After the shadow game was also over, the two returned to the hotel together.

After going back, Lu Chen found that everyone was not here, and the guest rooms were empty.

After looking around, I found that it was all in the RV downstairs.

"What are you doing?"

As soon as Lu Chen pushed the door, he saw a group of people sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching Wendy sitting in the middle.

And Wendy was undistracted as she pounded the earthly lock in her hand, spinning around, as if she wanted to untie it.

"You're back?" Miko looked at Lu Chen and Ying, "How is the game?"

"Of course it's all winning." There is nothing to say about the competition, Lu Chen and Ying's individual competition has basically been cleared, only tomorrow's final.

Coupled with the team competition, it is no surprise that everyone will leave here in three days and return to the coastal city.

"Oh." Miko nodded and looked at Wendy again.

Wendy focused on unlocking the earthly lock, which was a bit like a combination of Luban lock and Rubik's cube, even more complex and delicate, and it needed to be urged by elemental force.

"Each of us has tried, but unfortunately we can't solve it, Lu Chen, do you want to give it a try?" Miko asked.

Lu Chen gave up trying just by taking a look, he shook his head and joined the onlookers.

Wendy stared intently at the earthly lock, those tiny mechanisms spun rapidly in his hand, it seemed to be a problem, but everyone said that he had been cracking it here for half an hour.

Still nothing.

"This thing is so difficult to solve, the wisdom of the person who made it is simply against the sky..." Finally

, Wendy helplessly put the stone lock on the table, spread her hands, and decided to give up.

Lu Chen looked curiously at Old Master Zhong who was sitting on the side calmly drinking tea, this is a relic entrusted to him in the end, can he take it out casually for everyone to play?

The golden pupils moved, and Zhongli seemed to know what he wanted to ask.

"It doesn't matter, the stone lock is originally a game for recreation, and Lu Chen Xiaoyou can also try it."

"In these thousands of years, even the Rock King Emperor has not cracked it." Lu Chen smiled and picked up the stone lock casually.

"I don't have to spend this brain cell." After fiddling with it for a while, he put it back on the table.

"Speaking of this..." Lu Chen looked at everyone who was very idle, he was very concerned about another matter.

"Do you have any ideas about the mirror and dreams?"

Except for Hu Tao and Qiqi, everyone was silent.

"Everyone gathered here to play games, originally to escape those who don't want to recall..." Shenzi glanced at Lu Chen, "Why do you have to mention this?"

Lu Chen looked at her and found that the eyes of the son of God were still a little dark, and the whole person looked worried.

So he smiled and quipped: "That Yae Miyaji-sama I know, the sky is not afraid, and a little nightmare can also stump you?"

When the Son of God heard this, he hugged his arm, "I want you to take care of it!"

"I'm your elder, can I manage it?"

"What elder!? You annoying old fellow!

"The atmosphere is so dull, or should I tell you a story from your childhood and make everyone happy?"

"Shut up!"

Seeing the fox's fried appearance again, Lu Chen laughed happily.

Shadow put the tea tray on the table, and the tea was fragrant.

"Just left for a while, why are you arguing again?"

Miko glared at Lu Chen and snorted.

"The Son of God has been sullen since the morning, Achen, don't tease her..."

Lu Chen took a cup of clear tea and blew hot air.

Through the hot air, he could see the expression of the Son of God come alive again.

Although he pretended to be angry, he was definitely much better than the bitter melon at the beginning.

He is also making everyone happy in his own way.

I don't know when it started, Yae Miko is also changing, the former casual and free, game in the world Yae Miyaji, occasionally exudes a trace of sadness.

He didn't like to see such a godson.

Ying sat beside Lu Chen, looked up at Shenzi, and asked softly.

"Did the Son of God dream of the Fox Palace?"

Miko nodded slightly, "I dreamed of the original appearance of Narujin Taisha Shrine, dreamed of the Great Witch-sama, and..."

Shenzi's gaze wandered between Ying and Lu Chen, and finally stopped on Lu Chen.

"What happened in the past, let it pass..."

she withdrew her gaze with a wry smile.


After the discussion, everyone returned from the RV to their respective guest rooms.

That night, Lu Chen did not take out the souvenir mirror to fiddle with, he was worried that this thing would affect everyone again.

It should be safer to leave it in the system storage column.


The night grew darker, and the world fell silent.

That familiar, half-dream-like feeling came again.

The scarlet sky, the burning earth, the collapsed megastructures, people shouted and cried.

This world is like purgatory on earth.

Lu Chen looked around, and the comrades who came with him fell one after another.

Even she was not spared.

Lu Chen picked up the delicate girl as paper, and blood stained his clothes.

The gods "love" people.

But the kingdom without the favor of the gods was eradicated from the garden of the gods like weeds.

The world fell into darkness again, and Lu Chen closed his eyes weakly.


Opening his eyes again, those clear purple eyes were looking at him.

Shadow's gaze was filled with dissolvable worry.

"Nightmares again?"

Lu Chen rubbed his somewhat swollen brain door and got up from the bed with difficulty.

Exhausted as if he had personally experienced the Battle of Canrea again, Lu Chen got up and poured himself a glass of water.

"It's a dream, I dreamed about going to Canria..." Lu

Chen poured another glass of water and handed it to the same tired-looking shadow.

"What about you?"

"Me too, I dreamed about the disaster sweeping over Inazuma."

Lu Chen clenched her wrist, Ying was not a witness to that expedition, but with the filth and erosion caused by the fall of Canrea, she faced it alone.

It was also after that that she lost almost all her relatives and friends in a row.

The souvenir mirror in the system lay quietly in the storage column, this time Lu Chen did not take it out, but the nightmare was still the same.

"Go, go and ask everyone."

Lu Chen pulled up the shadow, and the two wore pajamas and went directly to knock on the doors of the others.

Unsurprisingly, everyone's expressions were complex, and it seemed to be the same as their own experience.

Everyone gathered in Zhongli's room again, and Zhongli's coffee table still had earthly locks.

"What about this time? What did everyone dream about this time? Lu Chen smiled bitterly.

"The thousands of years of history of Liyue flashed in my mind."

Zhongli gently lifted the teapot, filled the teacups on the table in turn, and lined them up again, signaling everyone to take it for themselves.

Seeing Old Master Zhong's calm appearance, Lu Chen also inexplicably relaxed, and he picked up a cup casually.

Although it is only such a short sentence, it is very heavy.

Thousands of years of history, that's how many dreams of the past that I don't want to recall....

"Not as heavy as you think." Zhongli smiled in his eyes, "It's just a flashback of many fragments, and even saw what I looked like when I first cast Mora." "

Oh." Lu Chen nodded when he heard this, a bit like a thumbnail collection when watching a movie.

Zhong Li was a historical film over there, and he was a bitter drama, and Lu Chen looked at another god.

"What about you?"

Wendy supported her chin with her hand, "I, ah, I dreamed of the experience of drinking with teenagers, once the Lone King of the Tower ordered a ban on alcohol, so that we were looking for alcohol all over the city, but we couldn't find it, it was terrible..."

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