There were few customers in the morning at the bar, so there was nothing to do, and Diluc turned out the ledger for Lu Chen.

"After the popularity of our store has become high, it has increased to more than ten times the sales, and it should not be far from your task to be achieved."

"That's good." Lu Chen has always paid attention to the accounts of the bar, and he came here today to witness the moment when the task was completed.

Saying that, he looked at Nasida, who was sitting on the side drinking juice obediently, and said with an expression that seduced the little girl:

"There will be a good show here at night, do you want to watch it?"

"Really? Of course I want to! "

Nasida is still a child in this regard, and when she hears that there is a good performance, her eyes immediately light up.

Diluc coughed lightly, and Lu Chen looked at him.

"Although our bar is not the vulgar and chaotic nightclub style, but if you stay in the bar at night with such a little girl, will it cause some bad effects?"

"It's okay..." Lu Chen felt inexplicable, "I reported to Ah Ying before I went out, today I took Naxida out to play, you can play anything, you can play how you want."

Nasida nodded excitedly, and Diluc looked at Lu Chen suspiciously.

"What do you mean to play?" Can you play it however you want? "

It's just..." Lu Chen thought for a while, "I pondered the achievements in the system, although they were all achieved inadvertently, but there are also rules to follow, so this time I brought Naxida out to brush up on the achievements!" I call this plan the Nashida Achievement Campaign.

Nasida nodded vigorously, looking forward to this so-called "achievement battle", while Diluc looked at her who was not as tall as a chair, revealing a helpless expression.

Lu Chen saw that Diluc didn't seem to understand much, and continued to explain:

"Achievements are often memorable moments, most of them are the first time, such as Nasida was not popular in the Meru Order, and she didn't even receive a gift, and after coming here, she received a gift for the first time and got an achievement, even if it was just an ordinary lollipop..."

Lu Chen looked serious, "In order to turn the heavens up, I want to take Naxida out to play, and I have to play everything!" "

Is there anything that necessarily has to do with this?" Diluc tugged at the corners of his mouth.

"Of course there is!" Lu Chen stretched out his finger, ready to give Diluc a tuss.

"You see, after I play with Nasida, I will get achievements."

Diluc nodded slightly, and snorted.

"Achievements reward rough stones, right?"

Diluc continued to nod.

Lu Chen looked at him, and then at Nasida, "I can go back to Tivat if I get the rough stone, right."

Diluc nodded no more, "And then?

"And then it's all right." Lu Chen rightfully said.

"Although the inference is brief and ignores a little intermediate process, the conclusion looks like this." Nasida nodded her little head.

“Nice! It is worthy of being a god who has mixed with me, and thinking is jumping. Lu Chen gave her a thumbs up, and Naxida smiled.

"I'm going to prepare tonight's dishes..." Diluc held his forehead, a little headache.

He also thought that Lu Chen had some big plan-he was so serious before, and he had a strong sense of sadness in the face of powerful Tianli, so he specially toasted him...

The result is just this outrageous inference, opening the refrigerator door and putting the elephant in the refrigerator.

Diluc shook his head and looked at Nasida who was still giggling warningly, "As the god of Meru, you must not be damaged by this guy next to you, he has a magical... 'trait', and anyone close to him will unconsciously become a neurotic."

Saying that, Diluc disappeared, Lu Chen looked at his back, and felt that it should be busy with the evening's dishes.

"Hahaha, Mr. Diluc seems to have some prejudice against Brother Lu Chen!"

Nasida smiled widely, to some extent, what Diluc said was indeed true, Lu Chen did have a magical power, and people with him would be infected, and then become... It can be said to be free, jumpy, or -


In the past few days since coming to Lu Chen's house, Naxida's smile has been more than her smile in the past year, and if it goes on like this, Nasida is unwilling to go back.

"He dares to be prejudiced! I'm his boss! Lu Chen said and secretly glanced at Diluc, "Don't look at him pretending to be serious, in fact, he has long become a neurotic..."

Then, he whispered a few embarrassing things that Diluc had caused after he came here because he was not familiar with modern life.

The two whispered, and from time to time there were bursts of laughter, as for whether Diluc in the back kitchen would sneeze, then I don't know.

After laughing, Nasida suddenly asked, "But when it comes to heavenly things, you are actually serious, right?"

Lu Chen also retracted his smile, compared to Diluc, Nasida, as one of the seven gods, knew more "dangerous secrets about the sky", and there was nothing to hide from her in this regard.

"I always thought that the opportunity to fight back was still ahead, at least after I lifted the seal and restored my full strength, but recent events have allowed me to find some opportunities..."

Nasida looked at him without blinking, and Lu Chen continued: "The discovery of Yuan Energy is one of them.

