After leaving the Lambard Tavern, Lu Chen couldn't wait to verify Zhong Li's terrifying conjecture just now.

The group of six arrived at Meru's Hosho Street, and unlike the lively atmosphere on the main entrance, there were few pedestrians and few vendors.

"This is how it usually looks here?" Lu Chen looked at Naxida suspiciously, this deserted scene did not look like the main city of one of the Seven Kingdoms.

"How is it possible..." Nasida looked left and right, recalling the scene in her memory, and couldn't help frowning.

"The treasure street is the liveliest street in Meru City, and from here along the street, there are many vendors from all over the world and tourists are flocking, which is definitely not the scene it is today..."

Lu Chen said and walked towards a fruit stall.

"Boss, come two sunset fruits."

"Oh... Well..." The

boss looked unspirited, and when he saw the customer coming to the door, he listlessly loaded up two fresh sunset fruits.

"Here you go..."

After Nasida paid the money, she consciously or unintentionally talked to the boss, and the fruit stall owner reacted similarly to Lambard, and also felt that he had not been very energetic and a little tired recently.

However, he didn't think much about it, and for the reason why there were no people on the street, he said that it was probably because there were suddenly more dead areas outside, and tourists did not dare to stay in Merita.

Lu Chen would not think that things were so simple, what he had seen so far was enough to prove that something unspeakable was happening in Meru City, but people still knew nothing about it.

After inquiring about it, everyone regathered around the open-air table outside the tavern.

"I'm afraid the old man's conjecture has come true." Lu Chen spread out his hand, "There are problems in the entire Meru City, and not just in the tavern.

"When we enter from the city gate, the atmosphere is completely different from coming to the main city." Shadow has always been concerned about this: "Does this mean that there is a reason for human manipulation here?" "

This means..." Lu Chen looked at Nasida, "The lively scene in the area of the main gate is actually fake, it is played out for us?"

"This possibility is not ruled out." Nasita frowned, "In Meru, only the Ordinance can do this, but why would they do it

..." "There is a feeling of a big conspiracy..."

Lu Chen thought of the Inazuma change not long ago, so he thought and said, "If the city gate is also empty, I'm afraid no outsiders will dare to enter the city." "

Please enter the urn? What kind of trick are these guys in the Decree Academy playing?

"You guys say, does it have anything to do with the flower god birthday festival that the boss mentioned earlier?" Wendy had a whim.

"But." Nasida muttered, "It's been a week since the Flower God's Birthday Festival..." Since

there was no clue for a while, Lu Chen decided to go to Ying and Paimon, and everyone set off again.

Because Ying is the star of the Adventurers Guild, there must be news of the two of them over there, and Nasida led everyone towards the Adventurers Association.

But as they walked, everyone stopped.

"It seems that there is no need to look for it at all." Wendy helplessly pointed to a sign.

"This is..." Lu Chen took a closer look.


"Good fellow, how come these two are wanted everywhere?" Lu Chen was completely speechless.

Nasida read the message on the sign, "Urgent reminder: a blonde exotic traveler and a flying white-haired elf are now wanted, both of whom are dangerous elements with obvious characteristics, please avoid communicating with them, and if you find it, immediately notify the Shogunate or the group of thirty..." "

Last time I offended the shogunate, this time I offended the Shogunate." Ying's smile was a little handsome, and she looked at Lu Chen, "This traveling companion of yours is really powerful." "

The ability to go wherever you go and be wanted is really powerful..." Lu Chen belly slandered, and I don't know why these two were entangled by the Decree Academy, but don't think about it, it must be related to this conspiracy.

If you find them, you may be able to answer the strange changes that are taking place in Meru City at this time.

Although those two were already wanted, Lu Chen still came to the Adventurers Association with a glimmer of hope.

A familiar line came from the reception.

"To the stars and the abyss! Welcome to the Adventurers Guild.

"Long time no see, Miss Catherine." Lu Chen smiled and looked at the receptionist of the Adventurers Association.

"Long time no see, Mr. Lu Chen." Catherine seemed to know why Lu Chen was here, "Are you here to inquire about travelers?"

"That's right."

Catherine's expression has not changed significantly, still that amiable business smile, "Half a month ago, the traveler arrived in Meru City and helped the association complete some daily commissions, but after the flower god's birthday festival, the two lost contact with the association and were wanted by the Decree Academy, and the association did not know what the specific reason was.

Lu Chen thought for a moment and then asked, "Is there something wrong before the two of them lost contact?"

"The traveler has been inquiring about the little grass god." Catherine did not hide it, "Because the Flower God's Birthday Festival is related to the Little Grass God, travelers also participated in the preparation of the Flower God's Birthday Festival.

"Thank you Catherine." Lu Chen said with a smile.

