Then Najeshitan was still quiet.

"You have also seen the god above the imperial capital before, I learned in Liyue that they are a country that walks with the gods, a god named Morax, the rock god, who has led this country to peace for thousands of years."

"Of course, the Liyue people are more affectionately called [Rock King Emperor], [Martial God] and so on, I am afraid that the one in the sky at that time was the one."

This made the red eyes and them also shocked again.

The face was shocked.

"It's really God."

"Unbelievable, we thought it was something powerful like an imperial tool, so it had this power."

"The god of rock, that golden light does correspond."

"So it is, with the kingdom of God, it is no wonder that prosperity and peace can be maintained for thousands of years, and there will be no corruption, as long as that God is quite wise, it can be completely done."

"The kingdom ruled by God is much better than the human rule of our empire."

Brand laughed.

"That's good, as a soldier of the empire, I couldn't tolerate the darkness of the empire to escape, and now Liyue can make this place more peaceful and beautiful, then I naturally support it."

"Patrol hard!"

Ma Yin also scratched her head.

"Good is good, that is, we also have to get used to their department, what is seven stars and eight doors, it sounds very complicated."

"Each function is different."

Najeshitan laughed out loud in relief.

"It's okay, there is me as the boss, I will teach you, first of all, the Liyue Seven Stars, that is the Liyue Permanent Deliberation Committee, and now there are two here in the imperial capital."

"The Heavenly Power Star symbolizes rights and laws, and the Yuheng Star is in charge of land and construction, and manages land and people's livelihood."

"In terms of construction, in fact, most of them are managed by that Yuheng Xingqing master, a very young, but quite excellent girl, and also a big person in Liyue 460."

"Then there is the [Yinyuan Hall] in charge of the salt industry, the [Shenglu Hall] in charge of cultural monuments, the [Hutchison Hall] in charge of the law, and the [Wang Shan Hall], and so on."

"However, these eight doors are also slowly being built, constantly transferring people and absorbing new members. So we are often in contact with the General Services Department. "

After all, the General Affairs Department is responsible for all affairs, such as consultation, dispute mediation, official matters, and document processing.

Very miscellaneous.

But the Thousand Rock Army they joined, it was much simpler.

Caress the people inside, and the demons outside!

This demon, Najiehitan understood that maybe there was something similar to the dangerous species on the Liyue side.

It threatens people's lives.

"Okay, okay, don't pull it, let's go to General Esders, I heard that her lover is going to check and modify our imperial tools."

"That alchemist who heard that he was the number one in Liyue, although he didn't understand it very well, and he always felt that those people were too in awe of him, but he was definitely a big man."

"However, that one feels that there are too many deficiencies in the emperor tool, and by the way, he will help us lift the restrictions of what emperor tools and some limitations of fighting and dying."

So they all set off towards their destination.

As for the rebel army to which it was originally subordinate?

Also obediently cast.

And on the side of the continent of Tivat.

This time.

The changes in Liyue itself have attracted the attention of many people.

In the market, a large number of resources and ore trading volumes suddenly emerged, making the market boil again, and many commercial houses and institutions were excited about it.

Greatly facilitated trading and prosperity.

For a while, it was hot.

It's the same as the New Year.

Hilarious outrageous.

Not to mention that people in other countries are scratching their heads, even the locals of Liyue don't know what the situation is, what kind of big mine has been dug up?

It's not right.

There are also various other resources circulating, which are refreshing and rushing to buy.

It feels like a lot of resources have come out of thin air.

Its number.

Enough to jaw-dropping.

However, when some business houses wanted to investigate, they found that it directly involved the whole of Liyue Seven Stars, and they were silent.

But the market is also running wildly, and there are many strange and never-before-seen Warcraft meat.

The fur industry, processing industry, clothing industry, catering industry have begun to buy continuously and usher in new changes, and new stores have sprung up.

This is an opportunity, and an opportunity to make a fortune.

As long as you find business opportunities, you can make a fortune!


The whole Liyue Port is thriving again.