"I know that." Nasida nodded, "You want Sister Shadow to use Yuan Energy and turn it into a weapon, right?" Such a weapon, if it can be mass-produced, is indeed very powerful, not inferior to the former Canrea civilization.

"More than that, after all, poor soldiers will only kill themselves." Lu Chen's first thought was indeed a weapon, because in this plane it was not disturbed by Sky Island, and the Abyss Sect wanted to use this place as a backup base, of course, he could too, and as the gatekeeper of [Tivat's Gate], he had a natural advantage over this kind of thing.

The next time he returns to Tivat, one of his goals is to completely take possession of the nail of the cold sky, and the Strata Abyss is the old man's territory, which is not difficult to do.

"If it's just used as a weapon, then it's underestimating the potential of Yuan Energy." Lu Chen looked at her, "You and Ying mentioned before that even after thousands of years, this energy has not been lost, it is a safe, stable, and extremely efficient energy. When

it comes to energy, smart as Nasida has already understood, "Do you want to rely on meta-energy drives to build all kinds of machines?"

"It's just an idea at the moment, and if this is to happen, I need the cooperation of the four gods." Lu Chen said.

The matter of Sky Island, there are still many Lu Chen who have not pried out of the mouths of the two old foxes, otherwise with the experience of the two gods of wind and rock, the two gods of thunder and grass have studied hard, and they may be able to come up with a Tivat Industry 2.0.

Lu Chen's words could be described as very big, and Nasida listened to it with great emotion, and it took a while to calm down.

"Defeat Tenri... This kind of deviant and grasshopper shook the tree..." Nasida smiled bitterly, "If I had changed to someone else, I might have turned around and left, but in your description, it doesn't seem to be unattainable, am I crazy?" I would even really believe you..." "

You can only trust me." Lu Chen looked at the empty glass of juice she had drunk and the cider she was holding in her hand, and her thoughts were still elsewhere.

"I've always believed that the system chose me for a reason, that in my last life I may have been too complacent and overlooked many things, but this time I seem to have touched something subtle, which can be called ... Mission stuff. "

Oh yes?" Nasida stole a glance at Lu Chen, took a small sip, and then asked:

"The Yuan Energy you just said is just one of the opportunities, listen to your statement, and there is another hole card?"

Lu Chen took back his thoughts, looked at the cider held by Nasida in his hand, and his brows furrowed slightly.

It was my own wine, and it contained alcohol.

"Bring it." Lu Chen stretched out his hand.

"I'm an adult!!" Nasida's eyes widened and she emphasized.

"Where are you an adult? Well, give it to me! "

I'm really

an adult..." Lu Chen looked her up and down, Nacida, who was sitting on the bar chair, couldn't reach the floor with her feet, so she hung in the air and swung around, saying that she was an adult.

"I'm five hundred years old, okay!" Nasida was still a little unconvinced, "And this cider is not strong at all!"

"My face is a little red, and I am still stubborn." Lu Chen snatched the cider from her hand, "For a longevity species like the Demon God, five hundred years old is really nothing, and a minor is a minor."

"Okay..." Although Nasida was still reluctant, she couldn't resist Lu Chen's insistence.

Lu Chen glanced at the cider that returned to his hand, Nasida just took a small sip, so he was relieved, if he finally took a drunken Nasida home, Kage and Shenzi estimated that they would hate themselves, and their eyes could pierce him.

What I didn't expect was....

[Really you have to see it with your own eyes to feel the beauty of the world (achievement three)]

[Is it really not a minor? [

This seems to be Nasida's first taste of taboos, maybe occasionally a little loose will also bring unexpected happiness...]

"Look, look!!" Nasida immediately raised a smile, "I'm helping you complete the challenge mission, and I'm a great hero of your fight against Tianli!" "

Yes, yes, yes..." Lu Chen glanced at her helplessly, "But there is no next time."

Nasida's little face immediately collapsed back.

Continuing the topic just now, Lu Chen looked at her, "Do you ask about my other discovery besides Yuan Neng?" "

Well," Nasida put the matter behind her, "what else can be of the same level as the discovery of 'Yuan Neng'?"

"Where do you want to go next?" Lu Chen asked.

"Huh?" Nasida blinked, a little off the train.

Lu Chen thought about it, originally wanted to take her to amusement parks, dessert shops, schools and parks, and all kinds of fun places in the city, but since she wanted to know this thing, she had to add an option temporarily....

"When I take you shopping, if I pass by a bookstore, you must remind me."

"Visiting the bookstore?" Nasida was a little puzzled, unable to think of anything to do with the big plan he had mentioned earlier.

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