"That's right, it's really related to the Abyss Order..."

Wendy frowned as she looked at the uninvited guests.

"They..." Lu Chen's gaze fell on the tall Abyss Apostle, who had been watching Lei Yin Quanxian's location.

"They've been waiting for a long time." Lu Chen remembered their behavior in controlling various elemental creatures, and the previous analysis was confirmed step by step.

However, they could not see themselves in the secret realm, the abyss apostles stood still in place, and those abyss mages began to search for the location where Lei Yin Quan had disappeared.

In the other side of the field of vision, the thunder power they controlled should have disappeared all of a sudden, and was teleported to another world by unknown forces.

The so-called "secret realm" is only open to the world where Lu Chen is.

When the two were talking, Lei Yinquan in the sky suddenly became difficult.

Its figure flashed, and the next second, the figure wrapped in thunder and lightning full of oppression appeared directly in front of it.

The sound of electricity in the air became terrifying, and its charged wings slammed into the position of the two.

Lu Chen and Wendy hurriedly dodged, Lu Chen tapped on his tiptoes and quickly stepped backwards, and Wendy instantly turned into a breeze, and Lei Yinquan appeared behind him.

Under the feet of the two just now, the ground was already scorched black, and there was a sizzling sound.

"Let's deal with the trouble in front of you first!" Wendy's voice came.

"Know!" Lu Chen gritted his teeth against this voltage that made him numb, took out the dragon groan in the box, and flew up and stabbed towards Lei Yin Quanxian's position.

Lei Yin Quan flapped his wings, and on Lu Chen's travel route, a thunder and lightning cage suddenly fell from the sky.

Lu Chen drank lowly, and the Yuzhang shield immediately appeared, and the thunder element hit the heavy rock element, making the shield constantly flicker and become more transparent.

When he broke free from the thunder cage, Lei Yin Quan had now appeared in another position, and its speed was very fast.

This Lei Yin Quan Xian, who was bound by the Abyss Sect, also had a black twisted aura on his body, and it was originally born of resentment, and it became even more irritable.

It constantly flapped its wings, and large and small thunder appeared in the secret realm, falling from the sky, making it difficult to move an inch.

Lu Chen wandered in the endless thunderstorm, although he was blocked by the Yuzhang shield, but the shield blocking ability was limited, and he would not carry it stupidly if he could dodge it.

Looking for the flickering thunder sound Quan Xian, Lu Chen was waiting for the opportunity, and the dragon chant in the box he held in his hand condensed the breath of ice element and fire element.

"You attack with all your might, we will fight quickly!" Wendy said in a deep voice.

Lu Chen immediately nodded, both of them had doubts about the Abyss Sect's motives, and they were eager to find out the truth.

After Wendy's words fell.

In the entire secret realm, the refreshing wind surrounded it, forming a huge wind field.

After the wind element came into contact with the dense and oppressive lightning field, it continued to spread, and the sound of electricity in the secret realm became more and more deafening.

The dragon chant in the box in Lu Chen's hand, the light of ice and fire became more and more dazzling, and he was constantly accumulating strength.

His gaze locked on Lei Yin Quanxian's flashing direction, and when a certain position, a purple shadow loomed in the air—

Lu Chen's long sword, raised above his head in an instant.

A sword qi slashed towards the location where Lei Yinquan appeared.

The ice element and the fire element blended in the wind field, reacted, and swept towards the thunder power, and expanded to an unimaginable range.

The sword qi covered the entire area with overwhelming momentum, and Lei Yin Quan did not have time to escape.

The harsh and violent sound echoed repeatedly in the secret realm, and after this sword hit, Lu Chen would not leave his hand, he stepped on the ground and rushed towards the target like a cannonball.

The force of this kick was so strong that the ground was stepped out of the shattered ravine, and in the next second, Lu Chen had already appeared in front of Lei Yin Quanxian, faster than its teleportation speed.

Under the reaction of the huge wind field, another strong attack wrapped in the dual elements of ice and fire with a sword, Lei Yin Quanxian's voice became intermittent, and Lu Chen also sensed that the concentration of thunder elements in the secret realm became significantly weaker.

Wendy stopped assisting Lu Chen's behavior, his attack followed, an arrow streaked through the air, and Lei Yin Quanxian's body was carried higher into the air, wrapped in a wave of qi that could tear everything apart, and his body kept spinning.

Losing the ability to act autonomously, Lei Yin Quanxian's threat weakened a lot, and Lu Chen quickly praised: "Good control!" "

He manipulated the wind element, made himself higher than Lei Yin Quanxian, and kept killing moves in his hands.

After a slash, the thunderstorm in the secret realm finally began to stop.

Seeing that Lei Yin Quan was getting weaker and weaker, unable to even spread his wings, like a broken doll struggling in the sky, Lu Chen rushed forward and stared at its purple, eye-like structure.

"Cappachili! Tell me! What the hell is going on! "

Why did the Abyss Order bind you? What are their plans?

After Lu Chen left these questions, Lei Yin Quan did not react, and the sound of electricity was only echoing in the secret realm.

"It's irrational, it's useless..." said Wendy, who had retransformed into human form, helplessly.

Lu Chen looked at Lei Yin Quanxian, who was constantly struggling, sometimes resentful, and sometimes violent, and sighed deeply.

This thunderbird living on Tsurukan Island, gradually mad because of pain, was killed and sealed by the Raiden General himself.

After the seal was unsealed due to the war, the grievances it left behind turned into the current Lei Yin Quanxian.

There is no wisdom, no memory, only the most primitive and pure anger.

Can't ask anything....

Lu Chen looked at Lei Yin Quanxian with a sigh, and the long sword in his hand flickered again.

"Rest in peace..." [

Kill Lei Yin Quan Xian, solve the problem of thunder element anomaly

] [Achievement: Dissipated grievance

] [Reward 1000 rough stones, reward 1 million real-world currency]

Lu Chen came to the treasure chest in silence, and then looked around.

Outside the secret, the scenery in the valley began to gradually clear, and the sunset on Qingli Island became lighter and lighter.

The Abyss Sect still hadn't left, they were guarding the location where Lei Yin Quanxian had disappeared, and several Abyssal Mages seemed to be whispering something.

Lu Chen vaguely captured a few words.

"Remember... "


"Prince... Hall..."

Wendy silently came to Lu Chen's side and gently poked him with her arm.

"The secret realm disappears immediately, you prepare, let's leave."

Lu Chen nodded, propped up the gap in time and space, and hid his body and Wendy in it.

Outside the valley, the action team had swept away those thunder elemental creatures, because of the solution of the elemental anomaly, the extremely threatening electricity in the air all disappeared, and the clouds that shrouded the valley gradually dissipated.

There were many wounded in the action team, and Wang Qi supported his injured teammate and looked at a certain location in the valley suspiciously.

"Strange... Actually, is that the end of it..."

Captain Gu patted him on the shoulder angrily, "How?" Do you want to fight a little longer? Such a bunch of charged stuff is enough for us!

Wang Qi smiled and shook his head, "Whatever, it's just very strange, just now the abnormality is obviously so serious, I always feel that things ended a little too quickly..."

Captain Gu pondered and said: "The data will be collected later, the problem will be handed over to the analysis department, and we will go down to rest first."

"Oh, good!"

With the conversation of these action team members in their ears, Lu Chen and Wendy silently left the valley.

Then move on to the next anomaly area.

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