Lu Chen was no longer hiding, he slowly walked out of the bush and looked at the many bandits with an expressionless face.

Zhongli appeared behind him.

It was obviously just two people, but everyone did not dare to act rashly

, "You, who are you!"

"Don't, don't come here..."

Lu Chen held the second one-handed sword, he didn't speak, just walked towards the robbers step by step.

The sudden violent death of the leader of the robbers shocked everyone, and the terrifying death method added a lot of weirdness to the atmosphere.

There was a cold and murderous atmosphere in the air, and every time the person in front of him moved forward, it was like death descending.

The strong smell of blood spread from the corpses on the tree trunks, and for a moment, none of the robbers with weapons dared to step forward.

Even the more timid ones are constantly retreating, and they have already begun to scatter and flee.

Lu Chen sneered, a little under his feet, and his body instantly turned into an afterimage.

In the next second, he caught up with a fleeing single robber, and the dragon chant in the box cut a beautiful arc in the moonlight.

With a crisp click, the robber's head flew in the sky, and blood splashed.

"Aaaaaa Kill! The

rest of the people were even more panicked, but the death scythe would not show mercy, Lu Chen's figure disappeared in an instant, and reappeared, so, under his sword, several more headless corpses appeared.

In the dead of night, deep in the dense forest, a silent killing was staged.

Those who resisted, those who did not dare to resist, fell under Lu Chen's sword one by one, and the smell of blood became even stronger.

For a long time, a cluster of flames rose slightly in the improvised camp.

Lu Chen put away the fire elemental power, and with the crackling firelight, looked at the only living mouth left in the field.

A robber who slumped on the ground, already terrified.

"Say it."

The robber wiped the snot and tears from his face, not daring to look at the corpses on the ground, nor did he dare to look at the face of the young man in front of him.

"Say, say what... What do you want me to say? The

young man raised a slight smile, and his gentle words were like a devil in the ears of this robber.

"Tell me about your plan, and your superiors."

"Say! I say! I said it all..." This

robber poured beans like a bamboo tube and explained all their affairs.

This group of people is indeed a tomb robber, these ten or so people are peripheral members responsible for laying down the hand, responsible for receiving the process of selling stolen goods, and the main force of the tomb robbery is the tomb four-person group known as "Boss Wu".

They squatted and inspected for more than a month, and found an unexcavated ancient tomb in the remnants of the Elder Jun Mountain, and the rough-voiced boss who had just been killed by Lu Chen originally planned to participate in it, but there was something wrong in the tomb, so that except for the four "professionals", everyone did not dare to go further.

Therefore, this group of idle people returned to the ground, and saw Lu Chen's group who bought antiques to show their financial strength, and also found that their group of outsiders dared to camp in the wilderness, so they became murderous, ready to kill people and rob money, and make more money.

For this group of lawless bandits, human life seems to be like grass, if it were not for bumping into Lu Chen and others, ordinary people would have suffered miserably.

However, after some killing, Lu Chen no longer paid attention to this matter, and his attention was attracted by what this person called "tomb".

"Something went wrong?" Lu Chen frowned and continued to ask, "What question?" When

the robber heard the young man speak, he was suddenly agitated.

His face was pale, as if he recalled something unpleasant, and his expression hesitated.

"Don't answer?"

In the box in Lu Chen's hand, the dragon groan burst out another flame.


"Answer, I answer!" The robbers may have weighed it up and felt that the person in front of them was more terrifying.

"Inside that tomb," his voice trembled, "it's not clean." "

Not clean?" Lu Chen pondered what this sentence meant.


"There must be ghosts!" The robbers finally dared to look at Lu Chen's position, "Boss Wu said that the tomb is at least a thousand years old, and the dead should have turned into water a long time ago, but when we opened the robbery hole, after we went, we heard faint movement inside, and we had the courage to continue to go deeper, and then we heard the sound of ghosts crying wolves!" It's so TM oozing!! "

Haunted catacombs?" Lu Chen looked at Zhong Li when he heard this.

It was he who first sensed a strange disturbance deep underground, was it related to this matter?

After witnessing Lu Chen's killing, Zhong Li's expression still did not change, and his golden pupils were calm and waveless.

"Where are the tombs you excavated?" He asked lightly.

The robber looked up, trying to tell the direction by the moonlight, and after a moment, he pointed to the northwest.

Lu Chen and Zhong Li looked at each other, the Elder Jun Mountain was undulating, and there were several remnants of altitude in the northwest direction.

"Is it there?" Lu Chen asked softly.

Zhong Li bowed his head slightly, "The source of the underground anomaly is indeed there.

"Tell me more details about your grave." Lu Chen looked at the robbers in a commanding tone.

"Good, good..." The

robber did not hesitate without any hesitation, and began to explain everything in detail, after all, his only hope for survival was the person in front of him.

The teenager didn't kill him, so there must be a use for leaving him alive.

But I didn't know that in the question and answer, Lu Chen's gaze was already looking at the dead man's eyes.

[Achievements, all kinds of things in the world (Part 2) - Unforgivable Evil

] [Earth Vein Anomaly Warning

] [Investigation Mission: Please explore and deal with the Earth Vein Anomalies that appear in the northwest of Junjun Mountain within 5 hours

] [After completion, you will get gorgeous treasure chests and achievement rewards]

The system task suddenly appeared, Lu Chen frowned and talked to himself.

"It's really because of the trouble caused by the connection of the world

..." "But the system only gives five hours..."

Zhong Li looked over, and Lu Chen talked to him about the content of the system prompt.

Zhong Li's challenge task is not listed for the time being, this [investigation task] is indeed a bit rushed, Lu Chen immediately looked at the robber.

"That catacomb, you take us there."

"Ah! What the! The robbers were instantly terrified.

During this time, Zhongli once again felt an abnormal disturbance deep underground, and it was more serious than the previous time.

Lu Chen didn't notice it at all.

Because of the urgency of the situation, Lu Chen called everyone in the camp, because the signal was not good, he repeated it several times before explaining the situation to them.

Then it's time to take Zhongli and set off immediately.

"You forgot one more thing." Those golden pupils moved towards the corpses on the ground.

"Yes, it's still Old Master Zhong who is thoughtful."

Lu Chen pulled out the bladeless sword nailed to the tree, and then, a flame burst out of the bladeless sword's sword.

With the pure fire elemental power, even the hard bones of humans can be dissolved into invisible.

Instructing the remaining bandit to carry the body to the empty and non-flammable land, a flame slowly ignited.

Lu Chen stood in front of the flames and did not speak for a long time.

Those who touch his scales are inherently unforgivable.

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