"Join the rebels?"

There was silence in the air for a while, and Lu Chen saw Teppei's enthusiastic eyes, and could only prevaricate: "

Hehe, we came here this time to inform Captain Ying of some inside information about the shogunate army, in fact, we are already on the side of the rebel army."

"So good!" Teppei's eyes lit up, and then he asked quietly, "I don't know... What kind of inside information is it?

"If you tell you, it's not called inside information." Lu Chen pouted, "In short, it is very confidential and important information that can pose a great threat to the shogunate army.

That said, there was actually no information about the so-called "great threat to the shogunate army", he just found a reason to meet with Ying.

Of course, if you see her, you can just throw out a few information related to the plot casually, anyway, Lu Chen is completely from the perspective of God for the current situation.

Teppei nodded solemnly when he heard this, "It's because I didn't think it through, it's better if only a few people know about such a confidential matter, I'll lead the way for you now!" Bypass this mountain and you'll see Captain Ying and General Goro right away!

So under the leadership of Teppei, the team began to trudge in a higher direction.

On the way, Teppei sighed, "If more and more strong people like you join, then our resistance army will definitely win in the end!"

Lu Chen nodded and kept saying yes.

"General Raiden wantonly took away people's wishes, and Eye Hunter Ling Hugh wanted to implement it on our Kaiji Island!" Saying that, Zheping's tone was a little indignant, "Now that Lord Coral Palace has raised the anti-flag, just wait for all kinds of heroes like you to gather, and defeat General Raiden is just around the corner!"

"Yes! Be just round the corner! Lu Chen also said indignantly, "You must defeat General Raiden!" This Raiden General is stubborn, and he can't help but cut when he sees people! Don't give a chance to explain yet! It's too much!

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he looked back at the shadow with a grin, "You guys are right!" "

Uh-huh!" Nasida looked lively and nodded her little head.

The shadow raised his cloak slightly, and his face under the shadow had a rather helpless expression.

Zheping didn't know that Lu Chen was referring to Sang Huai, after he listened, he suddenly had an expression like seeing like-minded comrades-in-arms, "That's right, as long as we work together, we will definitely be able to..."

But after speaking, he became a little curious, "It sounds like this Lu hero has fought with General Raiden before?" Did you take her legendary 'thoughtless' sword?

"I just got away with it." Lu Chen's expression was terrified, "When that thoughtless knife appeared, lightning and thunder, very terrifying..."

smashed his bedroom door and microwave oven.

"That's amazing..." Teppei gave a wistful look.


I thought that this topic was over, but I didn't expect that Teppei's chatterbox opened, and he was very curious about the holder of the Eye of God.

"It is said that those who are under God's gaze are those who are cared for, and they will be endowed with unimaginable power, if only I had this power..."

Lu Chen asked curiously.

Teppei said: "If I also have that kind of power, I will make battle merits for our Haiqi Army, save countless people, and finally become a big hero in people's minds!"

Lu Chen looked at him and found that his eyes were full of yearning for strength, this kind of look he had seen in Zhang Zikai's eyes, but compared to the latter, Zheping's was much simpler, and the reason why he wanted to get the favor of the gods was really just a simple desire to become a big hero.

As for Zhang Zikai, he is holding the idea of "thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi", and wants to step on people who can't look at him at home.

Lu Chen did not hate the "enemy army" like Zheping, and even liked it mostly, so he talked to him along the way about many things that the "God Eye Holder" only knew.

This also made Teppei more and more yearning, until the two arrived at the barracks, he reluctantly said:

"Let's not talk about it, you wait for me in this military tent for a while, and I will immediately notify Captain Ying to come over."

"Trouble." Lu Chen thanked with a smile.

After Teppei left, the tent fell silent, and the shadow raised his cloak and quietly watched everything in the barracks.

Although the barracks of the Haiqi Army were very close to the battle line, they were still in order, and Lu Chen saw that a steady stream of military supplies were being transported, as if there were many teams of the kind he encountered at the beginning.

The three did not wait long in the barracks before Lu Chen heard two familiar voices appear outside the tent.

"Teppei? You didn't lie to me, did you? Lu Chen, how could he suddenly appear here?

"Is it really Lu Chen!? That's great! Finally, I don't have to sleep in the open every day, eat baked apples every day...

"Paimon, do you dislike my cooking..."

I just miss the days when Lu Chen is still there, the food he cooks is so delicious, when I think of him, my saliva is dripping....."

What kind of strange conditioned reflex is this?" Who is emergency food?

"Hey! I'm not an emergency food!!

"I haven't said yet, you're going to admit it yourself?"

"You——! What a gas!

Lu Chen couldn't help but laugh as soon as he heard the witty voices of these two bickering with each other like a crosstalk performance, although the journey with them was short, but many interesting experiences were still fresh in his memory.

For example, when they leave the city, they basically have no fixed place to live and often sleep in the open, so they will always use the extremely limited ingredients, spices and cooking utensils on hand to cook simple but fresh and delicious wild meals.

Every time when cooking soup by the river, Paimon, the noisy little guy, always can't wait to fly around and chatter, at this time Ying will deliberately scare her, and Lu Chen joined forces to tie Paimon up, pretending to cook her in a pot as emergency food, and then Paimon never dared to talk more....

When recalling, the military tent was opened, and I saw a blonde girl behind Zheping, and a little white-haired girl floating in midair, and when these two saw Lu Chen, their eyes widened in unison

: "Lu Chen!"

"It's really you!!"

Lu Chen looked at the excitement of the two of them, and also had a feeling of reuniting after a long absence, so he raised a smile.

"Long time no see, my two brigades-"

Before he finished speaking, Ying rushed up and hugged Lu Chen deadly.

"Great, I thought you were chopped to death by Raiden General!"

"It's okay if you're okay, it's okay if you're okay..."

Paimon also floated over, and she surrounded the two and said happily: "Yes, yes! The traveler and I thought you were dead, and that time was sad. As she spoke, her little face was sad, "Even we want to book a coffin for you in the Hall of Past Life!"

Lu Chen was overwhelmed by the enthusiastic Ying, and he looked at Paimon flying in the air with difficulty, "Can you think of me better?" The coffins are all ready ... Are you cursing me? "

Hey, hey, that's not what I mean..." Paimon smirked.

"And..." Lu Chen looked at the blonde girl who was close at hand. What, I know you're happy, but can you let go first..." He

really didn't expect Ying to be happy like this, such an outrageous move... This is still in front of Ah Ying!

It's going to kill you!

"Huh?" There was a little doubt in the beautiful amber eyes.

But the hand never let go.

The atmosphere in the military tent was somewhat quiet, eerily quiet.

Lu Chen opened his eyes instantly through Naxida, trying to glance behind him, and he saw that the shadow's gaze in the shadows had already become cold and bone-cold.

At the same time, in the obscure sky, a bolt of lightning pierced the sky, reflecting everyone's cheeks miserably white.

Immediately, there was an explosion that shook the eardrums, and the thunder seemed to tear the whole world apart.

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