Lu Chen's large RV is on the road again.

The destination is the magic capital, but this time the old driver Miko has been replaced by the new driver Wendy.

When getting on the highway, Lu Chen, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked behind.

Ah Ying and Miko were nestling together reading a novel, and I don't know what interesting place they saw, and they both laughed together.

On the other side, Wei and Qiqi sat face to face, one closed his eyes and nurtured his mind, the other eyes were expressionless, anyway, there was not a word of communication on the road, as if playing a game of 'whoever speaks first loses'.

There were only a few of them going out this time, and everyone else had things, such as Zhongli taking care of the glazed lilies, Hu Tao going to the barren mountains to collect materials, and Diluc looking at the shop...

Barbara had already flown to the magic capital one step ahead, but the carnival would be five days later, and there was still plenty of time for them.

So he was ready to eat, drink and have fun all the way, and by the way, he took the immortal to dip in the world's fireworks.

"That..." Lu Chen sat next to Qiqi and Wei, wanting to enliven the awkward atmosphere here a little bit.

"Aren't the two Liyue fellows talking about something..." The two

expressionless faces of the big one and the small one moved towards Lu Chen.

"What?" Rays looked at him.

"Let's talk... What the...? Qiqi also looked at him.

"Eh... Well... Just talk..." Lu

Chen racked his brains, and didn't come up with a topic, no way, it's really easy to talk to these two cold.

To enliven the atmosphere, this kind of thing has to be Wendy and Hall Master Hu, Hu Tang is mainly sitting here, and Qiqi must be jumping up excitedly.

"Let's talk..." Lu Chen suddenly remembered something, and his face was curious, "I remember that Wei Wei had a karmic attack and was picked up by Qiqi, right?" And all the way back to the unbelievable?

Wei's emotionless gaze finally changed, and Qiqi also looked at him, his godless eyes thinking about something.

"I'm curious, huh? How did the little Qiqi carry such a big fish back..." Lu

Chen once made up countless pictures in his brain, such as folding the fish and stuffing it into the medicine basket behind him, such as tying the fish horizontally, carrying it back like carrying firewood, or carrying the legs or arms of the fish and dragging it all the way on the ground....

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he saw that the fish closed his eyes again, and seemed unwilling to answer this question....

However, before closing his eyes, Wei glanced at himself wordlessly, and Lu Chen could feel an emotion of "you really don't mention which pot".

Lu Chen could only look at Qiqi.

"I don't remember clearly..."

Qiqi shook his head, and then, his eyes widened again.

"But Qiqi has a lot of strength! Seven seven is very powerful!

Lu Chen patted her cute little head, "Qiqi is really sensible." After

the embarrassing cold scene here in the Liyue group, Lu Chen sat down on the side of the Naruto group, and the two girlfriends put down the light novel, and the shadow glanced at him curiously.

"I seem... Feel that Achen's power has grown again?

"Of course!" Lu Chen smiled proudly, "Now I am no longer what I used to be, and whether it is strength or endurance, I will soon return to my peak state, Aying, do you want to try this brand new me?" Ying

picked up a dessert heart on the table, looked at Lu Chen, who was smiling wantonly, and took a bite gently.

"My perception is very sensitive, and Achen should not have returned to his strongest state, so it's best not to rush for a while and take your time."

"How does this work?" Lu Chen also picked up a piece of dessert heart, stuffed it into his mouth and took a few bites, "This is the dignity of a man!" "

Achen, I'm already very satisfied with this." Shadow took a small bite and finally ate the dessert heart.

Yae Miko was sandwiched between the two, and as she listened, a suspicious blush gradually appeared on her cheeks.


"What do you two say? This kind of thing, you go to the room and close the door and talk!

Yae Miko gave Lu Chen a big roll of his eyes.

Then, his eyes were ridiculed, but the shy blush never subsided.

"Huh?" Shadow frowned, "In the room?" No..."

"Why?" Miko's smile paused.

"It's too much action." Shadow answered truthfully: "It will destroy the room!" "

Huh!?" The Son of God widened his eyes incredulously.

She looked at her gods, and her smile gradually became difficult to accept, as if it was the first day she knew her.

"You, you..."

"You would actually say such a thing!?"

Saying that, she looked at Lu Chen with a look of great pervert, "Look, you have damaged the pure and cold shadow of my family!" She actually said this kind of thing! It can actually be said!

"What's not to say?" Lu Chen was inexplicable.

"yes." Shadow should also be reconciled.

Lu Chen looked at the red-faced Shenzi, "Ah Ying is right, the room in the RV is too small and will be damaged." Then he looked around the wide living room and nodded solemnly.

"I feel like it's good here, Ah Ying, otherwise we'll start here."

"Hmm... Not very well. Shadow hesitated.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Yae Miko couldn't stand it, the two people in front of her were so perverted that even she felt perverted.

This is in front of everyone!

Only then did Lu Chen and Ying feel that something was not quite right with Shenzi.

The two looked at each other, and Lu Chen said suspiciously: "Isn't it just a royal duel?" How did she react this way? "

Huh? Gozen duel? The

god son looked at Lu Chen's face and confirmed again and again before he was sure that he really wasn't lying.

"yes, or what do you think?"

Lu Chen showed a skeptical gaze, looked at the blushing Shenzi, and tentatively said, "Then what were you thinking just now."

"I... Hehe...," Miko calmed his mood, "I also think of the Gozen duel. "

Oh, yes..." Lu Chen finally glanced at her suspiciously, always feeling that what she said about 'Imperial Duel' was not the same thing as what she said.

But judging from the expression on her face, what she was thinking was definitely not a good thing, Lu Chen knew her too well.

"Or like before?" Lu Chen looked at Ying, and Ying nodded confidently.

Said that it was a royal duel, but in fact, I just wanted to find a reason to try it with her, just like last time.

The types of competitions they used to have were varied, not just the kind in the martial arts dojo, sometimes singing, guessing boxing, drinking orders, wrestling, and even guessing how many petals fell down... It's all about the game.

Although the living room in the RV is spacious, it is not suitable for dancing knives and guns, and playing cards and the like is too boring, Lu Chen has to crush Ah Ying on real hard power.

So there is only one way to compete.

Lu Chen and Ying both looked at the only piece of dessert on the table.

In the past, after each competition, everyone was noisy and dissatisfied with each other, and they might fight again because of the only piece of dessert left.

Now it is simply a reproduction of the scene at that time, and even Yae Miko, who was hiding on the side, has reappeared.

Yae Miko hugged her arm and watched the boring actions of the two from the sidelines.

"Hmph, boring."

Lu Chen and Ying looked at each other and smiled, but no one moved.

A few seconds later....

It was Lu Chen who was the first to break the calm.

He reached for the only dessert heart with lightning speed.

His speed is more than dozens of times that of punching that scar face chin at the beginning, which is a real invisible speed that even the camera can't capture.

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