After eating an overnight snack and returning to the hotel.

Out of curiosity about this mysterious souvenir mirror, Lu Chen took it out again and fiddled with it for a while.

Will there be ghosts in the room too?

He lifted the lens in front of him and carefully observed the hotel room.

The rooms are brightly lit and nothing weird exists.

It seems that there are no ghosts here.

Shadow saw the way he looked for a ghost in the room and shook his head and smiled.

"Are you still afraid of being haunted by ghosts?"

"I'm not afraid," Lu Chen put down the souvenir mirror, "but the thought of someone looking at me all the time always makes me feel strangely embarrassed."

"Don't do anything wrong, don't be afraid of ghosts coming to the door."

"Then what if I did something wrong..." muttered Lu Chen.

The purple eyes moved over, slightly puzzled.

Lu Chen took out his mobile phone very consciously and looked at the writer's backstage.

Shadow came over curiously.

The old buddies in the book review area have killed crazy, either angry expressions or kitchen knife expressions, and recent reviews are wailing.

"Author, do you have a heart!! Hair knives are addictive, aren't they!

"My end,

woo-woo..." "The author's address is coming up quickly, I'm going to send you a blade!"

"How can Chenda leave an address..."

"My home is very close to the website headquarters, did you form a group with me to block Chenda?"

The plot line Because of the Demon God War, many of the outstanding supporting roles that have been created before have "curtain call" one after another, so there is such a reaction in the book review area.

Although he had expected it, it was indeed a bit of a bit to cause such a big discussion

It's too scary.

If those blades could really be sent, Lu Chen felt that he could open a blade factory to make a living.

Even the editor sent a message asking him if the plot direction was a little too pathetic, and to be careful of the loss of readers....

Lu Chen said that he was helpless, he wrote according to real history, and the cruelty of the Demon God War was like this.

And the plot of the knife is far from over, and in the latest chapter, even the usual comedy as "pot ba" has to temporarily come to an end.

After the death, the war continued, the floods destroyed the original and people fled their homes.

The emperor was forced to move his people back to Liyue Port, and although the journey was not far away, it was blocked by various natural disasters.

The immortals and emperors worked together to escort the people to migrate for more than ten days, and the god of Vesta Marceus chose to sacrifice himself and pool all his strength into the earth....

After posting this chapter, Lu Chen did not dare to look at the comment area.

So he turned off his phone and looked at the shadow next to him with a wry smile.

"People born in peacetime can no longer understand the cruelty of war," she sighed.

Lu Chen met her wavy purple eyes, and seemed to see the sad and happy parting of Inazuma a thousand years ago through these water-like eyes.

Liyue is like this, and Inazuma is not....

That protracted war also caused them to lose many friends and comrades-in-arms.

The self-sacrifice of Marcius reminded Lu Chen of the Lily Sasa who died to cover the retreat of the people when the great serpent Orobas invaded a thousand years ago.



Lu Chen had all kinds of thoughts and tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep.

He had a strange dream, in which he seemed to return to the cherry blossom tree from a thousand years ago and saw everyone again.

Under the cherry blossom trees, their smiles are sometimes beautiful, sometimes ...


The soft and sweet dream changed, and the world turned into scarlet colors.

Endless thunderstorms flickered in the sky, and the whole world was dark and depressing.

Dead faces questioned him.

Why wasn't it done?

Why didn't it be done....

Why didn't I do it... I know the direction of the plot, but I still have to challenge the destiny death that is already heading for the end.

I'm not changing history, I'm witnessing history....

Knowing this, you should not have met those two paper-thin girls at the beginning.

That way, even if everything happens, I won't be so sad.

The tone of the questioning became even more gloomy, the distorted face was even more distorted, and Lu Chen suddenly woke up in infinite self-blame and pathos.

In the room where the sky was bright and the temperature was suitable, Lu Chen's sweat wet his clothes.

What a nightmare....

After being awakened himself, Kage struggled to sit up from the bed.


Lu Chen was startled and looked sideways, with tear tracks on Ying's cheeks.

The two people looked at each other, and they both saw the strange appearance in each other's expressions.



Lu Chen wanted to wipe away the tears for her, but found that it had already dried.

He rubbed the shadow's soft back, his voice full of comfort.

"What did you dream about?"

"It's a strange dream..." There was an inseparable worry in Shadow's eyes, and she looked at Lu Chen.

"We're under the cherry blossom trees behind the castle tower..."

Lu Chen realized something, "We won't have the same dream, right?" "


Lu Chen and Ying changed their clothes, and after walking out of the room, they found that everyone was up very early today.

Zhong Li's room was hidden, and after Lu Chen knocked on the door, he opened the door and saw him sitting on the sofa in deep thought.

On the coffee table in front of the sofa, there is a stone lock with an antique style.

Wendy suddenly pushed the door in, as always, holding the wine jug in his hand, but with an intriguing expression.

"I said, why did you all get up so early today?"

"Poor sleep." Zhongli shook his head slightly.

Isn't it not a bad night's sleep, originally Zhongli would make himself a pot of good tea every morning, and the sun was shining to welcome the new day.

Today, that's what it looks like.

Lu Chen sat in front of him and picked up the stone lock.

"Yes... Earthly locks? "

Hmm." Zhongli bowed his head slightly.

Lu Chen remembered the lock, so he asked, "Let me guess, you dreamed to the end?"

The golden pupils were slightly surprised, and Zhongli did not deny it.

Wendy placed the wine jug on the coffee table and sat down hesitantly.

"It's rare to see you like this..." Lu Chen quipped: "Let me think, I can't memorize the subject again?" "

Less," Wendy hugged her arm, "Look at the way you guys, if I'm not mistaken, you all have nightmares at night, right?"

Shadow furrowed his eyebrows, "Me and Achen... They all dreamed about Inazuma, but..." "

But the dream is strange." Lu Chen answered, "I dreamed that Zhen and the Fox Palace looked like they were going to hack me to death... If I hadn't known their original temperament, I really couldn't recognize dreams and reality, it would be really weird..."

Wendy was surprised, "No one in my dreams wanted to hack me to death

..." Then he fell into thought, "But it's not a good thing..." While

a few people were chatting, Miko, Nanchichi, and Walnut also came to the room.

Lu Chen saw Shenzi's melancholy look and knew that she also had nightmares, but Hu Tao and Qiqi looked like they were fine.

"What's wrong with you all? So it's all bitter melon face? Walnut asked in surprise.

"I wonder why you two aren't bitter melon faces..." muttered Lu Chen.

Qiqi can understand that she is not sure whether she dreams or not, as for Walnut....

Is it because there is no heart and no lungs, and there is no obsession in the heart?

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