"Su, Su Bai, why is there such a good-looking and tall girl next to you?!!!"

"Do you go to find a good-looking young lady every day?"

At this time, there was a sound of Qing Qing's anger and corruption coming from here in Liyue.

She's in a hurry, she's in a hurry.

For Keqing, today should have been a day of sunshine and happiness, and after finishing the work at hand, he could go to see those [Cursed Sons].

The recent new Lanyuan Yanzhu is also very naughty.

I still can't jump up and down to kick those stones to pieces.

This physical fitness is also nobody.

Obviously she is such a small girl.

Of course, that's all fine.

More importantly, if it was there, what if Su Bai was there?


I didn't want to see him.

It's just that in the process of cultivating the elemental martial arts [Nine Heavens Transformation Thunder Body], there are some doubtful words.

Ask him the founder, it's normal, right?

So, so there is no other thought!!!

No, no!

Yet good news, bad news.

The good news is that she met Su Bai halfway.

The bad news is that there is a tall and slender blue-haired woman next to Su Bai, who is holding his hand, walking intimately, and the two are talking and laughing.


Keqing didn't know what it was like.

Poison you!

The last time I saw you, I was still a black and straight beautiful girl around, and it didn't look right.


How come there is another one by your side!

Really angry body trembling.

Old goat!

How many more do you have to hook up with before you can give up 06!

Keqing really wants to take out his Lei Fei Sword and cut this merry guy, so that you can't provoke other girls at every turn.

You big scourge!

And Su Bai and Esders looked at each other, and seemed to want to laugh a little, or Su Bai looked at Keqing.

"Keqing, this is Esders, one of my red faces."

"Esders, this is the Jade Heng Star among the seven stars of Liyue, Keqing."

"Hello, first meeting, Lord Yuhengxing of Liyue, I am General Estes from other countries, and I still look at Haihan."

"Red, red ?!!"

Compared with other words, Keqing's first reaction was this.

She didn't have a taste in her heart.

Sure enough.

You guy, another one!

But she is not an ordinary person, and she has noticed the same important information.

"Other countries, wouldn't it be nice to just say names, such as Mond, Inazuma, and General?"

"Wait, are you too?"

She was immediately taken aback.


Su Bai nodded and blinked, indicating that you understood.

Otherworldly people.

Same situation as last time.

As a result, Keqing was breathless, you blinked a hammer's eyes, obviously with such ability, and as a result, you always brought other women to see me!!!

Is this still a human thing?

Have you ever considered what I feel in my heart?

Wait, no.

Didn't I have a normal relationship with Su Bai, why was I angry like this?

Keqing froze for a moment.

Instead, Estes laughed.

"Did this guy Su Bai do something bad to make Keqing angry like this?"

"If you can, it's okay to say it, I'll teach him a good lesson."


Faced with such words, Keqing suddenly shook his head incoherently.

"No, it's nothing, the others are fine."

"Are you jealous?"

Su Bai suddenly threw out such a sentence, and instantly made Ke Qing's face red, and suddenly turned red, and without saying a word, the Lei Fei sword appeared in her hand, raising the sword to slash.

Anyway, she knew that Su Bai could also avoid it.

As a result, this time was directly clamped by Su Bai's two fingers, and Keqing wanted to pull it out but did not move.

But she still glared at him in shame.

"It's too narcissistic!"


Su Bai sighed.

"Actually, I like to carve you, cute and charming, petite body and those charming long legs, I want to play for a lifetime." There is also such a responsible personality, and he is a peerless beauty. "

"I admire and like it, and it fits my standards."

"Well, I think too much."

"You pervert!"

Although Ke Qing was surprised and delighted in her heart when she heard this, the sentence of playing with long legs for a lifetime made her embarrassed.


Sure enough, this guy of yours is still as perverted as ever, and he was pushing me up and hugging me again.

Now I also have the idea of long legs.

Subconsciously, Keqing quickly closed her beautiful legs, and Meimu stared at Su Bai with shame, with a fierce look.

It's just that she makes it in her appearance, more like an angry kitten.

It's even cuter.

