "Can he afford it, you have to knock on the bamboo bar of the Winter Empress."

Nasida shook her head and smiled, "That's right, this matter is as simple as the captain said, the behavior of the fools represents the position of the Winter Kingdom, today's matter is no different from invading other countries, he just doesn't want to damage his Empress Feathers, and I have to carefully consider the specific negotiations in the future..."

"Tell the fools that they want to redeem their executive captain and let the ice god come and take it himself!"

Wendy had a feeling that it was not too big to see the excitement, and he immediately exclaimed, "Okay! Just do it! See if she comes or not!

Zhongli sighed slightly, "I haven't seen her for five hundred years since the Battle of Canria, and I heard that her temperament has changed drastically, I don't know what it will be like to meet again..."

Shadow grasped a detail in Lu Chen's words and asked, "Why do you only want the Ice Empress to come and take the captain, what about the Doctor?" "

Doctor..." Lu Chen's gaze moved to the center of the square, "Guess why I let the skirmishers guard the Doctor alone?"

Everyone looked to the center of the square, and at the same time heard a mournful shout.


"You ——!"

A sharp cold light penetrated through the body, and the skirmishers bladed the seriously injured Doctor who fell to the ground.

Yin red blood slowly flowed from the doctor's chest, and the foolish executive finally stopped breathing, and he still retained a fierce and incredulous gaze before he died.

The vengeful skirmish threw down his blade and slumped to the ground, allowing the blood to soak his trouser legs.

No one could see his expression.

Nasida sighed slightly, skirmishers had killed the most powerful and wise of the Doctors, but his revenge was not over.

It can be said that the revenge of all the Doctors supports his motivation to live, but this may create a more paranoid skirmisher.


After a great battle, the city of Meru was in ruins, and for the rest of the time, Nasida was extremely busy every day.

With Lu Chen's assistance, she purged the Holy House as quickly as possible, and the Great Sage Azar and several sages involved in the god-making plan were all detained.

Due to the vacancy in the senior management of the Holy Order, Nasida quickly promoted the teacher of the well-known student scholar Tinari, that is, the sage Nafis, who was imprisoned because he did not want to join the great sage, and by the way, he also promoted the reluctant clerk Elheisen, and the two of them took charge of the Holy Order.

After completing this, Lu Chen stole a half-day of leisure, and ate and drank with Ying and Paimon in Meru City, while waiting for the arrival of the Ice Queen.

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