In such a noisy atmosphere, the RV arrived in the magic capital the next night.

Barbara, who was dressed more and more starry, had been waiting in the magic capital for a long time, and Lu Chen took everyone to check into a hotel closest to the venue.

When he first received this task, he had learned about this "Starlight Carnival", which is a music event led by Starlight and jointly held by multiple entertainment companies, which can be described as star-studded, and almost all the singers you can see on TV will appear.

Although Barbara has become more and more like a real idol, she has not seen such an occasion, and in order not to let her have stage fright, everyone will sit in the front row of the audience to cheer her on.

And before the carnival started, there were two days left and everyone was idle and had nothing to do, so Wendy suggested going out for a stroll.

Early the next morning, Lu Chen was woken up by a flute.

Or that everyone was woken up by this flute, and Lu Chen also heard a complaining voice from the Shenzi next door.

Lu Chen yawned, thinking that Wendy was getting up too early.

This kind of thing doesn't exist for Wendy, as long as there is something fun, he will be as excited as if he is full of electricity.

So this flute, which is as punctual as an alarm clock, must have been done by him on purpose.

"A Ying, get up~"

Lu Chen opened the curtains, and outside the floor-to-ceiling windows of the luxury suite on the top floor, the sunlight was not dazzling.

"Hmm..." Kage's eyebrows moved slightly, but he didn't open his eyes.

The sunlight shone down at eight o'clock, gently touching Ying's cheeks, and Lu Chen saw her reluctantly stretch out her hand from the quilt, rubbing her sleepy eyes like a kitten.

"It's so early... Achen..."

"No way." Lu Chen propped his chin and leaned in front of Ying's cheek.

"Didn't you notice an extra background music? I don't think Wendy will stop until everyone gets up. "

Wendy is so annoying..."

Ying's anger was very serious, she opened her eyes to look at Lu Chen, closed her eyes and turned to the other side.

"Yes, Wendy hates the most."

Lu Chen came to the other side of the bed again and continued to admire Ying's sleeping face.

When Ah Ying got up, it was so fun, he couldn't see enough every day.

The shadow closed his eyes tightly, as if he felt a close gaze, his eyelashes flickered, and his breathing gradually became rapid.

For a strong person of her level, it was too easy to feel the gaze of others.

Lu Chen's head was close in front of him, every breath was clearly audible, and there was that naked and undisguised sense of gaze...

You can't ignore it.

So annoying!

Shadow couldn't sleep at all, and angrily turned his head to the other side, cute like an angry kitten.

"Hehe, don't sleep Aying." Lu Chen was addicted to playing, and quickly went around again.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he approached Ah Ying's eyes, Ying suddenly opened his purple pupils full of killing intent.

"Hey, I-"

Lu Chen couldn't react for a while, like a rag doll, he was dragged back to the bed by a huge force.

Almost instantly, Ying's soft body pressed on Lu Chen's body.

"Just sleep!"

Ying condescendingly looked at Lu Chen, and Lu Chen blinked in confusion.

The body of the two fits together as the double body temperature gradually warms up.

Although the atmosphere was very ambiguous, Lu Chen could see that Ying really just wanted to sleep.

The cold eyes she deliberately pretended to be quickly unable to hold on, but just glared at him viciously, and then closed again.

Then, her cheeks gradually went down, down.

Keep sinking.

Finally, he fell asleep on Lu Chen's chest.

There was a soft sound of sleep in the air.

Until a few minutes later, Lu Chen could not move away from under her, and Lu Chen looked at the shadow in front of him, and his eyes widened in shock.

Why is Ah Ying's strength so great?

Is this the power of getting up gas?

Although there was a reason for not defending A Ying just now, but such a crushing was too humiliating, Lu Chen thought about it, the power of the demigod was stimulated, and then a twist pressed the shadow back under him.

Shadow's eyebrows wrinkled unconsciously, but he still didn't open his eyes after being tossed by him like this.

It seems that this time back, she is sleeping.

"Otherwise..." Lu Chen looked out the door, "Then sleep again?"

Looking at the shadow that couldn't wake up no matter how she called, Lu Chen sighed helplessly, helped her set up her sleeping position, and covered her with a quilt.

Just as I wanted to leave the big bed

, there was a knock outside the door, and Wendy's elated voice,

"Get up, two slackers!" We decided! Going to an amusement park!

"Get up quickly!"

The knock on the door continued several times until Wendy spoke to herself suspiciously.

"Huh? Why didn't you react at all?

"What's going on?"

In addition to him, there was the sound of the Son yawning.

"It's just right, you wake up the two of them, I'll call Wei and Qiqi them!"

Wendy's footsteps grew farther and farther away, leaving only the sound of Miko complaining in place.

The knock sounded again.


"What did you do last night?" Why don't you wake up yet?

Lu Chen looked at Ah Ying again and touched her long eyelashes with his hand.

"I can't sleep now, everyone is up!"

"Ah Ying!"

"Ah Ying?"

There was no movement in the room, and Miko sensed that something was wrong.

"What are these two guys doing? Why don't you get up? "

Wait—" Lu Chen wanted to answer outside the door.

Unexpectedly, there was a helpless moan from Ah Ying under him.

"Achen, you are so annoying, don't toss me anymore!!"

After shouting, Ying directly turned over face down, completely isolated from Lu Chen's harassment.

The knocking outside the door stopped abruptly.

Listening to the footsteps that slowly left, Lu Chen could even imagine the perverted gaze of the son of God with disdain on his face...


When it came to breakfast, the atmosphere was particularly awkward.

Shenzi really looked at Lu Chen with that kind of disgust of three points, two points of disdain, and one point of perverted gaze.

Her chopsticks were inserted into a white boiled egg, and then handed it to Lu Chen with a smile.

"I'm so tired during the day, it seems that I should pay more attention to my body!" Here! Try this! "

Son of God, you misunderstood..." said Lu Chen helplessly.

He is a decent gentleman, how can he be in broad daylight... Is he that?

The look in Miko's eyes became even more contemptuous.

"Dare to do it or not, men who lie are even more annoying!"


Chen looked at Ying complainingly, feeling that this matter was already unclear.

"What's wrong?"

The shadow beside him cast a puzzled gaze, and it seemed that he had forgotten the incident in the morning.

"Kage~" Miko returned to his usual narrow demeanor.


"I know that Lu Chen has become stronger again, but there are some things that need to be tempered, and those who should refuse must be refused!" Otherwise, this guy is insatiable and endless..."

"I see." Shadow nodded.

"What do you know? You just promise? Lu Chen looked at her.

These two are not on the same channel at all, but they can actually be connected?

Unexpectedly, the two sisters who turned their heads had already talked about the difference between moderation and indulgence, and the shadow said that only by practicing day and night could they finally be more refined, and as a result, Miko blushed again.

"What are you three talking about?" How weird? Wendy looked over curiously.

"It's all to blame on you!" Lu Chen glared at him viciously.


Wendy scratched her hair suspiciously.

"What does it have to do with me?"

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