Three days later, inside Inazuma Castle, there was a strange atmosphere.

Whether it's Hanamizaka or Machi Street, the bustling streets of the past have become deserted, with vendors and shops closed, and even the Adventurers Association has put up signs that it is closed today.

There were several times more soldiers patrolling the streets than usual, and they were speeding through the streets and alleys, all with a look like a great enemy on their faces.

Sporadic passers-by did not dare to stop more on the street, but hurried to their homes.

The rumors soon spread throughout the city.

"Have you heard! The shogunate troops on the front line have withdrawn! "

Isn't that a good thing?"

"What a good thing! I saw it all just now, those soldiers are all surrounded outside, black pressing! Surrounded our whole city!

"What? Don't.... Is it about to rebel??

"Don't talk nonsense! I heard that Lord General is just outside the city..."

So what is the one inside the castle tower now....?

"I heard, but I just heard, don't go around talking nonsense... Lord General has been fighting outside, and now the one inside the castle tower is fake! What kind of dummy is called the gang of fools! This time, Lord General's class returned to the dynasty to clean up those liars! "


All kinds of rumors spread loudly, as if they had seen it with their own eyes in the castle tower.

At this time, Kamisato Aya and Kamisato Ayaka were walking on the street, and the more evil rumors spread by the people also fell into the ears of the brother and sister.

And those nervous soldiers saw that there were still people walking on the street, and immediately surrounded them.

As a result, as soon as he saw that it was the two members of the Kamisato family, he let down all his guard.

"It turns out to be Lord Shefu and Miss Kamisato..." The

soldiers sighed in relief and bent down to greet each other.

After seeing off this group of soldiers, Kamisato Ayaka said in a low voice: "It seems that the rumors we deliberately spread have already worked.

Kamisato Ayato nodded, "Even if the soldiers come to the city, Kujo Filial Piety still does not repent, since the conflict cannot be avoided, it can only try to disturb public opinion in the city, so as to avoid some unnecessary casualties, the strategy of the eight major people is very interesting."

Hearing this, Kamisato Ayaka sighed, "Are the other two really so paranoid? If they saw the real Lord General outside the city, they didn't know how to feel.

"The two of them are also holding on to the intention of breaking the net." Kamisato Ayato smiled with a hint of mockery, "After all, what they did, the death penalty is inevitable, from their standpoint, it is better to open up, in case the generals outside the city are fake, then their rights and wealth can still be retained." "

After all..." Kamisato Ayato looked at the towering castle tower again, "Lord Lu Chen mentioned in the letter, the one above is also very powerful, what is the harm if the general is true or not?"

Hearing the name "Lu Chen", Kamisato Ayaka sighed, "It turns out that the legendary human hero is actually real, it's really incredible

..." "Yes..." Kamisato Ayato had always wanted to meet the legendary prince quickly, but the messages of those two adults had been handed over to them through Yae Miyaji before, which was a more urgent and important task.

After the soldiers on the street disappeared, he looked down at the empty surroundings.

"The last listening! When the time is right, assist the general to open the city gates on both sides. "


On the originally empty street, there was actually an answer, and then, several black shadows that had been hidden for a long time quickly dispersed around.


At this time, outside the city, the vanguard of the front-line shogunate army had already surrounded the entrance of the city gate, symbolizing the thunder god's "triple ba pattern" banner stirring in the wind.

Kujo Jura looked up at his adoptive father and sighed, "Until now, you still don't open the city gates?"

The elderly Kujo Takayuki snorted coldly, "Qiu Luo! Do you know what you're doing? I have raised you for many years and trusted you so much! Are you going to rebel now? Are you confused?

"The confused person is you!" Kujo Luo looked helplessly at his adoptive father, who had cultivated him for many years: "What good did the fools promise you?" Lord General has obviously appeared just now, do you want the soldiers around you to accompany you to die?

"Fake! That's fake! Kujo Takayuki suddenly roared.

The pressure of the army and the appearance of the 'general' just now made his psychological defense line almost collapsed, and his mood became more and more irritable.

"Drop the arrow! Give me arrows! What are you doing stunned?

"My lord: But..." "The soldiers defending the city have long been affected by rumors, and they dare not shoot arrows below, what if the general below is true?"

"That's a disguise of illusion! My Inazuma once had a hundred ghosts walking at night, and the ghost clan and demon clan are the most able to imitate humans! Kujo Takayuki glared at the soldiers angrily, "Now like the one guarding the pavilion today is the real general, you don't want to think about anything!" Just drop the arrows! Kill the rebels!

"But..." the soldiers hesitated.

At this time, several soldiers dressed strangely in cloaks directly snatched their bows and arrows.

"I'll come!"

The soldiers looked at them one after another, these people were all guards beside Lord Kujo Takayuki, with mysterious identities and powerful powers.

Kujo Takayuki quickly calmed down at this time, and he leaned over and asked the guards in a low voice that did not match his identity.

"Are your lords sure of it? Now the one from the castle tower... Can you stop it..."

"Don't worry!" The mysterious man said impatiently: "There are two executive lords sitting in the castle tower, plus your 'real' Raiden General, three top combat power against a fake general, three to one, the advantage in this battle lies with me!" Kujo

Takayuki immediately breathed a sigh of relief, although the current soldiers were in the city, in his eyes, the real key to victory or defeat was in high-end combat power.

As long as those in the castle tower win, then no matter how many these armies under the city are, it is useless, and human beings are undoubtedly mantis to the gods.

However, at this time, Kujo Takashi ignored the role of poor information, and he did not know that the castle tower at this time was not one against three, but three against three....

Of course, this is an afterword, just when the guards posing as fools were preparing to attack the "rebels" under the city first, there was suddenly chaos in the city.

A group of soldiers rushed up the city wall in embarrassment, "It's not good, my lord! Not good!! "

What's wrong?" Kujo Takayuki's eyebrows suddenly jumped, and he had a bad premonition.

The soldier pointed to the east and west sides of the city, "The side door has been opened!" Our guys were crushed! They have already rushed in! "



At this time, inside the castle tower, it was completely different from the chaos outside.

Two identical "Raiden Generals" stood at both ends of the palace, looking at each other, and the atmosphere was surprisingly quiet.

"Are you really still worn?" The Raiden General, who was located at the top of the palace, looked down with icy eyes.

"It's more wear and tear than a change in my perception of eternity." The tone of the other Raiden general was obviously softer.

In the originally clear sky of Inazuma Castle, a thunderstorm is faintly appearing, and the air is becoming more and more dull and depressing.

Ying silently looked at Lu Chen beside him, "I can witness the battle between the two Raiden Generals... It's incredible..."

Lu Chen looked at the two identical peerless figures, and couldn't help but sigh:

"All this, finally can be broken."

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