"Really?" Nasida felt a little incredulous.

For a long-lived demon god like the Rock King Emperor, his own strength will only gradually become uncontrollable according to the degree of wear, and then there will be strong self-consumption and continue to weaken.

Zhong Li once said that he was in his heyday during the Demon God War.

In short, there will be no saying that with age, it will become stronger and stronger, not to mention that Zhongli has now removed his divine position, and he has long neglected to exercise...

"It's true." Lu Chen nodded solemnly.

Zhong Li, who drinks tea every day and walks around, does nothing, but can actually find his full strength, and even get stronger and stronger! Simply outrageous!

This also made Lu Chen, who was sealed with strength, drool with envy...

"Then there is only one reason..." Nasida gave a thoughtful look.

"The Power of Faith." Lu Chen replied.

"That's right!"

The whispers of the two made Zhou Yang and the three of them feel a little puzzled in place.

Nasida gave them an embarrassed smile, and then pulled Lu Chen to the bookshelf on the other side.

"Let's get here and say!"

"Huh—you're so heavy!"

"I'll go by myself..." Lu Chen wanted to laugh a little when he saw that he was being pulled by the sleeve of the small Naxida, feeling like he was being led by a little white-haired pet.

Avoiding the sight of others, Nasida said, "Sure enough, you also think it is the power of faith!" If it weren't for the abnormal elemental power of this world, it could only be this one reason!

Lu Chen nodded, and Nasida continued:

"The gods rely on the people's beliefs to gain strength, the more beliefs, the stronger the strength, then the power of the gods will be stronger, Mr. Zhongli must have happened after coming here."

Lu Chen looked at her, "Speaking of which, you may not believe it, the rapid growth of the old man's strength was after the explosion of "Liyue Floating World Thousand Rocks", and I accidentally asked him for the secret of using the rock element during that trip, and the two of us realized this by accident.

"So, the conclusion is simple!" Nasida looked at Lu Chen, "It was your Liyue Floating World Among the Thousand Rocks that allowed Zhong Li to gain the power of faith in this world, and thus benefit from the power!" Although

she felt incredible, but the evidence was here, she couldn't help but think so.

Lu Chen nodded, "I didn't expect that Zhongli's disciples would appear in another world that had nothing to do with Tivat.

"It's all thanks to the good writing you wrote!" Nasida blushed a little with excitement: "It is incredible that humans in another world can also feel the charm of the Rock King Emperor, and even produce believers!" You are the true gods! Being

praised by Nasida, Lu Chen felt more useful than being praised by the three people next door, so he raised a smile.

"So, this is what I want you to see, enough to subvert the hole card of heavenly reason - the power of faith from another world."

"Imagine!" Lu Chen also became excited when he said this, "The power of faith here is endless, moreover, we don't need to build a temple, we don't need a West Wind Cathedral, we don't need a thousand hands and hundreds of eyes, we only need to shape characters in books, and even all the carriers that can spread Tivat culture, we will absorb a steady stream of faith power, then——"

At that time, a Plus version of the super enhanced Demon God team will appear beside Lu Chen, and even he himself will benefit from this.

Because the male protagonist of the new book "Inazuma Suzumi in a Hundred Dreams" is himself.

"I'm also going to make a cameo in your new book! I'm going to get stronger too! Nasida pinched her waist and said.

"Well... Look at my plot needs..." Lu Chen said helplessly, a little grass god appeared in Inazuma's plot, it's a little strange....

"Nope!" Nasida pouted and pulled Lu Chen's arm and begged.

An opportunity to make her stronger is just around the corner, how can she not be excited? So all kinds of tricks and cute means were used.

"Stop, stop-" Lu Chen looked at Nasida, who was holding his thigh and did not let go, and looked around speechlessly.

"This is outside, something to say when you go home!"

"Nope!" Nasida decisively refused, "What if you don't promise to go back and do it?"

So, she hugged it tighter, afraid that Lu Chen would run away.

"Promise you still can't." Lu Chen said helplessly.


"Of course it is." Lu Chen looked at this ghostly little grass god angrily, "Don't worry, I've already thought about it, after knowing the principle of the power of faith, we can play a big one!" "

How big?" Nasida looked up at him curiously.

Lu Chen said confidently: Build a Tivat universe, including all the communication methods I can think of, this is not big? "


After saying goodbye to Zhang Zikai and his group, Lu Chen left the bookstore with Nasida.

As night fell, the colorful and prosperous city fell behind, and the two walked towards the direction of the pier.

Closer and closer to the sound of the waves, a melodious sound of music came from the morning bar.

The two were just in time for the evening residency performance, and as soon as they opened the door, a lively atmosphere came in, and the attendance rate was very high, basically full.

The little bartender was busy entertaining guests, while Diluc was busy hiding in the corner to watch the show, and when he saw the two come in, he gently beckoned.

He had already left the best position for the two, Lu Chen nodded with a smile, and led Nasida through the somewhat crowded crowd.

Opposite the fireplace is a semicircular stage surrounded by standing or seated guests.

Lu Chen looked at the front and said that it was a stage, which was actually a countertop one floor higher than the wooden floor; However, it looks simple and simple, but it has a very retro stage play-like atmosphere.

Wendy is sitting casually on a chair holding a guitar, next to Barbara, who stands up and gently supports the microphone, and the two play and sing, performing for everyone at close range.

Unlike the music that the two have collaborated on in the past, this is a lively song, Wendy snaps her fingers to a series of jumping notes, and Barbara's singing is also very sweet and playful, the two of them work together perfectly, at this moment, the faces of every listener are full of intoxication.

"It really sounds good!" Nasida whispered.

"If you like it, that's good." Lu Chen was busy all day, tired to death, hearing this music as if the fatigue was emptied at once, and his body subconsciously relaxed.

"I really like this day, I really don't want it to end!"

There was some kind of emotion flashing in Nasida's eyes, shining, and Lu Chen was afraid that she would cry out in the next second.

So he made a joke, "Don't you have a void system?" You record this dream and go back to it every day, isn't this day never over?

Nasida was amused, "How could this happen?" Besides, dreams are just dreams, and they can never replace reality!

Lu Chen looked at Wendy and Barbara who were performing, and after Wendy found herself, she blinked mischievously.

"yes." Lu Chen raised his glass and saluted tonight's performers.

In the slightly drunk tavern, the dancing fire in the fireplace reflected the singers and guitarists, and the intoxicated guests clapped their hands from time to time, singing one song after another, until late, and everything that was vivid fell under Lu Chen's eyes.

Before you know it, a prompt comes from the system.

【Achievement 10: A Beautiful New World】

【During the journey with you, Nasida felt the beauty of the outside world, and she was full of hope for everything in the future! 】【

Challenge mission: If you really have to see it with your own eyes, you can feel the beauty of the

world】【Mission completed, reward 8,000 rough stones, reward 8 million yuan in real world currency】【

Challenge mission: Mond wine industry is irresistible! 【

Helped Diluc expand its operations and needed to increase sales by more than 20 times within Sunrise Craft Brewing.'] 】

【Mission completed, reward 4800 rough stones, reward 4.8 million yuan in real-world currency, reward special skills】

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