Two days later, Ying and Paimon followed Goro and the others to the Kujo Jinya.

The generals of the rebel army came to the base camp of the shogunate army, and for the first time since the beginning of the war, many soldiers standing guard could not help but look at the group of Kaijima.

The attention of many eyes also made Paimon a little uncomfortable.

"A lot of people are looking at us..."

Ying glanced behind her and coughed, "Don't cringe!" On this occasion, don't lose face to our rebels! "


Paimon poked his little head out and said suspiciously, "You say... Shouldn't it be a Hongmen banquet! "

Hongmen banquet?"

"Yes, it's the kind that Lu Chen once said, trick all the leaders of the other party into coming over to eat, and then serve it in one pot!!"

"What do you think...," Ying said helplessly, "Lu Chen, he is not that kind of person, not to mention that Goro and Xinhai also unanimously agree to negotiate, I believe that this war is really going to end

..." "But Lu Chen has now regained his strength and memory..." Paimon said a little worriedly, "I gave him a bad nickname before, do you say he will take the opportunity to take revenge on me!"

Ying looked at her and nodded, "Maybe, doesn't Lu Chen always call you emergency food?" I see this time, he really set up a Hongmen banquet, and then the staple food of this banquet is you!

"Ah—don't!" Paimon looked horrified.

"You two..." Goro in the front row looked back helplessly, "Don't joke around in people's territory

..." "Oh..." Paimon shrunk back.

Ying was thinking about what Paimon had just said, Lu Chen had now recovered his memory and strength...

In any case, she didn't expect that Lu Chen's identity was actually like that, his status in Inazuma was almost equal to that of Raiden General, and he was close to a god-like existence.

This also made her a little unsure, whether Lu Chen would still treat himself as the friend who traveled together, after all, the people are now the high-ranking ones...

In a thought, the group was taken by polite soldiers to the highest part of the camp and stopped in front of the most magnificent courtyard.

The banner with the "Thunder Triple Bus" tattooed around it was stirred in the wind, and everyone looked up, and this house was undoubtedly the residence of General Raiden.

Goro's guards were left at the door, and Goro led Ying and Paimon through the courtyard.

After the soldiers pushed open the door, the three of them saw officers of all levels who did not say a word, as well as General Raiden and Lu Chen who were sitting in high positions.

Nasida was also here, and she greeted the guests with a smile.

"Hello, meet again!"

"Sumeru's little Kusanagami-sama, you are also good." Ying nodded politely.

Before everyone was surprised not only by Lu Chen's identity, but also by the identity of this little girl, they could not imagine that the little girl who followed behind all the way like a transparent person was actually the god of Meru.

"Don't be so angry, after all, we have already experienced an adventure before." Nasida smiled and said, "As a foreign god who came from afar, I will also attend your negotiations this time, even if it is as a witness."

Goro immediately said politely, "It would be nice to have Lord Kokusanagi as a notary."

Lu Chen waved his hand, and the waiters who had been waiting for a long time immediately served exquisite refreshments to the guests.

Paimon was a little scared when he saw this atmosphere, but when he saw something delicious appearing, he immediately flew over happily.

"Paimon!" Ying suddenly covered her face, "Don't be so embarrassed, okay..."

Paimon subconsciously glanced at Lu Chen, and then silently flew back behind Ying.

At this time, Lu Chen sat on the top, not saying a word, and there was no additional expression, so it gave people a very majestic feeling.

Ying silently lowered his eyes, such a Lu Chen was too strange.

The image of the best friend who used to accompany her in the rain, fish and shoot pigeons together, and embark on a tumultuous journey together seems to be slowly fading....

In its place is the identity of a moody and angry superior.

Ying smiled bitterly in her heart, and there was a kind of stunned mentality.

Maybe this kind of Lu Chen is the real him, or the time when he lost his memory was an accident, and now he is the real Lu Chen....

"You guys stand down first." Lu Chen waved his hand at the officers.

The officers were slightly surprised.

Because this is the first negotiation between the two sides, it stands to reason that they should be present, and in an endless argument and fighting, they will fight for more initiative for their own army, but this adult actually let them withdraw?

"Stand down." Lu Chen emphasized again.

The purple eyes at the top swept at them intentionally or unintentionally, and the officers were suddenly frightened and did not dare to look directly.


So, the officers retreated.

Lu Chen looked at the waiters, and the attendants also retreated.

In the end, in the quiet hall, only Lu Chen, Ying, Nasida, as well as Goro, Ying, and Paimon remained.

"There are many people, there are many rules, it's really troublesome..." Lu Chen rubbed his temples with some headache, and then walked to the table with his own care, and casually took a piece of dessert to eat.

"This cook is not as good as mine, it's a little hard, do you want to eat it?" Lu Chen looked back.

"Is there a better cook in this world than you?" Shadow finally showed a hint of a smile.

"There are still ... In fact, I have always wanted to compete with Xiangling. Lu Chen shrugged.

Liyue's Chef God Competition, he has always been interested in participating in.

"Eh..." Goro froze.

Ying and Paimon were also stunned, which seemed to be a little different from the negotiation that everyone had envisioned at the beginning.

"What are you doing stunned, sit!" Lu Chen looked at them.

"Oh... Good. Ying immediately took her seat, and at this moment, she suddenly felt that the previous Lu Chen had returned.

"Paimon, eat if you want, no one cares about you here." Lu Chen looked at a serious Paimon and sneered, "Why are you afraid of this?" "

Whew, you were so scary just now, but fortunately you're still the same as before..." Paimon patted his little chest vigorously.

After Goro sat down, Lu Chen and Kage sat across from them.

And Nasida jumped on the negotiation table higher than her, a pair of cute little legs swinging around casually, and the two sides began a tension-free negotiation.

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