After studying "Mondet Drink" with Diluc and Wendy for a while, Lu Chen took out a lot of slime condensate.

He wanted as much as he wanted, and I don't know how many water slimes were slaughtered by the beach at that time.

I didn't expect to use it one day.

When the bar counter was filled with all kinds of sticky cocktails, Lu Chen was even a little addicted to drinking, drinking one cup after another with Wendy.

"But I'm a little skeptical." Wendy shook the colorful liquor in her glass.

"Is this still a mond drink?" After all, the base wine is the rum I bought from here, and the other ingredients are also here, and the only one that can be counted as coming from Teyvat is slime condensate.

"Yes..." Lu Chen was also a little suspicious, he felt that such a wine would definitely not pass the level of the system.

So he looked at Diluc, "What else do you need?"

Without thinking, Diluc said directly: "The grain, or fruit, used to make wine, and the most important source of water." "

It's a little difficult..." Lu Chen scratched his hair in distress.

When a few people were at a loss, the shadow came over curiously.

She looked at the row of beautifully colored cocktails on the bar, and then looked at Lu Chen, with some yearning colors in her eyes.

"You want to drink it too?" Lu Chen was a little surprised.

"Hmm..." The

shadow wanted to say and stop, Lu Chen saw her tangled look that wanted to drink but did not dare to open her mouth, and felt particularly cute.

So he helped her get a glass with the least amount of alcohol.

Then he secretly scolded himself in his heart, 'Just spoil her!'

"I can only drink a little, but I don't have more."

Ying happily sat on the swivel chair in front of the bar, held the cocktail Lu Chen gave her, and took a sip.

Wendy looked at her, her expression even more surprised than Lu Chen.

"She, what's wrong with her? Why do you love to drink so much now?

"It's not all you yet!" Lu Chen glared at Wendy angrily.

Now that Shadow's alcohol is getting better and better, I'm really afraid that Wendy will turn Shadow into a rotten drunkard.

Putting down the cup, Shadow felt a little unfulfilled, but did not continue to ask for it.

She looked at Lu Chen and asked curiously, "What are Miko and Barbara doing in the room?" Why hasn't it come out for so long?

Lu Chen remembered Barbara's stubble, as if he asked Shenzi to package her, but how did it take so long to wrap it?

But before he could be confused for long, Miko led the reluctant Barbara to the second-floor cloister.

"Dangdangdang! Everyone, please take a look! Our idol superstar, Miss Barbara~"

Everyone looked up one after another, and Barbara, who had changed into new clothes, stood cramped on the second floor.

With a warm red sleeveless shirt on the upper body and a high-waisted khaki skirt on the bottom, with a white belt and a handbag, Barbara's whole temperament has become fashionable and capable.

Miko pulled Barbara around as if showing off, and then looked at everyone downstairs expectantly.


"It's beautiful!" Wendy applauded.

Shenzi smiled with satisfaction, and then turned his gaze to Lu Chen.

"It's pretty." Lu Chen first clapped his palms, and then asked with some doubt:

"How does it feel very similar to your usual dressing style, not very suitable for Barbara's age..."

And Barbara is obviously going to follow the pure idol style of the campus, so with it, it must be good-looking, but it lacks a bit of soul.

It's not like Barbara anymore.

"Are you saying I'm old??" The son of God glared at Lu Chen fiercely.

Lu Chen immediately stretched out his hands, "No, no... I just don't think the temperament matches... You can help her change her image again. "

Cut! It's quite a bit of a requirement. Although Shenzi complained, he looked at Barbara carefully, feeling that what Lu Chen said was also reasonable.

So the two returned to the bedroom.

Everyone on the first floor retracted their gaze, and the shadow suddenly remembered a question.

"If Barbara becomes a school idol, does she have to go through the admission procedures first?"

At first, this question stumped Lu Chen and Ying, but now Lu Chen has a wide range of contacts, and he directly called Director Zhang of Haizhou Middle School.

Told Director Zhang about the entrusted admission, and Director Zhang agreed with a smile, saying that it was all a trivial matter.

After the system is updated, the characters who come are no longer black, and there is no need to spend time and effort to solve the identity problem, and if Barbara enrolls, she will stay in the same class with Lu Chen.

"But what about academic problems?" Shadow asked again.

"Well..." Lu Chen thought for a moment.

Then solemnly patted Ying's shoulder, "As a science genius with excellent character and learning, this question is left to you!"

The purple eyes widened, "Do you want me to tutor her homework?"


"But I'm still practicing martial arts, and I really don't have time..."

the shadow complained, and the footsteps of the two came from the second floor.

"Dangdang! Youth invincible campus beautiful girl, Barbara, join!

Everyone's eyes looked at it together, and Barbara was completely different from her temperament just now.

Dark blue sailor suit, pleated skirt, light blue scarf tied on the chest, and a big red bow behind her hair, Barbara carrying a small school bag is simply cute.

Barbara avoided everyone's sight a little shyly, and said, "So, is this okay?" "

Fantastic!" Wendy gave a thumbs up, "It looks no different from the students in our school!" The

current Barbara is very preppy, but it doesn't look like a middle school student, but an elementary school student.

Miko enjoys everyone's praise, and the well-received work is equivalent to praising her aesthetics.

However, what made her a little puzzled was that Lu Chen among the people was still frowning and thinking about something.

"How? Not this time, right?

Lu Chen shook his head, "It's not that it can't work, but..."

Miko hurriedly asked.

"We are going to take her to Starlight Company, if she is wearing a student uniform, isn't it a little too starless, and too deliberate..." Miko

finally couldn't help it, and hugged his arm with a cold snort, "Why are you doing so many things, I don't care!"

"Hey, don't, don't!"

Lu Chen immediately showed a flattering smile, "This matter can only be done by our godson who coexist in beauty and wisdom, as the No. 1 in aesthetic ability, you are really suitable to be Barbara's stylist!"

Shenzi hugged his arm, looked at Lu Chen's smiling face, and snorted again.

"And what?"

What else? Lu Chen looked at A Ying beside him, and the shadow couldn't help but be a little handsome.

"Ugh!" Lu Chen could see that this was the Son of God changing his law to boast, so a lot of fleshy words of praise came out of his mouth.

What Tivat's most powerful editor-in-chief....

The greatest witch in the world and history....

The beauty is so overwhelming that even God is jealous, and wherever she goes, even flowers will follow the first beauty of Tivat....


"Don't say any more..." Shadow covered his forehead when he saw Lu Chen, who was gushing, "The Son of God is gone..." Lu Chen

looked up and saw that the Son of God and Barbara were indeed gone.

So I was relieved, fortunately, the Son of God loved to eat this set.

However, when he turned around, he saw that everyone present, including Ying, had goosebumps and looked at him with great disgust.

Lu Chen picked up a cocktail, plugged in the straw, and inhaled it unintentionally.

In fact, he himself got goosebumps....


Finally, when Miko pulled Barbara, who was wearing a simple floral dress, out, everyone's eyes were attracted.

Barbara looked at everyone, finally no longer shy, she spun around a little playfully, and her little skirt flew with it.

Lu Chen seemed to see a fresh and beautiful daisy blooming in the sky, so he finally showed a smile of approval to Shenzi.

"Okay, that's it!"

Miko finally breathed a sigh of relief.

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