After a few days have passed.

When Lu Chen was watching the Gundam air show in the laboratory next door, Miko called him and said that there was a guest at home.

He returned to his hall in confusion and saw an incomparably familiar young man standing behind Xia Ling.

"Boss, you're finally back!" Xia Ling greeted him with a smile.

Lu Chen nodded, and then carefully looked at the young man behind her.

This young man looked twenty-five or six, neither tall nor short, not fat or thin, wearing glasses, his appearance was ordinary, and he was still a little restrained when he saw himself.

It turned out to be a big Viagra.

"This is..." Lu Chen was a little puzzled, before Xia Ling said that no matter what kind of treatment could not impress him, he was still ready to visit the big Viagra, but he didn't expect that he actually found the door by himself.

Xia Ling smiled and glanced at the big Viagra, "Mr. Liu refused me in every way at first, until I told him that the project we were going to do was to adapt Brother Chen's 'Tivat Universe', he changed his mind, and today he said that he would see you in person once." "

Oh?" Lu Chen looked at the big Viagra in surprise, "Are you my book fan?"

"I'm really a fan of your books!" The big Viagra reversed the restraint just now and walked over directly, "I really like the story of "Liyue" you wrote, and the characters in it are as if they originally existed!" One day I came across your work, and I was thinking, it's a pity if such a novel is not made into a game, I didn't expect that one day

I would really have such an opportunity..." Saying that, he looked at Xia Ling gratefully, "Thanks to this Miss Xia who worked hard to find the door several times, I almost missed such an opportunity, otherwise I would really regret dying!"

"Then why did you decline so many times before?" As far as I know, you've always wanted to make a game you like, right? Lu Chen was very curious.

Because several people were standing in front of the door, Lu Chen took the guests to the living room, where Old Master Zhong was making tea.

"Are there any guests?" Zhongli glanced up at the big Viagra, then continued to tinker with his tea leaves, indifferently filling a few cups of new tea for the new guests.

After the tea was fragrant, Shenzi and Walnut, who were very curious about the big Viagra, also came over.

"Thank you..." The big Viagra faced everyone's gaze, returned to his initial restrained appearance, and took the teacup with some embarrassment.

Lu Chen looked at this scene and felt very amazing, the makers of the game still saw the characters in the game with their own eyes, but the big Viagra here did not know the identities of these people.

"I did start out with a passion for the gaming industry, just..." the big Viagra sighed.

Then he recounted a "magical" entrepreneurial experience.

Things started normally at the beginning, when a few recent college graduates started a game company with thrifty savings and penny scholarships.

Perhaps because of lack of experience, the money was spent and half of the finished product was not made.

But even if it is a semi-finished product, the game is still remarkable, and some investors have taken a fancy to their idea and brought an angel investment.

With money, everything is easy to do, but when the game is about to go online, there is a problem on the investor's side, his money is all trapped in virtual currency, and when the market plummets, there is no cash flow at all, so the investor decisively hides them and runs away with money....

"The market was indeed not very good some time ago..." Lu Chen seemed to remember this matter, and the big Viagra was unlucky to catch up.

"I haven't finished yet..." the big Viagra sighed again.

He later found new investors, and as a result, the new investors encountered a stock market crash that was rare in ten years, increased leverage, all the money was trapped, and ran away with money again.

"This..." Lu Chen didn't know what to say.

"It's not over yet..." The big Viagra took a sip of bitter tea, his expression very embarrassed.

"Not over yet?" Lu Chen realized that something was wrong.

Big Viagra went on to tell that later, he continued to play games as if he didn't believe in evil, and more weird things appeared, he found that what was wrong, the team was either an artist with food poisoning and went to the hospital, or the plan was hit by a car and put in a plaster, and even the computer was infected with a virus, and all the data was lost... Unlucky as if Bennett possessed him, drink cold water and stuff his teeth!

As a result, a good company achieved nothing, did nothing to lose money, except for the two small partners at the beginning, everyone else went their separate ways....

