When all the dust settled, Lu Chen and Kage once again strolled down Inazuma's street.

Compared with the previous day, when the city was full of noise and everyone was in danger, today's streets have obviously become much livelier.

From Hanamizaka to Machiji, along the terrain, shops and vendors reopened one by one, and people in the streets and alleys were all talking about what happened yesterday.

Lu Chen let the shadow after disguising himself stay in place, and then came to the shop in Munan Lianting and bought two Sancai dumplings that she loved to eat.

Of course, he listened to what everyone whispered and talked about.

"Have you heard?"

"I heard, I heard!"

"The general took down all the gang of traitors of Kujo Takayuki! And the gang called what fools are also dead, wounded!

"Worthy of the General... I thought that there would be a complete chaos in the city, and I was about to take my wife and children to the countryside to take shelter, but in less than half a day's effort, they all hit the castle tower..."

"Yes, when the city was menacing, scared to death, I didn't expect it to finish so quickly!"

"It is said that the domineering Heavenly Leader officials who were domineering on weekdays, as well as many of the people who practiced it, were all dismissed from their posts, and now they are all detained in Kamisato Yashi to be put on trial!"

"Huh? Why Kamisato Yashiki?

"You stupid, didn't you see what the castle tower has become now? This can't be repaired in three years and five years! When

Lu Chen heard this, he couldn't help but look at the highest part of Inazuma Castle, after yesterday's great battle, the landmark building of Inazuma Castle, the castle tower, had been razed to the ground, leaving only a miserable ruin.

He shook his head and laughed, after Kujo Jura controlled the city defenses, he sent many soldiers and mobilized the people, and finally extinguished the residual fire in the ruins.

Although the General's palace was definitely uninhabitable, he was pleased that only one building was destroyed, but not many people died.

No matter how magnificent the building, it is also dead, but man is alive, and he knows which is more important than the other.

With the fresh three-colored dango, Lu Chen returned to Ying's side.



The general who visited privately was holding the three-colored dango while quietly paying attention to the changes in Inazuma Castle.

When she saw that everyone no longer had the look of fear in the past, she was also relieved.

"Achen, this time you controlled the situation to a minimum, the loss was minimal, you did a good job!"

"Thank you, Lord General, for the compliment! This is what subordinates should do~" Lu Chen returned to his previous smiling face.

Kagebu glanced at him angrily, "Let's go, let's go to Kamisato Yashikki, there are still many things to do on the last day."

Lu Chen nodded, and when Inazuma's court was liquidated and everything was back on track, this line would be truly over.

And the Son of God, Nasida, Ying and Paimon are also there, and a farewell awaits him.


Kamisato Yashik.

When Lu Chen and Ying came to this elegant complex, Kamisato Aya and Kamisato Ayaka brothers and sisters personally welcomed the two in.

"Lord General, Lord Prince." Kamisato Ayato's gaze was respectful, "The prisoners of the Kujo family and the Hiiragi family have been detained, I will bring them here immediately and wait for the disposal of the two adults."

Lu Chen nodded, and Kamisato Ayato hurriedly retreated, and at this time, Yae Miko and Nasida heard the voice and walked out of the room.

"You're finally here." Miko seemed to have been chatting with Nasida for a while, and the two were talking and laughing.

"When are we going back?" I kind of miss my big study..." Miko yawned and said boredly: "I just went back to Yaedo Hall, and I didn't have a good novel during this time, hum!" I don't know what my editors eat!

Lu Chen shook his head and smiled, Tivat's side is also the popular light novel in the corner of Inazuma, or the influence after Miko's strong push, and the world on the other side has a rather huge entertainment market, and Miko's light novel can be said to be inexhaustible.

Speaking of this, Lu Chen couldn't help but think that he and Shenzi's manuscripts were handed over to Hu Tao, and the Yaedang Novel Network should have been done well these days, and his big entertainment plan was about to begin.

Although it was only a week since he returned to Inazuma, the events during this period were one after another, and it was to clean up the gods, to fight, and finally to have an earth-shattering boss battle, and he never stopped, which can be described as physically and mentally exhausted.

He really misses the dull days in the villa by the sea, I don't know how everyone is doing, is the old man's glazed lilies frozen to death? Fish rehabilitation? Did Qiqi freeze the cold storage again....

Kamisato Ayaka listened to the ridicule of several people and asked with some surprise, "Will the eight major people also leave?"

