The next day.

"Ah, morning too?"

Another long time passed.

In the morning period, Estes redressed her usual outfit, but without a hat, her long hair was scattered like this, and she had a more charming femininity than usual.

It can be described as a beautiful and incomprehensible thing, and the slightest smile can have amazing charm.

The beautiful legs wearing white stockings are even tall and slender.

It's a big beauty.

"Hmph, outrageous. Obviously, I am the goddess of ice, why can you still be so strong than me. "

"Sure enough, the most perverted person has to be you."

"How the hell did you grow up in the continent of Tivat, I am really curious."

Su Bai's laughter sounded here.

"Yes, if you want to know, I can slowly share it with you one by one in the future."

"But for now, let's go to Inazuma first."

"I'm going to Mond after that."

"Crossing two countries at once, interesting, very interesting, I have long wanted to see the actual country, and there is Mond your lover, hmph, I want to have a good relationship with her."

"After all, I will be with her and accompany you in the future."

"Haha, that's wonderful."

"Hmph, just steal the fun, husband."


It is an archipelago located in the far east of the continent of Tivat, a land that believes in eternity.

Ruled by Raiden General Balzeb!

On Kiyose Island, which is far away from Narugami Island, two new visitors appeared, a man and a woman, on a huge land above the island.

It's amazing 06 is.

This land is suspended in the air.

There are still a lot of gravel and thunderstorms in the surrounding sky, rich and noisy, boiling thunder element energy around here, the environment can be described as quite bad, ordinary people can not get close to here.

The rich elemental environment is harmful to the Tivats.

Not to mention such a horrible place.

Looking up, the surrounding darkness, purple light and dark clouds shrouded here, completely like the wonders of heaven and earth, the black pressure makes people feel stuffy and uncomfortable.

But Estes walked here idly, watching this scene.

"Uh-huh, this is where the Thunderbird Cappachili fell, it's still so bad, this is all a legacy after being killed by an arrow from the Thunder Movie, right?"

"If you pay attention, the fragmentation marks of this island are smashed out by a giant bird."

"Your ability is so useful, we ran so far at once."

Su Bai corrected it.

"It's not, after the original Lei movie was killed, it actually sealed the power of resentment here."

"It's just that later, a woman named [Hibiki Asase] unsealed the seal and blew up this island like this, and it couldn't be inhabited for hundreds of years."

"Hey! yes, I forgot about this stubble. "

Estes was confused.


After all, after so much time has passed, and she has lived in the Crimson Pupil World for so long, it is normal that such sporadic little things will not be remembered for a while.

Then she also complained wordlessly.

"I remember that Hibiki Asase unsealed the shogunate's fleet for a group of pirates, and the island was destroyed. Well, the people living on the island were miserable. "

"At that time, there should still be a lot of people living on this island, right?"

"It seems that the pirate leader also went to become a pirate to protect the people of Qingli Island. As a result, she blew up the island with her backhand, what is this, blow up what you protect, and you will not be a pirate. "

"It's a traditional literary joke in Inazuma."

"It is clear that her Asase Hibiki was taught by the Kitsunai Palace, as the palace chief of the Kiyose branch of the Narugami Taisha Shrine, and her best friend is a character such as Miyu Chimasa and Harunosuke, and her lover is even Kiriki Takayama, so many identities are strung down, or choose to bomb the island."

Estes shook his head.

And as they walked towards the middle, suddenly, a creature that looked like a pure water elf appeared, but it was completely purple with a thunderous appearance, flapping its wings and surging with thunderstorms!

But in an instant, he was shot by the rock spear and ice gun thrown by Su Bai and Esders.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

It's a tacit understanding.

Then Su Bai walked up and stretched out a hand to absorb the power of the out-of-control here, and being able to make the continent and stones here fly up, which is undoubtedly one of the abilities of the thunderbird!

Watching the purple energy continue to converge towards Su Bai's palm, forming a thunder ball that was swallowed by him.

Estes couldn't help but marvel.

"You are really a genius, whether it is absorption or special transformation methods, you can't deal with it with other demon gods."

"The creation of heaven and earth."

"This one you created is completely the Supreme Immortal Method, well, no, in the style and words of Tivat, this Demon God Method of yours is simply a wonderful way to cultivate."

She had been taught by Su Bai before and transformed her strength.

And there are also many methods and special ability cultivation methods.

The most critical.

