Before leaving Starlight, Lu Chen and Wendy repeatedly emphasized the importance of "debuting as an idol".

The insistence of Lu Chen and his party made Tony helpless, and finally he could only agree, but for Barbara's idol project, he was ready to study it again.

In such a short period of time, it may be unrealistic for Barbara to become a full-fledged idol who sings and dances, and perhaps she can debut as an idol singer who sings full-time.

Everyone was satisfied with this result, and Lu Chen and the three drove back to the beach villa with satisfaction.

On the way, Lu Chen and Wendy talked about what happened before Barbara audition, and when she heard what seemed to be bullying, Wendy's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled.

He parked the car to the side of the road, and then looked at Barbara with a serious expression, "What's that person's name?"

When Lu Chen rarely saw him have this expression, Barbara was also stunned, but did not answer.

Lu Chen immediately took out his mobile phone, "It seems to be called Sister Nana..."

He rummaged through the web search, but he couldn't find it for a long time, and finally found the female star from the official website of Starlight Entertainment.

As he expected, he was really just a passing star.

Their idol group once became popular and debuted as a talent show, and this one named Nana is still one of the C positions.

However, the so-called fire is the kind of company that spends money to create momentum, there is too much competition in the idol market, and the limelight in the current period has all been stolen by another girl group of Jiashi Entertainment, so Starlight's girl group soon became tepid.

I flipped through a blog at random, and the number of followers was quite a lot, but they were all zombie fans, and there were only a few active fans under her narcissistic selfie.

"You won't..." Barbara said in a weak voice, "You're not going to take revenge on her, are you?"

Lu Chen suddenly smiled, this kind of role is not their turn to retaliate, but some words still have to be said to Barbara, he also followed the seriousness, "The heart of defense is indispensable, next you are going to Starlight to participate in training, and other idols look down and don't look up, don't always show kindness to everyone at that time?" You know?

Barbara nodded softly, her voice still soft, "I see."

Lu Chen looked at her helplessly, such a kind girl put in such a circle full of jealousy and malice, always made him feel at ease.

"The wind isn't always gentle and gentle!" Wendy looked at Barbara and said with deep meaning: "In your song, the wind will always help everyone, but sometimes, the wind will also become cold." "

The song Barbara just wrote is openly a celebration of the wind, but in fact, it is a depiction of what the wind god has done.

After experiencing the experience of the wind, the seed will become strong....

Isn't that the people in the Mond room?

Barbara nodded understandingly, and Wendy continued:

"To friends, we have poetry and wine, and to enemies, we turn into a storm that sweeps through the winter."

"That's right!" Lu Chen agreed.

In the eyes of others, Wendy is an alcoholic poet who does not do serious things, but gods are gods after all, and when Mond is repeatedly in trouble, he will never be soft in the face of Mond's enemies.

So was the lone king of the tyrant tower, and so was the old nobility who enslaved people.

"But don't worry." As if seeing the worry in Lu Chen's eyebrows, Wendy waved her hand and restarted the car.

"With me here, no one bullies her

~" "If the one called Nana troubles you again, I will blow her down from upstairs and let her experience the feeling of going to the playground~

" "Okay!" Lu Chen laughed when he heard this. Indeed, with the Wind God Buddha-figure here, can the devout disciples of the Wind God still be bullied?

With the Fengshen supporting the field, his worries were completely superfluous.

Barbara watched Wendy change back to a casual appearance that liked to joke, and unconsciously, she laughed along with it.

During this time in Lu Chen's house, she had already understood the usual appearance of Lord Barbatos, although it was completely different from the imaginary gods, but Lord Barbatos had a very comfortable temperament.

Wendy's words just now also changed Barbara's perception of him.

Especially the last sentence.

Sometimes, the wind gets harsh. '

Isn't it a little too gentle when you usually treat others?'

Some of them are obviously very difficult requests, but for the obsession of wanting to be recognized in their hearts, they will always work tirelessly and hard....

The scenery outside the car window was rapidly receding, and Barbara looked at this strange world, caught in a certain thought...


On the way home, while driving on the Binhai Avenue, Lu Chen suddenly found that the sea breeze blowing in outside the window became stronger.

In the salty sea breeze, the air seems to become more and more turbid.

Lu Chen couldn't help but turn his head and look, only to see a certain location on the southeast sea, clouds covering the sky and waves.

This feeling was very familiar, reminding Lu Chen of the last time he faced the pure water elves in the sea.

But there is no abundant water element in the air, but the wind element looms.

So changed, Wendy had already noticed, he immediately parked the car on the side of the road, and then took the lead in opening the door and came to the side of the road.

"It's the breath of the wind element, a very familiar feeling..." Wendy stared at the strange ocean surface.

Lu Chen and Barbara followed, three people stood on the shore looking into the distance, many people and vehicles around were fleeing in panic, some said that a typhoon was coming.

"Typhoon?" Lu Chen felt that this was not the case at all, so he took out his mobile phone and looked at the weather.

Today's temperature is suitable, originally there was only a small southeast wind, but now it seems that a violent storm is really brewing on the sea.

At this moment, the system prompt tone appeared.

[Wind Element Abnormal Warning

] [Investigation Mission: Please explore and deal with elemental anomalies on the island southeast of the city within 5 hours

] [After completion, you will get gorgeous treasure chests and achievement rewards]

Lu Chen informed Wendy of the task sent by the system, and he looked at the distant ocean and thought.

"If I'm not mistaken," Wendy frowned, "This guy should be the Phaseless Wind, but what surprised me was that the power of the Phaseless Wind was more violent than when I was in Mond, and the breath of the wind element was chaotic, what was wrong?"

Lu Chen remembered his previous experience of fighting against the pure water elf, and the pure water elf was much stronger than when he was in Tivat, so he said his thoughts.

"Something isn't quite right..." Wendy immediately shook her head, "As the god of the wind, I can feel some kind of emotion hidden in this wind, it is too irritable, maybe not just because the system has been strengthened..."

Lu Chen is a man of action, and he can't wait to take out the ritual face from the system and put it on his face to change his appearance.

He also helped Barbara stop a taxi that was scared to rush home, and after stuffing a handful of banknotes, the taxi drove Barbara to Lingshan Bay.

After leaving only Lu Chen and Wendy, Lu Chen suddenly realized another thing.

The wind of no phase comes from Mond, so the other side of the secret communication is Mond.

He was still worried about how to solve Diluc's task before, but now that the environment on Mond's side must be wild, it is possible to find the raw materials needed for brewing wine in the wild.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Lu Chen couldn't wait to urge Wendy.

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