"yes." Miko looked at the eldest lady of the Kamisato family and instructed her in an elder manner, "Many things after that will trouble you and your brother, oh, I believe in your ability to handle things."

"Ayaka will definitely go all out to assist her brother in dealing with the affairs of the Shosho." Kamisato Ayaka answered generously, and did not hold back because of the arrival of these great figures.

"That's good." Miko said seriously: "Tell that kid Ayato, if you disagree with the puppet general, don't be afraid, everything can be argued." "

Hmm." Kamisato Ayaka nodded obediently, "Got it."

Lu Chen looked at the fox pretending to be an old man, and smiled at each other, five hundred years have passed, and the little fox in the past has also grown into a big man on his own.

However, choosing the place to liquidate the two family masters here, Lu Chen did have some considerations, and after today, everyone could see how important he and Ying valued the Kamisato family.

In this way, the two brothers and sisters of the Kamisato family can not be afraid to deal with the old foxes of other families.

Presumably, Kamisato Ayato also saw this, so he respected himself as a "prince-sama" who appeared out of nowhere.

It didn't take long for Kamisato Ayato to return again, and he took everyone to the main hall of Kamisato's house.

Lu Chen saw two white-haired old men tied by ropes, namely Kujo Takayuki and Hiiragi Shinsuke, and behind them, several other accomplices.

"Lord General..." Kujo Takayuki raised his head with difficulty, and when he saw the expressionless shadow, he lowered his head in shame.

Lu Chen felt that this day had passed, he was almost dozens of years old, and when he was on the city wall yesterday, Kujo Xiaoxing was still full of breath when he spoke.

Probably because after the general trend has passed, all hope has been lost in my heart.

"Kujo Takashiyuki colluded with fools, ran amok in Inazuma, dereliction of duty, corruption, disorderly government, violent oppression of the people, and was the first to rebel, regarded as the public enemy of Inazuma..."

Kamisato Ayato looked expressionlessly at Kujo Takayuki, who was kneeling on the ground, and told his crimes sentence after sentence.

"Kujo filial piety, are you guilty?"

With each word, his head was lowered deeper, and his mouth was trembling.


..." "Alas..."

He said nothing, neither confessing his sins and repenting, nor begging for mercy.

"You must be thinking." The shadow sitting at the top said lightly: "If you become a king or a loser, if your great cause has been accomplished, you won't end up like this, right?" Kujo

Takayuki just smiled bitterly and shook his head, "Subordinates don't dare, subordinates just... Blinded by rights, initially ... I just want to use their power: Weaken the enemies of my Kujo family..."

"Until you get closer and closer to power." Lu Chen said: "After knowing about the puppet general, do you even covet the power of the entire Inazuma?

"Yes... It's fools! The fools have seduced me! Kujo Takayuki immediately raised his head, he did not look at Lu Chen, but looked at the shadow with pleading eyes, "Lord General... I also made merit for our Inazuma, thinking that I was old..."

"I didn't expect you to die without repentance." Lu Chen stood up and blocked his view of the movie.

Then he sneered and said: "Nian is old, then ask and kill immediately."

When he said this, Kujo Takayuki suddenly showed a stunned look.

He tried hard to look at Lord General, but Lu Chen kept blocking in front of him.

Kujo Takayuki's gaze gradually turned into a dead ash.

Lu Chen sneered in his heart, in the original plot, it was because he was old, so Ying Cai ordered him to think about it behind closed doors and never bail.

But he's not a shadow.

He looked at Kamisato Ayato and decisively commanded: "The Lord cannot escape the death penalty, the accessory is imprisoned for life, the family wealth is confiscated, and he can never be released on bail."

"Yes." Kamisato Ayato immediately answered, it seemed that he was also satisfied with Lu Chen's sentence.

After handling all the official business in the main hall of the Kamisato house, Ying rubbed his forehead a little tiredly, and Lu Chen raised his hand, "Let's all stand down."

He also felt tired, and when he was leaving, he had to go back to the Strata Abyss and steal a Sky Island spar to come out, and he really didn't have a moment to rest.

"Lord General, Lord Prince, there is one more thing..." Kamisato Ayato suddenly hesitated.

"What's going on?" Lu Chen looked at him, and it was the first time that Kamisato Ayato had such a embarrassed expression.

"The executive of the fools..."

Lu Chen immediately looked at the shadow and almost forgot about that kid.

Now it's fun to watch.

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