At this time, Lu Chen could no longer recognize the utility room of his house, and he looked around and opened his eyes wide.

"What did you two do with my utility room?"

His utility room now looks like a car repair shop, the walls are full of large and small tools, and the floor is also cluttered with various equipment of unknown use, and Lu Chen even saw that the engine that the boss gave when Zhong Li was shopping for old goods was also piled up in the corner in front...

"Welcome to..." Nasida took off her mask, "Sister Shadow's secret laboratory with me." "

Lab?" Lu Chen looked at the dim environment, he had never seen such a simple laboratory.

"It's still not sure whether the variables of the outside light will have an impact on the experiment, so we'd better close the door."

Lu Chen snorted and closed the door, and at this time, there was only one light source left in this dim utility room.

It was the blue shimmer emanating from the workbench, and this extremely pure light reflected the faces of the three people in the room.

"This is what was extracted from that fragment?" Lu Chen asked.

Shadow nodded, "By analyzing the fragments, we found such a small volume spar inside, and there is a very peculiar energy source inside, and its manifestation is the blue fluorescence you see.

Lu Chen walked to the workbench, the pitch-black fragment that had been brought back by the shadow had disappeared, and there was a transparent jar on the table, from which the blue light emanated.

"What the hell is this?" He looked at the two "researchers", one big and one small.

Nasida's little face was extremely serious, "This does not belong to the continent of Tivat, forbidden knowledge from the sky, even after thousands of years, the energy is still not lost, and it can run on its own, repair broken structures, and have a natural purification effect on filthy things."

Lu Chen nodded, "No wonder it looks so pure, the technology of Sky Island is tall."

The shadow narrowed his eyes and carefully picked up the bottle, allowing Lu Chen to observe this mysterious energy up close.

"We both agree that this is a primordial, root energy, so it's called meta-energy."

Seeing Lu Chen groping his chin, Nasida explained for him: "If you have seen the Red King's kingdom in the desert, you can understand this energy, those ancient machines driven by yuan energy are still functioning normally today, and this kind of power that approaches eternity can only come from Sky Island.

"That's a good thing." Lu Chen said to himself, the time was urgent, otherwise he would have withheld a little more from the cold sky nail.

While the three of them were discussing in the dark room, a curious voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Huh? Lu Chen, Ying and Nasida?

"What bad are you three doing in the room?" Still want to lock the door? It

was Wendy's voice.

Lu Chen looked at Nasida, and after she took in the blue Yuan Energy and nodded in agreement, she opened the door.

As soon as I opened the door, I saw Wendy and Zhongli standing in the doorway, and Wendy looked at the room with curiosity on her face.

"What are you tinkering with? Why don't you bring me with you if there's something fun?

Zhong Li frowned slightly, "I feel a strange energy, this energy is dangerous.

"Of course it's dangerous, after all, it's taboo knowledge..." Lu Chen invited the two of them in and closed the door again.

At this time, the originally spacious utility room has also become crowded, and in this dark and narrow environment, five pairs of eyes are speechless.

Lu Chen pouted, it was really a little strange to squeeze into such a small dark room with the four of them....

After telling the two of them about "Yuan Neng", their expressions changed.

Zhongli was a little worried that forbidden knowledge would bring danger to everyone, while Wendy was curious about how the two of them had extracted this kind of thing.

"Forbidden knowledge is indeed dangerous," Lu Chen looked at the glimmer in the bottle, "but at least this one in front of you is not so dangerous." "

Forbidden knowledge can also be divided into two types according to the source, one is from the sky, the other is from the abyss, that is, the "nail technology" and the "abyss technology", these two are almost all unspeakable and untouchable knowledge in the world, which will bring about the danger of destruction.

But from Lu Chen's previous experience, everything in the abyss is more chaotic and disorderly, which will bring pollution and madness in the chaotic world, as long as it is contaminated, it is like a cowhide candy that cannot be thrown off, which can be called the real "taboo knowledge".

The power of the abyss comes from the void, from beyond Tivat, and Fañez created the eggshell to isolate the outside world in order to block the erosion of the "abyss".

The only thing He forbids is the temptation of "knowledge", but even so, the forbidden knowledge brought by the abyss still tempts countless human beings and brings a lot of destruction.

In comparison, the nail technology in front of you is much cuter, Sky Island technology, to put it bluntly, is an extraterrestrial advanced technology, when your scientific and technological power is high to a certain extent, it is like a god for the chaotic primitive world.

"It seems... Have you considered the consequences of what you've done? "Wendy, like Zhongli, is an old fox, and they are also full of jealousy of things on Sky Island.

Saying that, everyone unconsciously mentioned a dead demon god, which had the image of a large snake.

Just knowing some of the black history of Sky Island, he had to be ordered by Sky Island to cut himself off and die under the knife of the shadow.

Now in this dark room, the four gods have a small meeting together, and there are countless black stories about Sky Island, but so far, nothing has happened.

"So rest assured! If we were doing this kind of thing in Tivat, they would have been killed long ago. Lu Chen shrugged, "And now that we have said so much and done so much, nothing has happened, which is enough to show that Tianli can't manage here."

"That's good." Both Wendy and Zhongli relaxed a little.

"Does Nasida think that this energy can also clear the expansion of the dead domain?" Lu Chen asked again.

Nasida nodded, "Since this pure force can suppress the abyss force, then the dead domain as the pollution caused by the abyss can naturally be removed, now that we have extracted some, brother Lu Chen, you might as well help us do an experiment."

Lu Chen had no opinion on this, "How do I need help?"

Under Nasida's signal, Lu Chen turned on the mobile phone news.

In recent days, there has been a lot of news about the sudden withering of plants in various places, all caused by dead domains.

Some agricultural experts are worried about this, because if this situation occurs in the field, it will cause the soil to be instantly barren, making it impossible to grow any crops, and if this disaster continues to spread, it will be unimaginable...

Lu Chen found a place in the news where the dead domain had just appeared, nodded, and then the figure suddenly disappeared into the room.

Half an hour later, Lu Chen's figure appeared in the backyard, and he brought back a slightly squirming "dead domain tumor".

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