After lunch, Lu Chen, who felt that he had no strength to do, proposed a duel to the shadow.

Just kidding, just a little talk.

Lu Chen still knew how many pounds he had, but after his strength was restored, he was itchy for a while, and he wanted to compete with A Ying for two moves.

As soon as everyone heard that Lu Chen was looking for Ying to single out, they all showed a particularly strange expression.

Wendy pushed open the back door of the villa and swept away the debris on the ground with the wind element, looking impatient.

"Yay! There are fights to watch!

Yae Miko held her arm and looked at the garden in the backyard, frowning slightly.

"I'm afraid it won't be able to open such a small yard, right?"

Lu Chen glanced at the two of them, how could he feel that these two were so gloating....

Everyone came to the backyard en masse, and only Zhongli's reaction was normal.

He looked at Lu Chen, "You said that the current strength has only recovered by two percent, and in terms of general rationality, you will definitely lose this game."

Lu Chen looked at the shadow standing opposite him, and said with a tragic expression: "The aspiration to be trapped, born to death!"

Zhong Li's deep golden eyes revealed an approving emotion.

"In the face of an opponent who knows that you are invincible, you must also have the courage and spirit to charge and have ambition!"

Lu Chen nodded again and again when he heard this, he was such an ambitious.

Seeing Lu Chen's serious expression, Ying was a little handsome.

"I won't let Achen get hurt, don't worry."

"Huh?" Yae Miko's fox ears moved, and he quickly looked at the shadow.

"This can't work, this guy always bullies the slave family when you are away~ Shadow, you can't release water!"

The word 'bullying' is particularly ambiguous by the Son of God.

"Huh?" Shadow looked at her suspiciously.

"Huh?" Lu Chen was even more confused, when did he bully the fox when the shadow was away?

Yae Miko did not look at Lu Chen, but continued to add oil and vinegar, "Lu Chen is such a person, when he is usually in school, he may also mess with flowers and grass behind your back~

" "Hey!" Lu Chen couldn't listen to it, he was very virtuous, right, which one could he see except the shadow?

"You fox, don't provoke the relationship between me and Aying, okay!!"

Yae Miko snickered, laughing so that her fox ears were finally revealed.

"Look at Lu Chen, he has become so attractive now, Ah Ying, don't you feel dangerous? If you don't hold it well, maybe those women will flock to it!

Lu Chen suddenly felt that the temperature in the air had become a little colder.

Credulous "rumors" A Ying looked at herself coldly, her palm, the "dream heart" loomed.

"Ah Ying, you won't really believe it! I only have you in my heart! "Lu Chen panicked when he saw that knife, the shadow won't really come to cut him...

"Referee referee!" Lu Chen looked at the two gods of Feng Yan, "She has an artifact!" I only have a broken stick and a rotten sword without a blade, she is playing tricks! Zhong

Li stood on the steps, silently looking at himself.

"The aspiration to be trapped, born to die."

Lu Chen: "..."

Wendy stood next to Zhong Li, cheering for Lu Chen with a smile.

"Come on! Lu Chen, you can do it!

Lu Chen: "...,"

complained in his heart, "What's the use of asking you two?" Lu Chen could only return to the battlefield helplessly.

On a sunny afternoon, Lu Chen once again stood on the opposite side of the shadow, but his heart suddenly became cold.

The box in his hand was slowly taken out, and then clenched, he felt that today's wind was particularly noisy.

Shadow single-handedly held a sword, standing ten steps ahead, motionless like a mountain.

Although there was an element of joking just now, the shadow during the battle was so serious, and defeating her opponent was her only pursuit.

Therefore, in the face of such a shadow, the battle intent in Lu Chen's heart also burned.

He's going to beat her!

Ten steps.

The distance between himself and Shadow is only ten steps, and as the weak between the two, Shadow must allow himself to strike first.

This is very good, otherwise with the speed advantage of the shadow, she will definitely not be able to react when she attacks.

The one who strikes first has an advantage.

If he used the wind element to accelerate the start, Lu Chen could rush to the front of the shadow in three seconds.

At that time, he will use his strongest hole card so far, [Storm of Resistance].

But [Storm of Resistance] needs to accumulate strength, and when fighting Shadow, any hesitation will be seized by her.

Speed is everything!

Therefore, his shot should be fast, accumulating strength while accelerating and moving within three seconds, and even if the [Storm of Resistance] does not reach the maximum, he must make a move as soon as possible.

Wind element + ice element + fire element, the fusion of the three elemental forces will cause unimaginable destructive power, if Lu Chen's first move is countered, his second move will strike.

So the key to victory or defeat is the second move!

After Lu Chen drew up the battle plan in his heart, he looked at the opponent in front of him, Ying, with a grim face.

The two stood ten steps apart, looking at each other.

In the summer afternoon, the air seemed to be condensed, and there was a cold and solemn atmosphere in the garden, and the onlookers could not help but hold their breath.

It was Lu Chen who was the first to strike.

Between the electric flint, his body turned into an afterimage, and the next second he had already appeared within five steps of the shadow.

Just adapting to this gradually recovering body, Lu Chen's explosive speed was even faster than he thought.

The shadow is still unmoving.

Five steps....

Three steps.


Lu Chen's body was like a curved bow and arrow, and his blade was pointed straight to the point.

Lunges, which are also the surprise moves of fencing, due to the forward leaning of the body, the weapon will stab the target with the fastest and greatest extent, and this move will also minimize the exposure of opponents such as shadows compared to jumping and slashing.

Lu Chen does not adhere to the skills and barriers of any sect, as long as it is easy to use, it will be used by him.

The speed of the dragon chant in the box was so fast that even the whistling wind that broke through the sky had to be delayed, and the moment Lu Chen launched his attack, the ancient sword blade had already been sent to Ying's face.

The shadow finally moved.

One second, there was Lu Chen's shadow in her purple eyes, and the next second, she had disappeared in place.

Too fast! Lu Chen's movements can also be captured by the naked eye.

But the speed of the shadow is estimated to be impossible even for high-speed cameras.

"So fast!" Wendy exclaimed.

Zhongli nodded silently and did not speak.

Miko looked at the duel in the garden with interest, while Qiqi sat on the threshold, his big eyes were a little confused, and he didn't seem to understand the reason why the adults were keen to fight.

The spectators were all amazed by the speed of the shadow, but Lu Chen in the field had no thoughts in his heart, he did not stupidly look for where the shadow went, with his battle instinct, and his understanding of the shadow, in this second, the shadow will definitely appear behind him.

So there was no need to think, after Lu Chen's first move was dodged, he immediately performed the second move he had prepared earlier.

Back to the horse gun!

It is a horse rifle mixed with wind elements, ice elements, and fire elements, which is not only an all-out blow, but also the key to victory and defeat.

He was betting that the second trick would not be accepted.

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