According to the guidance of the Thunder Treasure Hunting Compass, Lu Chen and Wendy walked along the coast, and finally came to a rocky beach where they walked up.

From a distance, the edges and corners of the treasure chest shone with a metallic sheen, just half-buried in the stone beach, washed by the waves.

It is actually a delicate treasure chest, and the rewards in it should be much richer than last time.

The more rewards, the greater the difficulty, and this time was no exception, Lu Chen saw the "Water Illusion" guarding there from a distance.

His opponent is finally no longer a water slime....

People who have fought the wild boss Pure Water Elf should be familiar with this kind of thing, "Water Illusion" is the main attack method of Pure Water Elf, which uses water elements to form different kinds of animals to besiege the player, is a very tricky monster.

There are three "water illusions" in front, which are frogs, frogs and... Wild boar.

Their appearance is larger than that of humans, and the system can't see the rank, but they must be very difficult to mess with.

"It's not as simple as slime this time, do you need my help?" Wendy asked.

"Let me do it myself." Lu Chen seriously took out a one-handed sword without an open blade.

The reason why he used a bladeless sword instead of convincing people was because the big iron rod was too heavy, and Lu Chen had no strength after two swings.

"Okay, okay." Wendy shrugged, "I'll be there to cheer you on!"

Lu Chen held the bladeless sword and slowly approached their position.

Among these three water illusions, the boar illusion is the best to solve, it has no skills, it can only rush savagely.

Lu Chen quietly touched the back of the wild boar phantom, he was ready to make a surprise attack and solve the wild boar first.

This will reduce the number of Water Illusions to avoid being besieged and then broken down one by one.

Just as Lu Chen was planning his plan, a sudden noise disturbed his thoughts.

"Look over there! There's a treasure chest over there!

"Is it the same chest with weapons as last time?" Go over and take a look!

Lu Chen looked back and saw five young men in their twenties running over with great interest, one of them actually holding a sword in his hand.

That sword Lu Chen recognized as a three-star weapon Dawn Excalibur, which could increase the critical strike rate and was much stronger than the bladeless sword in his hand.

However, the point of the problem is that Lu Chen finally saw the impact of the integration of the Tivat world on ordinary people in this world.

Of the five, four were Lv2, and the bespectacled youth holding the Excalibur of Dawn was Lv4.

They must have fought with slimes, especially the glasses youth, otherwise they would not have upgraded so quickly.

Lu Chen was curious that these people did not have a system, what would they see when they opened the treasure chest?

There must be no such thing as rough stones and attribute points that are built-in to the "Reality Tivat system", can you see it in the experience book? As for physical objects such as materials and weapons, they should be visible.

"There are two people ahead, we have to hurry, we can't let them get ahead!" One of the five said.

"There are strange creatures like slimes over there." The glasses youth pushed his glasses, and his tone was more cautious, "I haven't seen this kind of thing before, we have to be careful."

"It should be the same as those slimes, it is made of water, we have five people, we must be able to fight!"

"Let's go! The man with the sword is about to arrive!

At the urging of the rest of his teammates, the spectacled youth also had to give up the idea of temptation.

They hurried towards Lu Chen's location.

Wendy looked at Lu Chen with a lively attitude, there was a water illusion in front of him, and there were other treasure chest contenders in the back, curious about how he would deal with it.

Lu Chen's way of handling it was -

he slowed down and allowed these five people to surpass him, and he followed behind them.

The magic of water is unknown, and he has to wait and see.

Wendy sighed, "It's so insidious..."


Back to Lu Chen's side.

He observed for a moment and realized that the bespectacled youth should be the commander of the group.

They even knew a little bit of tactics, and in the face of the water illusion, they skillfully separated the formation and surrounded it in a semi-encircled manner.

When the glasses youth passed by Lu Chen, he gently pushed down his glasses and cast a gaze.

After seeing the one-handed sword in Lu Chen's hand that was ordinary, cloudy in color, and not even sharpened, he looked away with a slight disappointment.

Lu Chen pouted, the bladeless sword was indeed unremarkable, on the other hand, the Dawn Excalibur had a gorgeous gauntlet, and the sword body was also glowing with a blue shimmer...

Kaia gave him a handful back then.

This Samsung weapon, the previous self was rusted in the warehouse....

Lu Chen followed the five people and continued forward, and when they came to a certain distance, the phantom of water sensed the uninvited guests who suddenly broke in, and they all made strange sounds.

The wild boar phantom was the first to rush over, and its huge body gave people an invisible sense of pressure.

"Watch to dodge!" The spectacled youth shouted.

The speed of the wild boar collision was extremely fast, faster than everyone expected, and the closest person in the five-person squad did not react at all, and the aqua-blue thick illusion that was exactly the same as the wild boar had rushed in front of him.

"Help, save me..." Because

it was scattered and surrounded, this young man was basically isolated and could only face it alone.

The baseball bat he took out of his backpack didn't work at all, and eventually he was thrown up with the stick.


He screamed first, landed heavily on the rocky beach, and screamed again.

"Huh~" Wendy, who was sitting on the big rock and watching the excitement, snorted.

The rest of the five-man squad panicked, this time completely different from the slimes before them, they all underestimated these monsters made of water.

"Don't be nervous, change formation, let's gather together!" The spectacled man only panicked for a moment before shouting an order.

When the other three heard this, they immediately ran in his direction.

It seems that the people of this team have great trust in the spectacled youth, and he should assume the role of the leader of the adventure group.

This made Lu Chen can't help but think that with the emergence of supernatural powers, will there be various adventure groups in the future, just like in Tivat.

The command of the spectacled youth allowed the squad to temporarily resist the impact of the wild boar's phantom shape, and when the wild boar crashed into the crowd again, it was stabbed by the glasses youth's dawn sword, splashing out, but it didn't feel pain.

The boar phantom has the most basic wisdom, and after being attacked, it slowly retreats, ready to accumulate strength to attack again.

The five-person squad, or four-person squad, did not slack off.

The crisis of the boar phantom had not yet been resolved, and after wave after wave, the two frog phantoms jumped towards the squad and stopped when they were a position away.

They then opened their mouths and fired a wave of water shockwaves towards the crowd.

The speed of this water shock wave is faster than the high-pressure water gun, so that the naked eye cannot react at all, and it is conceivable to be hit by them.

"Hide!" The spectacled youth could only shout and threw himself to the side.

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