Summer is coming, and summer days by the sea are getting hotter and hotter.

Lu Chen closed all the doors and windows of the villa's living room, and adjusted the air conditioner to the maximum power, still feeling a little hot.

Wiping the sweat on his forehead, Lu Chen, who was in hot weather, wanted to get into Qiqi's room to freeze himself for a while.

Staring at Qiqi's room, Lu Chen suddenly thought of something, so he stretched out his hand and slowly beckoned towards her room.

The ice elements that escaped in the air seemed to have heard the command, and they all converged towards Lu Chen's palm.

Controlling the ice element around him, the temperature around him dropped rapidly, and Lu Chen leaned proudly on the sofa, feeling very comfortable.

"Achen, it's so cool around you..." The shadow who was eating snacks looked over curiously, and then moved towards Lu Chen's position.

But the good times did not last long, and after a while, the shadow said suspiciously: "It seems to be getting hot again?" "

That's because the number of ice elements in the air is limited, and because Lu Chen used the cold air in Qiqi's room for his own use, Qiqi in the room seemed to react.

The ice elements surrounding Lu Chen gradually dissipated, and he actually got back through the crack in the door and returned the same way.

This change made Lu Chen's eyes widen, so he waved his hand vigorously, and the ice element in Qiqi's room appeared again.

"It's getting cold again," Shadow said.

Qiqi's door slammed open, and she looked suspiciously at the living room.

Lu Chen calmly picked up a small cake from Ying's plate.

"Strange... Strange..." Qiqi closed the door suspiciously.

At this time, Diluc, who was bartendered behind the bar, came over and handed two glasses of wine with ice to Lu Chen and Ying.

"It's a little hot, try my new wine."

Lu Chen picked up a glass and was a little surprised when he saw the clear liquor inside.

Slime condensate finally fused in?

And this is not a cocktail, it was brewed purely by hand during this time in Diluc, and it smells subtle of flowers from the Maund field.

After tasting it slightly, a refreshing feeling suddenly emerged, and Lu Chen exhaled.

"That's nice! This wine will definitely be welcomed!

Kage also took a cup and nodded slightly and said thank you.

"Hmm..." she also commented: "Cool and refreshing, refreshing, and not high, it must be very suitable for drinking in summer."

"But the production is too small." Diluc shrugged helplessly.

Lu Chen brought him too few raw materials, so this wine was really gone after drinking these few glasses, and it took a lot of high-quality raw materials to launch a new wine in the bar.

"I'll fix that." Lu Chen said.

He wasn't idle for a few days after the holiday, and in addition to accompanying Wendy around to find a location, he was also watching the anomalous areas of the elements on the map.

He planned a survey route from the coastal provinces to the interior, and when Wendy returned from Starlight, he set off immediately.

A few people chatted for a while, and the sound of a car came from outside the door, and Wendy drove Barbara back.

Barbara has to go to Starlight every day to train, and Wendy will follow, in addition to supporting the Fengshen believers, but also working on the new album with Tony.

Seeing the two of them talking and laughing and pushing open the door, Lu Chen was also happy.

During this time, Barbara's impression of her Lord Barbatos skyrocketed, and as she had thought, as long as she had been in contact with someone like Wendy for a while, she would definitely like his personality.

It may only be a matter of time before we learn that the worldview of the drunkard poet is a god collapses and then become a devout windgod again.

"It's waiting for you!" After Lu Chen saw Wendy, he changed into a jacket suitable for sports.

Wendy nodded, "Let's go!"

Ying said with some concern: "You two have to come back quickly, if there is a problem that cannot be solved, tell us in time!"

"Don't worry!" Lu Chen raised a smile and waved at her.

Due to the current state of affairs, it was somewhat inconvenient to bring too many people, and Lu Chen wanted to go alone at first.

And the reason for calling Wendy with him is that he is the best means of transportation.

Half an hour later, the two people flying at high speed in the sky looked at the land, and they were not far from the nearest elemental anomaly.

Wendy turned into a breeze to envelop Lu Chen, and around Lu Chen, the space was sometimes distorted and sometimes clear, which is the embodiment of [Space Power: Time and Space Gap].

After coming to a certain wild mountain in a neighboring province, Lu Chen and Wendy were not busy stepping out of the gap in time and space.

Because in addition to the bouncing Ray Slime, there are many mysterious people wearing chemical protection suits fully armed.

Lu Chen manipulated the gap in time and space, wrapped Wendy towards those mysterious people.

These people are obviously prepared and very professional, and seem to know the characteristics of Ray Slime, their clothes can isolate the arc attack of the Ray Slime group, when the large Ray Slime jumps up, they react quickly and neatly scatter to avoid the shockwave.

What surprised Lu Chen even more was that a tall man with a different color from the others in protective clothing, carrying a strange-looking weapon, like a baton and a short sword, quietly approached Ray Slime from behind.

The elemental aura looming in the air made Lu Chen immediately understand that the fire element was condensed on that weapon!

With a sigh, Lu Chen's eyes saw that Ray Slime's health bar had been reduced by a quarter, and their attack was really effective.

After Ray Slime was enraged, he directly crashed towards the person, at this time the other team members holding explosion-proof shields immediately topped up, as expected, the shield was also insulated, and Ray Slime's attack was defused.

As they got closer, Lu Chen also found a familiar symbol on their clothes - "Anomaly Special Operations Team".

During this time, they not only found a way to contain elemental forces, but also understood the characteristics of elemental attributes.

Although the fire element collected on that melee weapon is limited, and watching them busy for a while, they still need to refill the fire element, which means that it is disposable and will be gone when it runs out....

But this is still a big breakthrough.

Lu Chen even saw a large plastic cage transported down from the military vehicle, and it seemed that they were going to capture the slime back to study.

This summer valley was supposed to be lush with vegetation, but it was over-eroded by the thunder element, the vegetation mostly withered, and the air faintly emitted the sound of electricity.

Ordinary people coming here will definitely not be able to withstand the body, fortunately, the abnormal phenomenon special operation team has blocked the valley in advance, in addition to these members of the front-line operation, there are many logistics personnel under the mountain, which can be described as well prepared.

After they had been busy for a long time and finally captured the blood-striped Ray Slime, Lu Chen quietly approached the past and followed them to the bottom of the mountain.

After leaving the abnormal area, the men took off their chemical protection suits after passing the examination.

A dark-faced middle-aged man with a national character face greeted him with a smile.

"Team C did a great job! This time, a special otherworldly creature codenamed 'Raiden II' can be captured, which is a great benefit for the research project! When you go back, you can remember the great achievements! After

the yellow-colored chemical protection suit took off his mask, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you, Captain Gu, but this time it is not my credit alone."

He smiled and looked at his teammates, "The first actual battle since I led the team, thanks to the assistance of my teammates."

"This is you being modest!" Captain Gu walked up and patted him on the shoulder, "Wang Qi, your kid used to be a famous folk adventurer, this is all a small scene!"

Wang Qi was still modest, Captain Gu smiled proudly, and the two entered the makeshift combat tent while chatting.

The two walked, and Wendy in the gap in time and space silently looked at Lu Chen, "It's still our old friend."

Lu Chen also did not expect that Wang Qi, the adventurer young man who had worked hard for the treasures in the barren mountains, would join the anomalous special operations team and become the captain of the highly regarded squad.

He looked again above the valley battered by the thunder element, where the element was becoming more and more abnormal, belonging to the most conspicuous area on the map.

A few Ray slimes are just appetizers, and what these players face in a while will probably be more dangerous.

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