After the lady completed her transformation, the temperature in the hall rose sharply.

A wave of heat hit us, and the crimson flames kept spreading around as if they were about to eat everything.

"Burn! Burn it! "

Burn out the soul of Ru and others!!"

Lu Chen saw that at this time, the lady's eyes had been covered by a black mask, she spread her flaming red wings, even the flying skirt was burning with hot flames, and the whole image was like a moth to the fire, with a strange and hot aura of death.

Then, her magic whip, which was composed of flames, suddenly whipped towards the place where she was.

Lu Chen's figure disappeared instantly, and in the next second, the floor where he had just stood was directly melted by the intense heat, and the flames rose high like a volcano after an eruption.

"It's so hot, so hot!" Paimon was about to lose her bear, although she was small, the castle tower was full of battlefields, and there was nowhere to hide.

Ying is no better now, she originally chose a lady as a target, but after the transformation of the lady, it is difficult for her to connect closely.

Lu Chen reacted the fastest, so there was no need to worry at all, and after a few lashes in succession, the lady turned her target to Ying.

The glow flashed and moved under the whipping of the flame whip, and the clothes were almost ignited by the high temperature, becoming curled and scorched black, and the whole body was also hot, and the appearance at this time was terrible.

"Lu Chen, you actually said that I defeated this woman? Are you serious? Ying

suddenly reacted, isn't this guy Lu Chen Kuang her? How did these executives, demigods, and true god-level battles get mixed in inexplicably?

"Believe in yourself, you can do it!" Lu Chen soothed the embarrassed and dodging Ying, and his eyes looked for the missing skirmishers.

This kid hid at the moment of the battle, and with his own understanding of him, the skirmishers definitely did not run away, but were secretly observing the opportunity like a poisonous snake, waiting for the opportunity.

While he was wary of skirmishers, he looked towards poor Ying and Paimon, both of whom were already too hot to bear, their little faces were all red and red, and they kept wiping the sweat from their foreheads.

So he condensed the ice element, summoned the wind element, and the two elements constantly collided and spread, and finally formed a large cool and comfortable area in place.

Paimon and Ying quickly dodged, feeling the coolness, and at the same time relieved.

"There is this method, you use it earlier, hey!" Paimon pinched his waist and said.

"Lu Chen, are you lying to me? Can I really hit that crazy woman?? Ying's eyes were full of complaints.

"Of course it's true..." Lu Chen didn't lie, Ying did defeat the lady through the royal duel in the original plot, but it seems that the situation has changed a little now.

The lady's tall and flying skirt burned wantonly, she laughed maniacally, and the butterflies turned into hot flames flew in the direction of Lu Chen and the three of them continuously, and for a while, the scene became spectacular.

Perhaps experiencing the shadow of the Evil Eye Factory being crushed by Lu Chen, the lady at this time seemed to be almost crazy to launch an offensive at the cost of overdrawing her own life.

Because she knew Lu Chen's terrifying strength, she could only take this unreserved method, so compared to the duel with Ying, the difficulty was indeed increased.

"Lots and lots of fire butterflies!!" Paimon looked at the dome and shouted in horror.

Those fire butterflies were densely packed, attacking the three from all directions, and Lu Chen had no doubt about what kind of raging flames would appear after they fell, so he immediately waved his hand and used the Jade Zhang shield to block the flames that exploded one after another in front of the three people.

After the explosion, the Yuzhang shield suddenly dissipated, and Lu Chen rarely encountered this situation, which was enough to prove the strength of the offensive just now.

This wave of crazy offensive was blocked, but the comfortable temperature like an air conditioner just now disappeared, and the temperature suddenly rose.

Paimon kept fanning the wind towards himself, and as a result, the wind was also hot.

"Ah, so hot, so hot....

"It's really ripe now..."

Lu Chen looked at the two of them, and could only continue to hold his breath and gaze, summoning more ice elements and wind elements from outside to replenish.

But at this moment, a sinister thunder element attack suddenly came from behind, and the skirmish guy didn't know when he actually went around his rear.

Although Lu Chen had always been wary of him, when he helped Paimon and Ying cool down and condense elemental power just now, it was the moment when his attention decreased, and the skirmishers actually seized this fleeting opportunity.


Lu Chen didn't even have to look back to feel the young man's sinister expression like he had succeeded.

Since Ying was hiding behind Yuzhang's shield, he discovered the sneak attack of the skirmishers one step ahead of Lu Chen.

That thunder element attack was extremely tricky, straight to the point, at this moment Ying didn't think about anything, didn't even have time to speak, and subconsciously used the bladeless sword to block that attack for Lu Chen.

But the skirmishers' sneak attack has been planned for a long time, how can he only have this means?

He is also a doll created by the gods, and he is also the first doll, and he has the same potential as the puppet Raiden General, but it is sealed.

After joining the Fools, his seal was finally loosened, which led to him becoming the sixth seat of the Fools in a very short time.

Lu Chen turned around and saw that because Ying blocked the attack just now for him, the whole person was ejected and flew out, and it was still flying in the direction where the lady attacked.

And the figure of the skirmish had already flashed in front of him at this time, and the face that was very similar to the shadow and the puppet general was close at hand.

"Weiguang - no amnesty!"

The blinking thunder light instantly exploded, reflecting Lu Chen's face in a flickering purple.

In the hands of the skirmishers, a steel beak knife from the stepping sand was raised, and his movements looked strikingly similar to those when he was practicing martial arts.

Although he had never seen his battle state before he got the Eye of the Wind God, through his life history, Lu Chen could basically guess his ability.

The thunder system is born with talent, and he is proficient in magic weapons and melee combat, and the weapon he holds may have been forged by himself when he was living in the sand, imitating the style commonly used by shadows....

"Lu Chen!" Ying shouted worriedly, because in her eyes, the skirmisher's beak knife had already stabbed Lu Chen's body.

But the lady was haunted again, and Ying could only be forced to keep dodging, but she kept remembering the scene that Lu Chen had just now.

After a flame demon whip was blocked by Ying's elemental power, Ying looked angrily at the condescending lady, and a boundless coldness spread from her eyes.

"Endless!?" Ying's figure rushed towards the flame-covered lady without fear of death.

On the other side, Lu Chen gripped the beaked knife that was close at hand with one hand, and stared at the person in front of him expressionlessly.

The scarlet blood did not stop from the mouth of the tiger, and the blade of the beak blade in his hand did not move, and he could not go further.

"How! How can it be! The skirmishers couldn't believe it, this level of blow, according to his estimation, was already comparable to the seven successes of the puppet general, and according to the information he obtained, the person in front of him was still a human being, at most a demigod, but how could a demigod defuse such a blow so easily?

"You..." Lu Chen looked at the pair of purple eyes that gradually widened lightly, and his hand was forceful.

The best forged knife family from the sand of the stepping sand, the weapon that has been refined for thousands of years, was easily crushed in Lu Chen's hands,

"It provoked me."

After Lu Chen slowly finished speaking, the power in his hand no longer had a trace of reservation.

This time, I must teach this kid a lesson for Ah Ying.

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