After the young version of the doctor said this, the skirmishers stood silently in place.

Nasida's gaze showed a hint of apprehension, and she was a little worried that the skirmishers would be rebelled by the Doctor because of such words.

Since Lu Chen brought the skirmishers back to the modern world, she has always wanted to open the skirmishers' hearts, but she has never succeeded, this strange teenager always holds a grudge, especially towards Lu Chen and Ying.

Now this situation is indeed a good opportunity for him to take revenge.

Lu Chen didn't have time to think about this, he had already soared into the air, shuttling and wrestling between two huge mechs.

There was another explosion, and Lu Chen's light realm force left a terrifying rift on the body of the wind system mecha.

The mech structure clicked, which also made the tone of the two doctors more urgent.



The voice of the young version of the Doctor was amplified several times by the mecha, repeatedly echoing in the empty hall.

"As long as you return to the Fools, I will intercede for you in front of the Empress!"

"For our great cause! Right now! Point your weapons at those two men! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

After hearing this, the skirmishers unconsciously looked at Nasida not far away, and met those emerald green eyes for a moment.

"Skirmishers, you..." Nasida frowned slightly.

The skirmishers were silent and withdrew their gaze expressionlessly.


he turned to look high into the sky.


"When did you guy talk so much?"

"Oh~I know~" He burst out laughing, "So you were also such a second-class imp when you were young?" What great business? What a clean dawn? It's not like this word comes out of your mouth.

"Hahahaha! It's funny!

He covered his stomach, laughing louder and louder, laughing so hard that he almost squeezed out tears.

"You guy! Very foolish! The

Doctor's annoyed voice came from high in the air, and he manipulated two pairs of huge arms to raise his four palms high in the direction of the skirmishers.

The Rock God's Divine Heart shone brightly, the giant mecha continued to charge energy, and a pair of golden giant rock spears appeared in the air.

The skirmishers retracted the smile on his lips.

This reminded him of Zhongli's Celestial Star, and at this moment, he felt an aura of death enveloping him.

But even so, he still did not forget to mock.


"Oh, it turns out that you can still see this thunderous emotion on your body, it seems that when you were young, it was just that..."

After the rock spear fell, with a momentum of destruction, the strike area covered a large area including skirmishers.

The hall of the Workshop was directly pierced by a huge hollow, and even the structure of the lower floor of Meru Castle could be seen, and the cracks began to spread in all directions, and the entire workshop showed signs of imminent collapse.

In the midst of the shaking ground and the thick smoke, the figures of skirmishers and Nasida appeared at the other end of the hall.

"Thank you..." Nasida covered her chest, if it hadn't been for the quick reaction of the skirmishers just now, she would have been hit by the indiscriminate blow.

"Hands up." The skirmishers waved their hands disapprovingly.

The eyes of the two stared at the battle situation in the sky, the Doctor originally wanted to continue that level of Rock God Punishment, but such a large range of action was caught by Lu Chen, and now the Doctor had no intention of attacking the two of them.

"So, you did it on purpose?" There was a smile in Nasida's eyes, and she was very pleased with the skirmishers' behavior just now.

Not only did he not betray, but he was still helping Lu Chen attract attention.

"Don't overthink it." The skirmish pouted, "Whoever wins I will help whom, I don't think those two second-year doctors can beat Lu Chen's monster." "

Good, good..."

Nasida smiled helplessly, she knew the character of the skirmishers, even if she wanted to help Lu Chen, I am afraid that he would not say it personally.

The skirmishers stared at the figure high in the sky, and the thoughts in their hearts were indescribable.

After the Doctor said that, he was not unmoved.

He wanted to take revenge on the guy who bullied him countless times, and even at one point, he felt that this was the best opportunity.

Even if he is as strong as Lu Chen, he can't solve such two pseudo-gods for a while, as long as he can use his trust, when he is caught in a fight, he will decisively backstab...

There is obviously a great opportunity in front of you.

But why didn't I do it....

Is it really the hidden conscience in the heart that is stopping him?

"Have I really changed..." the skirmisher's gaze gradually became dazed, "I am now, and I have become... Weak?

"Why does kindness mean weakness? Can't good people be strong? Nasida looked at the skirmishers.

"Nope!" The skirmish slowly lowered his head, the broken hair on his forehead covering his eyes.

"Kindness is the worst emotion of human beings, and I have seen countless people die because of this, and they have a remnant of death."

"I once swore that I would be enough to abandon all inferior human emotions..."

He seemed to have re-established some faith in his heart, raised his head again, and his eyes became deep, "This is why I am now."

Nasida looked at him, her emerald green eyes gradually softened, "I once said that I understood what you had happened to before, but now I change this statement, because everyone's fate is different, and it is impossible to fully empathize." The

skirmish didn't know what she wanted to say, but such a soft gaze made him subconsciously not want to look at him, so he staggered his eyes.

Nasida continued, "So I'll make a bet with you. "

Bet?" The skirmishers were a little surprised, "What to bet?"

Nasida said with a smile: "Good people can also be strong, I hope you can understand that human emotions are not so useless." "

Cut." The skirmish hugged his arm, "That's it? "

How?" Nasida felt amused, "Have you beaten Lu Chen?" The

skirmishers were silent.

"Is Lu Chen kind?"

The skirmish knew what she wanted to prove, and he snorted coldly, "That guy can also be called kind? Didn't you see how many people he killed in Inazuma once?

"That's a bad example!" Nasida said with a smile: "After returning to Inazuma, he led a coup d'état at a very low cost, do you think about it, has he killed someone who did not deserve it?" The

skirmishers obviously still looked very unconvinced, because in his eyes, Lu Chen's guy was extremely hypocritical, and he had always been the last word with a big fist.

As soon as he recalled the incident of the castle tower being beaten by him, the skirmishers' throats were faintly painful, and there were almost shadows.

"In short~" Nasida continued: "Since you have the idea of taking revenge on him, it is better to defeat him dignifiedly, and then tell me about your set, otherwise it will not be convincing?"

"Revenge is certain, but can't you pick an equal target for me?" The skirmish was seen out that Nasida was in PUA him.

"You're not going to be provoking, are you?" Nasida's eyes widened.

"Who instigated it!?" The skirmishers clenched their fists.

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