"Stepping up... Is it?

After Lu Chen said this, everyone understood.

Wendy flew high again, and with a slight wave of his hand, he blew the thirty people who were chasing them upside down.

Then he closed his eyes, his gradient braid flickered slightly, and a super hurricane that had not been experienced since the founding of Meru Castle swept in.

"Wow! What a wind!! Paimon's small body was almost blown away by the wind.

She gripped Ying's shirt tightly so that she was not blown away.

The next thing to show her skills was Shadow, and I saw that her hair braid also shimmered with purple light, and then a rumbling thunder sound sounded in the sky above Meru City.

In a moment's effort, the entire sky was shrouded in thick black clouds, and one after another shocking thunderstorms exploded in the sky.

"Next, is it my turn?" Zhongli said to himself.

Everyone looked at the old man, and as a result, the movement he made was even more exaggerated, and everyone saw a star falling from the sky from a distance.

Under the amazed gaze of everyone, the star fell on the wilderness, and the explosion produced a huge shock wave, making the entire city of Meru tremble.

Meru Castle at this moment is like the end of the world.

This scene stunned Dixia, and she looked at Ying in shock, "What are the origins of these friends of yours?"

Ying didn't speak, but Paimon hugged his little arm and smiled proudly, "They are all the seven rulers of the earthly world!" Awesome! "

What?" Dixia's eyes widened.

Lu Chen looked at Paimon who was screaming and couldn't help laughing.

He also looked at the sky, thinking that it was his turn, what should he do to live?

Just thinking for a moment, he flew into the air and used the light realm power in his hand to paint on the black-pressed sky.

The dazzling light was unusually conspicuous against the background of the sky at this time, and everyone looked at Lu Chen's "painting." "

It's actually a big Paimon?

"Huh?" Paimon was puzzled, "Lu Chen! What are you drawing me for? "

That's weird." Lu Chen said towards the ground.

In his hands, the paintings in the sky became more and more bizarre, one would be "big Paimon", the other would be all kinds of slimes, and even Mora in the sky, anyway, how abstract it came.

"If I wake up and see this," Disia muttered, "I don't think I'm dreaming, but I'm crazy,"

Nasida said with a smile, "Excluding unreasonable options, the average person will only think that they are having nightmares."

Dixia looked at the cute girl in front of her and couldn't help but be curious, "Excuse me... Who are you?

"Hey, hey, hey!" Paimon began to fake Tiger Power again, "I don't know, this is yours-"

Just as they were making a fuss in the fake Meru City, a strange voice full of technology suddenly sounded.

That's the sound of the void.


There is an unknown disorder in the global architecture...】【

Currently.... Excessive load... Data connection interrupted... Query where the vulnerability is...】【

Hurry up... From... Strength export... Stabilize the Void Architecture...]

"The voice just now...," Lu Chen slowly landed on the ground, "Did you all hear it?" "

Heard me." "That's good news. The

city of Meru in front of everyone's eyes gradually became blurred, and a lot of Meru characters like data codes appeared in the air, and finally spread everywhere.

Nasida looked around, "What you did just now made the Void System unbearable, and the collective dream is collapsing.

"Doesn't look like you need to wake everyone up?" Paimon said in surprise.

The world in front of me went from blurry to clear again, and it was repeated several times.

"Don't stop the strength just now!" Nasida said quickly.

"They are using my Divine Heart to export energy, and they want to continue to maintain the collective dream! Can't let them go on!

"Got it." Lu Chen looked at the shadows, and several gods all understood that they would start releasing their power again.

As a result, stars, thunderstorms, and hurricanes once again swept through poor Meru City in turn.


In the midst of the uninterrupted dripping sound, the collective dream finally collapsed.

Lu Chen suddenly opened his eyes on the bed in the hotel, he looked around, and the shadow also sobered up at the same time.

"We... Is it back? "

It's back!" Lu Chen nodded affirmatively.

The first thing to do when waking up is to crush the "Void Terminal" that led to everything.

Lu Chen opened the door, and the doors of the rest of the people also opened.

Nasida, Wendy, Zhongli, and the skirmishers are all here, except for the three of them, who are not here, and everyone returns to reality.

"Finally woke up," Wendy yawned, "it doesn't feel as difficult as we thought..." We didn't

even wake up the dreamer, but broke the collective dream with brute force alone. Nasida couldn't help but laugh, "I think... I am afraid that the Holy Court would not have thought that several exotic gods would also be involved in this matter..."

Guys who don't measure themselves. The skirmish snorted coldly, "Dare to oppose the gods too?

"Thank you all." Nasida looked at Lu Chen, "If you weren't around, it would have been very tricky if it was just me."

"Don't be presumptuous." Lu Chen looked at her with a smile, if everyone did not intervene, the original plot might have been Nasida and Ying trapped in a collective dream, but in the end everything would definitely be back on track, just because Ying that guy was the protagonist.

"Where are we going next?" Wendy asked.

"Of course, find those guys to settle the score!" Lu Chen looked through the corridor in the direction of the Meru Temple.

Using the void system created by the previous generation of the grass god and the heart of the current grass god as a source of energy, creating a collective dream that affects the entire city of Meru, and extracting the thoughts of the people all night, the Decree House must have a lot of intentions, and he wants to know what tricks these guys are playing today.

After everyone left the hotel, they went straight to the direction of the Apostolic Academy.

On the empty streets, a large number of guards of thirty people appeared, although they were numerous, but there was no way to take this group of six.

Lu Chen and his party came to the main entrance of the Imperial Courtyard with such swagger, and all the garrison forces were gathered here, but no one dared to make a rash move, but only retreated step by step in fear.

Lu Chen glanced at them, "Call your great sage out." The

guards shivered, and the Great Sage did not appear, but a deep male voice suddenly appeared.

"Several gods came here, and it really made this place shine."

The guards avoided, and it was a tall man with blue-white hair and a mask.

"Dortore..." the skirmish looked at the man in front of him, his gaze gradually deepening.

"Scaramsey?" The Doctor looked at him and laughed, "I didn't expect you to be here, do you know how I was looking for you these days?"

Seeing that the skirmishers did not speak, he smiled lowly again, "Do you know that all this was originally prepared for you, and with just one step, you can ascend to the gods, which is your dream all along."

"Scaramsey, do you know what you're missing?"

"Now, you are in their camp, on the opposite side of the Empress?"

"When will it be your turn to take care of my affairs?" The skirmish smiled mockingly, and he looked at the several gods around him, "Tell me a reason why you are so arrogant?"

"I can stand here, of course, I am prepared." The Doctor's gaze turned to Lu Chen like a sharp eagle falcon.

"Does His Royal Highness the Prince of Inazuma master the ability to travel through space? I think that's why the gods of the three kingdoms disappeared at the same time.

"You know a lot." Lu Chen smiled, "It seems that the intelligence of the fools is always accurate, old man, Wendy, you should clean up the treachery in your country when you have time."

"This group of guys has always been pervasive." Wendy smiled.

However, he was more curious about the reason why the doctor was so arrogant at this time.

"If you have any hole cards, take them out quickly, don't talk nonsense."

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