If it is said that the kingdom that runs with all its strength will cause the fear of heaven, it will bring down punishment.

And what about the seven kingdoms that run at full strength?

Among the Seven Kingdoms, the Winter Kingdom has already touched the power that makes the upper gods fearful, and the cold and frozen northern realm has quite the momentum of the original godless country Canrea...

Tivat's technological development has reached a disturbing tipping point.

Lu Chen couldn't help but look at Zhong Li, he was curious about what the contract he had concluded with the Ice Empress before the Emperor of the Rock King stepped down.

Lu Chen once asked, and if nothing else, Zhong Li didn't say anything.

It was a plan hidden in his heart.

Although Zhongli and Wendy both pretend to be riddlers, Lu Chen can spy on their thoughts from some subtle developments.

It's attitude.

To put it bluntly, it can be said to take sides.

Surrendering the Heart of God is not surrendering power, and God's power does not depend on the Heart of God.

Instead, that thing was a hot potato used by Sky Island to communicate (monitor) the agents of the gods.

The Winter Kingdom in the far north has taken the lead in raising an anti-flag against the great cause of heaven, and the Ice Empress needs the support of several other gods.

Someone acts, someone acquiesces.

There are also people who have dropped the line....

Lu Chen looked at A Ying, and she gently drank the last glass of rice wine.

Back in Tivat, he and she would face this thorny problem.

Then again, sometimes I have to admire the two old foxes of Feng and Yan.

The heart of God has also been handed over, and the play has been fully performed, not that we are disobedient, but the other side is too treacherous.

It's also easy to explain to the above.

After going back, let the shadow directly throw the heart of God into the lake, and then say that he lost it....

"The technology here is a very different system from Tivat." Ying pondered, "Without the use of elemental power, the alchemy level lags behind, but it also gets rid of the shackles of the seven elements, and instead gives birth to unexpected prosperity. It

seems that Ying knows this, Lu Chen looked at her, the so-called reason why he is not limited by heavenly reason is because the laws are completely different, and they can't manage it here.

But back to Inazuma is different.

"Learning is always useful." Ying knew Lu Chen's thoughts, "At least there is a chance to choose, isn't it?"

Lu Chen nodded silently.

"That's right, the opportunity to choose."

Zhong Li also praised Ying's approach, "Compared to the technology from the abyss, the technology here will not attract the attention of Tianli in the short term."

"Anyway, the wine here is really good." Wendy gave a thumbs up, "I must bring back modern winemaking techniques!" Everyone

laughed when they heard this.

The wine cooled a little, and Wendy filled the container with another pot of hot water.

The slight breath of drunkenness has been lingering in the drawing room.

Hu Tao, who was sitting on the side silently listening to the story, suddenly interjected.

"I still don't understand, why do the gods have to destroy the kingdom that is running with all its might? Is it bad for the world under rule to flourish? Although

he was a little puzzled by what the three gods were arguing about before, his face was sometimes confused, sometimes dazed, and sometimes he was facing the eyes of the seven and seven big eyes.

But hearing the back, Walnut still peeled a lot of things out of the mouths of these riddlers.

Perceptions of the origin of the world of Tivat are also changing.

Lu Chen replied to her on behalf of the three gods: "As long as the development of human civilization exceeds the threshold limit, it will attract 'divine punishment', which is the law that was imposed on our world after the birth of Sky Island.

Walnut fumbled his chin, "But... What do they want?

Lu Chen thought for a moment, and then slowly said,


"What?" Walnut's eyes blinked, "What quotient?"

In fact, this concept was mentioned by him for the first time, and the eyes of the three gods also shifted.

"It's entropy." Lu Chen corrected it.

Walnut was completely confused.

Qiqi turned her head blankly, she had been confused from beginning to end.

It doesn't feel as interesting as drinking coconut milk.

Even... Playing with walnuts is also more interesting than watching adults drink and chat here.

"The second law of thermodynamics?" Shadow asked.

Lu Chen nodded, or A Ying of Science and Engineering thinking reacted the fastest.

"Tell me about it." Wendy became curious too.

Lu Chen looked at Ying, who recalled the knowledge in the book and said to everyone:

"To simplify, in an isolated system, if there is no external force to do the work, its total chaos (that is, entropy) will continue to increase."

Lu Chen looked at the living room that looked a little messy because of drinking, and gave an example.

"Matter always evolves towards increasing entropy, the house will become chaotic if it is not cleaned up, the clothes will become more and more dirty, the earphone cable will be messy, the hot water will slowly become cooler

..." "Even the sun will age because it is constantly burning..."

So this leads to a somewhat sad ending.

The stars will eventually extinguish, life will disappear, the world will become a dead silence, and the final outcome of the universe will be heat death.

It's silent.

Hearing this, Hu Tao felt the cool wind blowing outside the car window, and couldn't help but snort.

"It's a little cold..." Wendy waved her hand, and the window in the distance closed.

Turning around, he looked at Lu Chen, "So, all the prosperity in the world is to increase the entropy and eventually lead to that irreversible end, so it is not difficult to understand what Sky Island did." "

The Sky Island forces come from outside Tivat, and they know more about the truth of the universe.

All civilizations and lives live on negative entropy, and God prides itself on being an inquisitor.

"In this way, isn't it good to say that Tianli?" Walnut's eyes widened.

"There's no good or bad here." Lu Chen shook his head, "Or for us, Tianli is still bad, even if they think they are doing the right thing."

Zhong Li did not change his face from beginning to end, and he gently raised the wine glass and brought it to his mouth.

"The upper gods do not want the world to collapse and fall and have to keep mortals in captivity, and humans do not want to be captive so they rebel against the gods, but the perspective is different, but there is no right or wrong."

Lu Chen nodded when he heard this, "What I said is that of course, it is impossible for human beings to accept being dominated and entrust their fate to an existence who does not understand it at all. "

As a human perspective, Lu Chen believes that what he is doing is right.

Humans must have the "right to choose." The

topic suddenly became a little heavy, and Hu Tao looked at everyone who was silent and suddenly laughed.

"Anla Anla~ Even if there is a day, it will be a long, long time later, you think, the sun has been extinguished, so what is there to linger?"

Qiqi's little head nodded.


There is no sun..." "Cold

..." "There is no meaning..." Lu

Chen also laughed, "It is indeed unfounded, no matter what, we have left our own traces in the world, and this is enough."

Zhongli looked at everyone, "Civilization will find its own way out, giving civilization to the years, not giving civilization years." "

In a limited time, making one's life thicker and living wantonly is more valuable than the 'eternity' represented by heaven.

The shadow was silent in thought, and his purple eyes rippled.

This "Three Gods Theory" has given her some new considerations in her quest for 'eternity'.

Lu Chen drank the last glass of wine, and he suddenly thought about the intention of the system.

To live is to fight the increase in entropy, and life lives on negative entropy.

It seems that the ending is irreversible.

But he has the biggest bug that ignores time and space.

And the only way to combat entropy increase is

inverse entropy.

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