It is the method of becoming a demon god and condensing power, which is amazing.

Not only that, but I can continue to cultivate and become stronger in the future.

Collect other magical counterpart powers to cultivate your own powers.

Take her Esders, for example.

She is now an ice demon god and has an [ice] power, so she can also find other special ice powers and absorb them, so that her own power gradually grows.

For example, the super dangerous species that found the source of his imperial tool.

Suck its ice power!

The power will be stronger!

Or get a completely different ice ability, even if it is only a little, it can still be used as a seed to bred and gradually grow.

One is a quick seizure and the other is a slow cultivation.

Both have their differences and advantages.

And can also cultivate normally, make other powers, very interesting system.

Then add chat groups.

Then Esders may also have more powers in other worlds in the future, and the future will be promising.

However, she still took a deep look at Su Bai.

The ice power he cultivated can be synchronized as long as it exceeds what he has, and everyone else in the group is like this, how perverted.

If there is a theory, it is to constantly absorb the self of other parallel worlds, close countless world lines, turn it into the ultimate one, and achieve the [unique] characteristic.

That kind of existence.

It's already unimaginable, isn't it?

What is that called?

As the [only] male Su Bai, he himself has such characteristics.

It turned out to be its own.

Not only that.

As there are more and more people in the group, the more abilities he gets, more than the kind of behavior that directly absorbs his own in other parallel worlds.

Because he doesn't have to suck!

And everyone's growth, he can continue to synchronize.

This is obviously much better than the former.

Be sustainable.

It is equivalent to having countless more helpers, and can continue to feed back, and can have a terrifying help throughout countless worlds.

Kazakh people.

It's a great way to go on like this.

But Estes is full of tenderness and liking, hmph, such an excellent man, already his husband.

Simply amazing!


Your own vision is the best.

And yesterday he was too powerful, and he still makes himself shy in retrospect, and her heart is hot and beating, so she looks at Su Bai strong, she will only become happier and happier.


The environment here began to fade magically, the sky actually returned to normal, even the surrounding rubble began to fall, and its movement began to affect even the largest piece under their feet.

"Click, click."

Clear fragments surfaced here, and Estes saw Su Bai retract his hand.

And smile at her.

"Let's hurry up and go to the Snake Demon God, it should also be the Demon God of the Thunder Element, and after dying, it turned into an out-of-control thunderstorm power."

"For now, while Thor hasn't reacted."

"I wanted to come over for a long time, but I didn't have enough strength before, so I planned to stabilize, but now there is no problem at all."

Before this, he didn't even condense the rock power.

It didn't take long to go, and now the strength of 480 has skyrocketed too much.

I'm only 19 years old.

So they also disappeared here in an instant, and Su Bai directly took Esders and left.


The remains of the Snake Demon God that had long died were still there, so significant and massive, but no matter what happened in the past, it was now nothing more than pale bones.

Su Bai began a similar movement again.

After the death of this demon god [Orobas], the remaining divine power turned into a never-ending wind and rain and thunder that shrouded the place.

That's the goal.

As for what kind of demon god residue, forget it, it's really just slag.

There is not much left.

Esders also looked at Su Bai's side face gently, while looking at the wreckage.

She was also a little curious.

After the snake demon god died, there was a wreckage.

The wreckage of the Thunderbird.

If you look at it this way.

Thunderbirds should be the top elemental life, right?

Therefore, after death, it turned into an element, merged into the earth, and the residual power turned into resentment, constantly causing it to appear the thunder element life of [Lei Yin Quan Xian].

As long as that force remains, it will continue to be born.

But in the future, there should be none.


Such a powerful elemental life definitely has the strength above the demon god, and the result is not a dragon form, but a bird.

What about Inazuma's dragon?

Can't it really be a sea of hearts, right?

It really made her face weird.

Or, next time I go to the Coral Palace to strip the heart sea and study her body?

Peek into the mysteries of the dragon?

Anyway, I am a girl.

Not perverted.

Love research, what's wrong.

As Esders, she is the type who likes research ability and has curiosity.

That's right.

The original is like this, very reasonable!

Heart Sea (panic): ??? You female pervert, don't come here!

Suddenly, there was a fierce sneeze in the heart sea of the Coral Palace.

She suddenly looked around with her eyes in fear, and although there was no one, she still whimpered.

What a situation.

There is an illusion that you are being targeted.

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