"You're welcome, goodbye."

Lu Chen returned to the team and said to Naxida: "Before they disappeared, they stayed with the organizers of the Flower God's Birthday Festival, if you want to find them, you should find a way to ask these people." "

The organizers of the Flower God's Birthday Festival must all be believers of the Little Grass God, so it should be easy to find.

"So," Nasida nodded, "I'll go help you inquire."


Everyone split up for the time being, and the large army stayed in Baoshang Street and booked a hotel with a good location, while Lu Chen followed Nasida to the Grand Bazaar for a circle.

After nightfall, Meru Castle is surprisingly quiet.

Back in the hotel, Lu Chen saw that the old man with a good schedule had slept, and Wendy yawned and looked at Lu Chen and Nasida.

"You guys are finally back, how are you inquiring?"

"After the Flower God's Birthday Festival, the people of the Grand Bazaar dispersed." Lu Chen shook his head helplessly, "It's not too early to see the time, so the two of us will come back."

"Let's go to the Lambard Tavern tomorrow, it's well-informed, and there are a few people I know who frequent." Nasida was also helpless.

"That's it..." Lu Chen sighed.

He looked out the window at night, and the night of Meru City was not brightly lit, only a few bright lights, like a dead city.

One night without a word, after waking up the next day.

The group of six once again arrived at the Lambard Tavern.

But what surprised Lu Chen was that today's Lambard Tavern was doing very well, as soon as he opened the door, he saw that it was noisy inside, almost every table was full of diners, and the air was full of the aroma of dishes.

Lu Chen stared at the noisy environment, and his brows unconsciously wrinkled.

He spreads his perception, but he does not perceive any danger, it is normal in the tavern, and the diners are ordinary people.

However, after experiencing those things yesterday, such a normal tavern was very abnormal, Lu Chen found that Ying's brows also frowned slightly, and the skirmishers took a step back vigilantly, almost pulling out their weapons.

"Something isn't quite right..." Wendy subconsciously came to the counter and looked at Lambard suspiciously.

"Boss, why is your business here so good today?"

"Huh?" Lambard was stunned for a moment, "What day is my business bad here?" Isn't it always like this?

"No, right..." Nasida looked up at him and said very seriously: "Yesterday you said that the recent business was not very good, and there were no customers!"

"Eh... Is it? Lambard scratched the back of his head and muttered, "It seems to be a little impressive, strange... When did I say such a thing..."

After he finished speaking, Nasida's expression suddenly became strange.

Lu Chen also found a suspicious point, not only the tavern became lively, but the boss Lambard's face was also very good, which was diametrically opposed to yesterday's sluggish look.

He suddenly realized something and stared at Lambard.

"Are there still empty seats?" I'll order your fish rolls, shrimp curry, and bean soup.

"Okay, there's still a seat upstairs." Lambard asked again: "By the way, do you want coconut charcoal cakes, which is also my specialty here."

Lu Chen thought about Nasida's conversation yesterday and shook his head, "No, that's all."

After instructing the back kitchen, Lambard smiled and looked at the guests, "Are you a local?" How do you know so many local hot colors?

"It's Meru, but it's the first time I've entered the city." Lu Chen pulled out a touted smile: "The Lambard Tavern has been famous for a long time, and even people outside our city know the famous name of the owner of this shop. "

Hahaha, really?"

Lambard was suddenly overjoyed.

"I didn't expect me to be so famous now, hahaha! I don't know if those rumors have told me about my experience when I traveled far and wide, I think I was the greatest sailor on the Meru Sea, really! I have passed through thunderstorms that cover the sky, more fierce than the wrath of the Raiden General, and I..."

"You have also broken through the thickest glaciers, harder than the ice of the Empress of Solstice." Lu Chen finished the next sentence for him.

"Huh? How do you know too? Lambard scratched his head and said to himself, "Could it be that all these deeds of mine have also been spread..."

Lu Chen looked back at everyone, and everyone's faces became serious.

The group of six looked at each other speechlessly, and was silent for a long time, so that it was incompatible with the lively atmosphere in the tavern.

Coming to their table, Nasita muttered, "The exact same conversation as yesterday... The owner bragged about his adventure again. "

Yesterday's incident... Did it happen again? "Wendy felt a little incredible.

The skirmish took off his cloak, his expression suddenly seemed to be laughing, he thought that he would be stared at by these gods when he came back, it might be very boring and boring, but he didn't expect such an interesting thing to happen.

Lu Chen recalled the scene after scene after entering the city yesterday, and only felt that this scene was extremely absurd.

"Tired Meru, empty Hosho Street, false bustle at the main entrance, unusually lively taverns, and incredible reappearances of yesterday... What does all this mean, and what kind of power can do it?

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