September is coming, autumn is here.

A few days ago, there was still some dry and hot air, which began to carry a little coolness, and the green color of Lingshan Bay was slightly yellow, and it would turn red after a while.

Lu Chen, who was practicing martial arts in the backyard, inadvertently skimmed the scenery of the back mountain and sighed, "Time flies so fast, it's autumn in the blink of an eye." Of

course, he regretted even more that school had begun.

Barbara's idol group has turned red and purple, and there are announcements of going out to perform every day, and since Ah Ying returned to Tivat, in order to cope with the possible future wars, he has redoubled his efforts to practice martial arts every day, and even the matter of learning to bake has been forgotten.

So as soon as school started, he was left with only himself when he returned to Haizhou College.

Without the two of them, what's the point of learning? So Lu Chen decided to touch it.

In the martial arts training ground, Lu Chen pondered for a moment, the sky blade in his hand pierced forward, and the wooden stake in front of him was suddenly attached with a layer of grass element.

After getting the Grass Elemental God Eye, he didn't use it seriously, no way, the grass element was the most unfamiliar to him.

Now he only sent thunder and water two series of divine eyes did not get together, and thunder system is his own divine eye in the previous life, water system he is no stranger, it can be said that these elements are more familiar to him, but only the grass system he has not much contact.

After he attached the grass element to the wooden stake, the purple eyes of the shadow next to him suddenly lit up, and the wooden stake was suddenly attached with a layer of thunder element.

At this moment, with the blessing of the intensification reaction, with a click, the wooden pile suddenly exploded into countless pieces.

[Super intensified]

"Interesting..." When Lu Chen played the original god in his last life, the grass system had not yet come out, and he didn't expect to use it so easily.

Lu Chen continued to attack other wooden piles with the grass element, although he could control this element, he was still very unskilled, far inferior to the other elements.

"If only a grass elemental character came to give me some pointers...,"

Lu Chen thought to himself.


This is the moment.

Tivat continent, Meru, Pure Zen Palace.

The exquisite and gorgeous palace is empty and silent; The silence here, as if there was no life, until-

"dripping ——!"

A strange sound from the "Void" broke the dead silence in the Pure Goodness Palace.

Nasida opened her eyes slightly, and whenever she did this, she would always wake up from that colorful dream and look around blankly.

She looked at the empty palace, and loneliness hit like a cold wave.

Her eyes, from her previous dazed look, instantly turned to awake.

"Maybe only in dreams, you can also see the outside world..."

Nasida hugged her shoulders.

The caged bird that lives deep in the Palace of Pure Goodness can only see the world in a dream.

After being placed under house arrest by the sages, Nasida often felt lonely.

"When will such days end?"

But when this idea arises, it is immediately dismissed.

"I'm not a qualified god yet, I'm too weak... Maybe it'll be a while..." Thinking

of this, Nasida laughed bitterly, the Decree didn't value their existence, they never even regarded themselves as gods....

Let's go back to the dream of the "void", where you can at least enjoy the sun and breeze, explore the streets of Meru City, listen to stories, play games...

Even if it is fake, he has never walked out of this palace....

When Nasida closed her eyes, she responded not with the murmur of the "void" device, but with a crisp system prompt.


[Challenge Task

] [If you really have to see it with your own eyes, you can feel

the beauty of the world] [Nasida, who is under house arrest in the Jingshan Palace, has never felt the beauty of the outside world, please take her with her and achieve ten special achievements during the journey

] [After completion, 8,000 rough stones will be rewarded, and 80 million yuan will be rewarded with real-world currency]


Hearing the sudden system prompt, Lu Chen was a little surprised in his heart, this time it was Sumeru's current grass god, Buyel?

Perhaps everyone felt the strange changes in the living room, and when Lu Chen and Ying came to the living room, Wendy and Zhongli were also there.

"This is..." At

this time, a white-haired loli was looking at everyone with a curious face.

She has beautiful emerald green eyes, pointy cute elf ears, and tender cheeks like flowers.

Although the god of grass in front of him looks as innocent and clean as a child, there is a trace of age-appropriate sensitivity in his eyes.

Because when she was looked at by the three gods, she quickly analyzed the current situation.



are the three gods of thunder, rock, and wind, and this is not the continent of Tivat, and it may even be outside the world, right?"

Lu Chen and several gods looked at each other.

"You're the fastest to get here, and I don't even need an explanation." Lu Chen said with a smile.

The shadow looked down at the young Nasida, a little stunned,

"It turns out that the god of Meru... So... Is it cute? "It's

a pity that it's not a guest who can accompany me for a drink." Wendy shook her head with some regret, the last time the clock left, it was really drunk.

"Although I have never seen the current god Meru, but..." Zhongli looked at Nasida's appearance, "I always feel a bit like the previous King Dacishu. Hearing

the Great Compassion Tree King, Nasida's eyes lit up, "The Great Compassion Tree King is the god I respect the most, and I am constantly learning knowledge in order to be able to grow into a qualified god, like her!" Pity... I didn't know a lot about her back then....

Zhongli looked at her, "In that case, I can tell you the story of the former grass god when I have time."

"Okay!" Nasida laughed.

Lu Chen listened to their exchange and recalled the past.

After the Canrea Catastrophe, the Great Mercy Tree King did not go to the battlefield, but went to guard the more important World Tree, but she also died because of it.

After the Canrea catastrophe, the seven rulings of the earthly world did not communicate with each other for a long time, and because of this, everyone had never seen the newborn grass god.

A new guest came to the house, so that everyone came over curiously, and Nasida was not shy, but greeted everyone with a smile.

Being able to escape from the palace under house arrest and experience the real world outside for herself is even better for her than those colorful dreams.

Even though Nasida is very smart, Lu Chen still has to tell her about the [Reality Tivat System], as well as some previous experiences.

"So you've been through so many interesting things before?" Nasida sat obediently on the sofa, her eyes shining.

Later, she also said many things about herself, but Nasida's story is lackluster, because she spent it all in the Pure Goodness Palace.

"This is not house arrest, and captivity!" Wendy frowned, "What the Meru Order House did was too much!

"Need our help?" Listening to Nasida's story, Shadow developed sympathy for the young god, even though she was close to five hundred years old, she was still a child.

"You've helped me." Nasida looked at Lu Chen with a smile.

Lu Chen nodded, "The system directly teleported the little grass god to our living room, which is equivalent to lifting the control of the Holy Academy, and now Meru has once again lost her own god, but well

, for..." Nasida added for him: "Maybe for the Holy Academy, they will still be happy, and probably no one will be sad about my disappearance..."

After speaking, she slowly lowered her head.

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