【Northland Bank】Office.

At this time, the voice of a young man was angry and annoyed inside.

"What's the situation, why did a huge amount of resources appear here in Liyue? I haven't heard about their transactions with other countries. "

"Why are they developing at a high speed again?"

"You have to have a source! What treasure has been dug up? "

"The most excessive thing is to exclude our northern bank, not even have to talk about cooperation, and vigorously support their local money bank, isn't this obviously engaging us? Outrageous! "

"Don't really take us for fools! If there is any large-scale mining action in the land of Liyue, can we fools still not know? "?"

"There are so many less at once, what is the situation, check it for me, check it fiercely!"

"Liyue Seven Stars, there must be something hiding."

Under the order of this executive of the fools, Dadalia, the fools trembled and hurried out.

He was also very irritable.

Why can't I understand what Liyue is doing all of a sudden.

This country, it's weird.

According to the order of the empress, you must try to obtain Liyue's divine heart.

I don't know how Mond's lady is going.

She won't be scared by that [Su Bai], right?

The little auspicious grass king of Meru.

I didn't expect it to be such a big man.

But Dadalia also felt strange, according to the situation in the organization, wasn't the little auspicious grass king arrested by the Decree Academy, could it be that they caught a lonely?

Ran out again?

And it should be a woman, right, well, this idea is useless, after all, even the Liyue Immortals and the rock god Morax can change their body shape.

Even if it was that Rock King Emperor or other immortals.

Become male or female, dangle in front of him casually, he can't recognize it! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


The gods of this kingdom should not be so boring.

Definitely not.

Therefore, it is not surprising that a grass king becomes a man.

Ask the Doctor then.

Even if Su Bai is not the Grass King, I am afraid it has a lot to do with the Great Compassion Tree King.

Anyway, this product is definitely not a Liyue person.


Can ordinary people have this power?

He Dadalia doesn't believe it, don't insult his intelligence!

Damn it.

How did it become more and more chaotic, and it was crazy to make him angry at the critical moment.

His character is the kind of pure warrior and ruthless killer positioning.

I hate this kind of going around and around.

Especially when a layer of fog appeared in Liyue, it made him want to vomit.

If only there was the ability to sweep everything and sweep away all these messy things on the bright side!

In order to serve the Empress.

He took the heart of God.

It's useless for anyone to come!

Anyway, he doesn't care about the Liyue flood, he is a winter man!


Qunyu Pavilion here.

"During this time, it was really busy, it was another matter of Liyue Port, and it was a matter of another world, and after transferring a large number of staff and gradual development, it was finally on the right track."

"The resources transported from that world have also made Liyue Port digest and develop rapidly, and the economy, trade, and commerce have been greatly improved, which is really good."

"More business opportunities and wealth, no matter how many times, I will not feel bored, it is really exciting, but a little overworked."

The next moment, a watery figure appeared here.

And threw a small bottle on the staring table.

Then the visitor clasps his hands to his chest.

"Drink it, this is what Su Bai asked me to give you, it can make you quickly recover your spirits, and at the same time take care of your skin."

Condensation opens it and swallows it in one gulp.


Her eyes lit up, her body quickly recovered to health, and her fatigue was emptied at once.


It is worthy of Su Bai's props.

Just as the so-called Su Bai shot, it must be a fine product.

It's really honest not to lie to her.

At this time, Ning Guang looked up at Yelan who came over, and his face was strange.

"You, went to him for a massage again."

Yelan's face was a little unbearable, but she still stared coldly without anger.

"There should be a limit if you have no conscience, you just drank it, but I sent it."

"Moreover, Liyue's huge personnel changes, with the more and more personnel transferred, it is natural for all forces to detect it, resulting in many spies prying in."

"For this reason, my work has skyrocketed dozens of times in an instant, and I am about to die of exhaustion."

"Why is this work getting more and more tiring, I think it's time for my subordinates to increase their manpower."

"With you and Keqing working at such a high intensity, my life will be short-lived sooner or later!"

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