"What a magical experience..." Shenzi looked at Lu Chen suspiciously, "as if an invisible fate is working against him..."

Hu Tao's eyes widened after listening, "Is it true?" Aren't you haunted by unlucky ghosts? Do you need to use the parish master to help you expell?

"I really turned to metaphysics..." The big Viagra said with a wry smile: "I once went to the temple to ask, and the master told me that I am not suitable for entrepreneurship in this life... Donate a sum of incense money, maybe you can transfer it..."

"And then?" Lu Chen said curiously.

"The incense was donated, there was no transfer..." the big Viagra said helplessly, "A few days ago, I wanted to go to the big game factory to learn and accumulate some experience, but the big factory almost went out of business..." Lu

Chen and Shenzi looked at each other, and they both saw the incredible in each other's eyes.

Could it be that the Heavenly Dao in the underworld is preventing the world's big Viagra from producing "Genshin"?

Perhaps, there is another possibility.

Because in this world, he needs to absorb the "power of faith" of believers to improve his strength, so he will become the creator of "Genshin" in this world, which may be the reason why there was no "Genshin" before this.

All this is caused by the "system" for its own operation.

"I think I may not have a relationship with the game..." Big Viagra smiled bitterly, "I told you this, and I didn't hold that you could accept my idea after listening to it, I just..."

Lu Chen looked at him and said in a very firm tone.

"What!?" Big Viagra's surprised glasses almost fell off, "Even if I'm so unlucky, you allow me to make this game?"

"Who else but you!" Lu Chen walked over and patted him on the shoulder comfortingly, "I have limited time, and I am busy saving the world, the matter of the game will be handed over to you and Xia Ling, Xia Ling is my editor, you can ask her in terms of plot, but the game still needs you to steer, I believe you." The

big Viagra excitedly held up his glasses, quite excited about "a soldier dies for a confidant".

"Good! I will definitely do this game well!

But thinking of his previous unfortunate things, he was not confident, "Then the investment of this project, I still sincerely recommend that you do not invest too much, after all, you also know the previous things..." He

didn't want to be such a good investor, and because he got into bankruptcy, food poisoning and so on....

Lu Chen thought for a while, and lightly stretched out three fingers, "Then don't invest more, three hundred million, how about?" The

big Viagra sprayed out a sip of tea, spraying the sofa everywhere, and Zhong Li frowned again and again.

"Three, three hundred million..." the big Viagra stammered, "Are you serious?"

"Don't get too excited." The god son covered his mouth happily, "For him now, three hundred million is indeed not a big number.

Lu Chen nodded, in addition to the reward given by the system, he also has the income of the Diluc bar, now Mond Wine can be described as a best-selling market in the entire city, and in the future, it will open up sales channels in other cities, and Wendy and Barbara are big stars, and the income is even more unimaginable, not to mention that there is a bunch of jadeite rough wool that the old man scooped up in the basement of his house, and it is a lot of money to sell.

"Three hundred million first, if the project sees the results, how about adding another three hundred million?" Lu Chen said inquiringly.

The big Viagra was already too shocked to speak.

Lu Chen thought so, in another world, the investment amount of this game was originally these, he just restored it, if the response is good, he will continue to invest in the future.

After all, this is a matter related to the power of faith, and he will also add himself to this new "Original God", and Lu Chen does not dare to slack off this project at all.

The big Viagra was like a dream, he looked around at the beach house and muttered: "Is this the happiness of the rich?"

"Money is something outside the body." Zhongli said, "If you really finish this work, it will be very beneficial to the world. "

Big Viagra didn't know what he meant, but thought it was a vision after the game was sold.

Lu Chen silently looked at Old Master Zhong who was calmly drinking tea, some time ago, he and himself revealed that because of the continuous power of faith, his strength had returned to the level of the Demon God War period, and it was simply an old tree sprouting.

Making games can really save the world.

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