Taking the shadow and Nasida to the location Wendy said, Lu Chen really saw a row of withered street trees.

"The leaves are all gone!" Wendy looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "Will you guys become like this here in the fall?"

"Of course not." Lu Chen shook his head, the city has just entered autumn, at least the leaves will dry up after a while, and...

Moreover, it is not only the street trees that have withered here, the green areas on both sides of the road, and the small park not far away, the green has all disappeared, and the plants here seem to be sucked out of all nutrients in an instant.

The surrounding large area is filled with the smell of decaying death, and from time to time pedestrians around stop and take out their mobile phones to take pictures of this wonder.

Lu Chen came to Zhong Li's side, he stared at a street tree not far away, and was carefully observing.

The branches of this tree emitted an ominous red shimmer, and the strong aura of death around it emanated from it.

"This is one of the foci that causes plant wilt." Zhongli said.

"It's a 'Dead Domain Branch'!" Nasida is no stranger to this kind of thing, "Destroy these pollutants that disperse the energy of the dead domain, and the environment of this area will be restored."

Saying that, the palm of her hand suddenly emitted a green fluorescence, and a grass seed slowly rose and flew towards the "Dead Domain Branch".

The moment the grass seed touched the branch, the "Dead Domain Branch" no longer emitted that light, and the surrounding air became a little fresher.

However, this grass seed cannot purify the entire dead domain, and there are many such lesions.

Especially in the center of the dead domain, there is one of the largest lesions visible to the naked eye, which Nasida calls "dead domain tumor".

Lu Chen retracted his gaze and looked at everyone, "It's really the Dead Domain, but I didn't expect that Meru's Death Domain would also appear here..." Using the

[Reality Tivat System] for so long, Lu Chen knew that there was not a fixed point-to-point between the two worlds, and what was passed over was difficult to predict and very random.

Nasida wanted to purify the other "Dead Domain Branches", but was pulled back by Lu Chen, who saw that a professional was coming.

The response speed of the anomaly special operation team is getting faster and faster, with them, Lu Chen is not much worried about this problem of the dead domain, what he is worried about is: will there be more dead domains.

Nasida's little face was full of worry, "The Dead Domain appeared after the World Tree was polluted, it was Sumeru's stubborn disease all along, but I didn't expect it to spread to this world, did it..."

She felt a little guilty, "Is the appearance of the Dead Domain because of my arrival..."

Lu Chen patted her little head, "How is it possible?" Don't take everything on yourself!

"But, after I came..."

Lu Chen squatted down helplessly and looked at her at eye level, "The disasters on Tivat's side frequently appear here, it can only be for one reason, and it has nothing to do with your arrival. Everyone

looked at him.

"What is the reason?" Wendy asked.

Lu Chen shrugged, "The last time the Abyss Sect incident system mentioned it, it was because the border was becoming more and more unstable, so it was necessary to send me back to maintain the gate of Tivat. "

Is the boundary unstable..." Shadow looked at the Dead Domain in front of him with some concern, at first it was just ordinary elemental creatures sent over, and now: Abyss Sect, Demon God Remnants, and even Death Domain...

I always feel that there will be more uncontrollable situations in the future.

Lu Chen watched the actions of those action team members, they obviously also discovered the "Dead Domain Branch", but they had not yet thought of a way to solve it.

"Let's go." Lu Chen lifted the shopping bag, "I bought a lot of frozen ingredients, and they all melted away."

"Didn't we care?" Nasida's eyes widened.

Lu Chen shook his head, "I can't manage it." "

There have been no monsters or life-threatening things in this dead domain, of course, more importantly, there are no rough stones to take.

As an excellent worker of the system, the owner and guardian of the [Tivat's Gate], Lu Chen will not focus on such a small matter, he has more important things to do.

Only by maintaining the stability of the border can both worlds be safe, and the key to the problem is to solve the problem of world tree pollution on the other side, which is what he should do.

Unconsciously, Lu Chen has already found his positioning, perhaps this is the intention of the system to select him.

"Let's go, let's go home."

Saying that, Lu Chen walked to the parking lot with a large bag and a small bag

, and Naxida looked at the dead domain with some confusion, but after thinking about it again, he still kept up with everyone.

"Wait for me..."


Back at home, Lu Chen found that the editor Xia Ling had been waiting in the living room for a long time.

Lu Chen put the ingredients in the refrigerator, returned to the living room, and took out a new tea that Zhong Li usually liked very much to entertain the guests.

Not long after, the tea was fragrant, and Lu Chen filled the tea cup by seven points, signaling the guests to taste the tea.


"Wow!" Xia Ling blinked, "I didn't think you were young and your skill in making tea was so powerful!" It's like a tea show! Xia

Ling didn't mean to tout the new boss in front of her, but felt that Lu Chen's actions of making tea were really professional.

"Just a little bit of understanding." Lu Chen's expression was indifferent.

In fact, they all learned from Zhong Li, but they also learned a skin, and it was enough to fool people who don't drink tea often.

"Oh..." Xia Ling only felt that the young boss in front of her was even more unfathomable.

She drank tea while reporting on her work.

Of course, the most important thing is to ask for money:

"That... The cost of photographing the website domain name cost more than 500,000 yuan, and the company's registered capital of 5 million, what is needed now is the company's working capital, in addition to the cost of APP development, UI design costs, publicity costs, you owe me a year-end bonus, and..."

Lu Chen found that when she reported her work, she was actually mixed with private goods.

"Hehe, hey..." Xia Ling grinned, "You're not bad at money, I'm talking, if you hadn't broken it, I wouldn't have received it..."

Lu Chen waved his hand, he is not short of money now, as long as the task can be completed.

However, in his heart, he sighed that the contrast between his female editor's personalities before and after was really huge.

He still remembers that when "Liyue Floating World Thousand Rocks" was first serialized, she still ignored her love, money is really a magical thing....

Now the "Yaedang Novel Network" has begun to take shape, of course, Lu Chen gave her more than ten million also spent a fine light, this time she specially came to ask for money, Lu Chen checked the account, and after no problem, he called her another 10 million.

Later, he pinned the news of the new book in his comment section.

"Liyue Ukiyo Thousand Rocks" is suspended for one week (probably)."

" A new book has been prepared, ready to be released on the Yaedang Novel Network, the APP has not yet been done, you can directly search for 'BCT.com' and OK."

"By the way, and."

"The name of the new book is called."

"Inazuma Suzuki in a Hundred Dreams"

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