"In the area of the inaccessible Wuxian slope, there are many terrifying legends

..." "Yin houses, deserted graves, broken temples, paper people, dark fire, driving corpses

..." ""Records of the Clouds and Memories of Wuyun" once mentioned: The souls of the deceased linger in the woods of the Wuyun slope, and these erratic ghosts often lure unintentional visitors astray, eventually exposing the corpse wilderness, and there is no place to die..." "

The author has traveled all over Liyue all year round, but I am deeply impressed by Wuyuepo, And the reason for living here for a long time is not enough for outsiders."

"Liyue Zhiyi, Volume 1, Part 1

" "Corpse Transformation

" "..."

Lu Chen put down Hu Tao's manuscript, and after reading it, his heart could not calm down for a long time....

Because it is really scary, Hu Tao is based on the folk legend of Liyue, and combines the experiences of the Fangshi when they exorcised evil spirits, recording all kinds of bizarre and strange stories.

And the style is extremely realistic, the first person is called the lord, as if it really happened around her....

"The environment is very atmospheric and the ghosts are described in great detail." Professional editor Yae Miko commented.

"yes, yes!" Hu Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm based on real people and real things, can I not be real!" "

But..." Shenzi looked at Lu Chen with some confusion, "The direction of our acceptance seems to be a light novel, and you don't have a little love plot here..."

Lu Chen nodded, wanting to see how Hall Master Hu solved it.

"It's not easy!" Hu Tao waved his little hand, "Wouldn't it be nice to add some love plots!" A reader who was going to Liyue Port had to stay in a broken temple at night, and then met a female ghost in human skin, and the reader was confused by the beautiful appearance of the female ghost, and finally..."

"Crossed races and fell in love with each other?" Miko asked.

"None." Hu Tao said: "The reader has disappeared since then, and one day, a little girl who ran away from home hid in the broken temple, and at this time, a handsome reader appeared..." Lu

Chen and Shenzi looked at each other, this can also be regarded as a love plot?

It's terrifying to think about, well, what Liyue print skin....

Miko shook his head helplessly, "Forget it, who can predict the market, maybe it will be unexpectedly popular..."

Lu Chen is no longer entangled in this matter, Hu Tao is happy, even if the fire can't be fired, there is something to do, so as not to toss Qiqi every day.

Moreover, his own "Liyue Floating World Thousand Rocks" has not been updated.

With nothing to do, Lu Chen was ready to resume the update, because of this matter, he suddenly had some inspiration.

Let's tell the story of the fish.

The original plot line stopped at the Demon God War, and the Rock King Emperor's territory at this time became bigger and bigger, and this time, he encountered a demon god who manipulated dreams.

The future Demon Descent Great Sage was still young and ignorant at this time, and was detained by the Demon God as a seat demon, and was forced to do many cruel and bloody things, and the arrival of the Rock King Emperor liberated Yasha and gave him the name "Ray".

"In foreign legends, the word fish represents a ghost that has suffered and been tempered. You've been through a lot, so let's use that name in the future."

The emperor treated Yasha like a leader and a father, and in order to repay the kindness of the god of rock, Wei took over the thousand-year hard labor to protect Liyue.

"He is the one who gave me the name 'Ray' and liberated me from my long suffering."

"Fighting is the only thing I can do for him..." Looking

at Zhongli, who was pounding herbs for the sleepy fish, Lu Chen's inspiration burst out, spilling thousands of words, and then yawned tiredly.

When I poured myself a cup of coffee, I found countless comments popping up in the background.


"Brother Chen actually lived!?"


"Woo hoo..."

"The coffin board moved!" Quick, dig up the author!

"The Rock King Emperor is so handsome, and the new character Wei is also so handsome!"

"Look at the author's writing, there is a knife behind this fish."

"No, no, no!"

"I actually updated by the author? Did I enter the wrong book? "


It was getting dark outside the window, and the RV was driving on the highway.

Lu Chen was writing about the deeds of the fish here, and the fish over there actually woke up silently.

"Hmm..." he covered his head, as if his head hurt and looked like he had a hangover.

Lu Chen and Zhong Li looked over at the same time.

"You're finally awake!" Lu Chen walked to the bed, and saw that Wei wanted to struggle to sit up, so he hurriedly pressed him back.

"The Abyss... Demon God Remnants... Abyss Order..."

he rubbed his temples, still thinking about what had happened before he passed out.

"Don't worry, it's all settled." Lu Chen said with a smile.

Zhong Li's golden eyes rarely had a hint of a smile, "With Lu Chen's help, the karma in your body has been removed, just rest and recuperate during this time." Wei

had already felt the changes in his body, and he still sat up despite Lu Chen's strong support.

"This help, Wei Wu can not be rewarded, Lu Chen, you have anything..."

Lu Chen waved his hand again and again, he didn't want everyone to owe him favors to help, there were of course systematic reasons here, and there were also reasons why he hoped that 'everyone in Tivat would be fine'.

Everyone soon knew about the wake up, except for Wendy, who was driving, everyone gathered around.

Hall Master Hu took the medicinal herbs brought from the deep mountains and old forests, "Don't dislike the immortals, I heard that you were seriously injured, I specially picked them from the mountains!"

Qiqi's big eyes blinked, "Sleep... Not good, the fish woke up... Well,"

Barbara raised her smile, "just wake up, everyone was worried about dying!"

At this time, a wisp of wind came, and Wendy in the driver's seat said plaintively: "Why don't you take me with you every time!" We'll have to celebrate when we wake up! How about drinking? I brought back a whole trunk of local produce..."

Lu Chen was speechless: "Don't drink when driving!"

Wendy sighed regretfully, and Ying said with a smile: "When you recover, you need to supplement more nutrition, it's better for me to make a bowl of chicken soup-

" "This one is even more different..." Lu Chen pressed down the eager Ah Ying, he didn't want to get food poisoning from the newly recovered fish, so it's better to have this kind of nutritious meal...

"You are a patient, whatever you want to eat, we will do anything!"

"Huh?" Miko suddenly remembered something, "Doesn't the fish like almond tofu?"

Lu Chen shook his head, and then gave her a serious science: "Almond tofu is sweet, cool, and the recovery of fish..."

"I'll just blow the bull casually, don't you know me yet..."

Lu Chen looked at the fish again, he had been hungry for several days, so he still wanted to see what he wanted to eat.

Wei looked at everyone, and in the cold and waveless eyes of the past, he suddenly overflowed with some kind of different emotions.

It was a kind of beauty that rarely appeared in his life, like almond tofu, which reminded him of that night of salvation thousands of years ago.

He quickly looked at his feet, and then slowly looked up.

Everyone looked at him, his eyes were bright, and his expression did not change much, but the corners of his mouth raised a two-pixel smile.

He said, "Then we'll eat..."

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