Estes smiled and said nothing, sure enough, Su Bai would not let Ke Qing go, after all, she understood him too well.

This is a clear thing.

An iconic character of Liyue, a symbol of popularity.

Who doesn't love it?

That sword light is like mine, cutting down all the beef miscellaneous, and what kind of oblique sword technique is quite popular.

At the beginning, even Esders in her previous life, she deliberately smoked the fog to cut the fog to Keqing, but now this life has crossed and saw her who actually exists, but it is kind and funny.

In the future, she will also be a sister.

Be part of a big family.

That's nice.

At least this is much better than staying in the world where he has been in the red pupil.

And Su Bai also clasped his hands together sincerely, with a smile in his eyes. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Okay, okay, just kidding, Keqing you are Liyue Seven Stars, where am I worthy of you, how dare I have such a presumptuous idea."

"So to apologize, I'll treat you to dinner next time."

"There's your favorite golden shrimp ball."

At this time, Jiqing suddenly refuted urgently.

"What are you talking about, of course you deserve it, ah, I'm not talking about this, anyway, if you eat, either, it's not..."

"Two plates of golden shrimp balls!"


"Five plates!"

"Done, deal!"

Under Su Bai's words, Keqing quickly agreed happily.

Then she looked playfully.

Inadvertently revealed a good-looking and youthful girlish smile.

"I don't think it happened this time, remember to invite me to five golden shrimp balls next time."

"Look, I'm okay with you."

With the residual blush on the face, the Keqing at this time can be described as extremely moving.

She put away the Lei Fei Sword, and when she was about to leave, she was stopped by Su Bai again.

This made Keqing resentful.

What the hell do you want to do.

You won't go shopping with your red face, but you want me to be around.

This kind of show will be punished by heaven!

"Don't make this expression, Keqing, this time there is really something serious, no joke."

"Wait and gather the other seven stars, let Ning Guang, Uncle Tian, they all come over, as well as Tianxuan Star, Kaiyang Star, Shaking Light Star, Purple Micro Star, I have something to do with them (them)."

"It has a huge relationship with Liyue."


This made Keqing also look serious, and he was very surprised.

After all, Su Bai is equivalent to a god-like existence, and if he can say this, it must be a big thing.

So after this.

The seven stars of Liyue came here one after another, and they chose to be in a close-knit building, which was a place that only they knew.

But this time, Estes followed suit.

Looking at Su Bai's laughing conversation with these Liyue Seven Stars, both male and female, she also sighed.

It's you.

This is to familiarize all the high-level people in Liyue.

It seems that the relationship is all good.

Up to the Rock King Emperor, then many immortals, and then so many seven stars.

Such a network is already invincible in Liyue 177.

After all, Esders also knows that Condensing Light, Keqing, Uncle Tian, these Liyue Seven Stars, as for the rest, the previous life did not come out at all, even if it came out next, it was Fontaine.

Nor is it the follow-up Liyue Seven Stars.

If you really have to gather all seven people, think about how long it will take.

However, she was hit by a truck and killed early, becoming Esders.

So naturally I don't know who is behind.

I think that some people still suspected that [Jiang Xue] was one of the previous Liyue Seven Stars.

On the contrary, after coming here, I saw it all at once.

And her existence also surprised the other seven stars, but after Su Bai explained it, it was no problem.

Instead, they were all taken aback.

Except for Keqing, everyone was shocked and greatly shocked.

What, another world?

In addition to the continent of Tivat, is there a completely different world?


Use it as Liyue's second development site?


You're not dreaming, are you?

It's not right either.

Even if you dream of thinking like this, how much do you have to drink?

So this amazing news after another, everyone felt that their minds were shaking, and they were dizzy.

Can't be prevented!

Even Uncle Tian was unable to maintain his usual calm, so he quickly asked Sister Gan Yu to find the emperor.

Such a thing must not be ignored by his old man.

As a result, it didn't take long for Ganyu to return.

He also brought back the will of the emperor.

This time, the matter was left to Su Bai and the other Seven Stars to discuss and implement.

It really made everyone's face strange.

Master Su Bai has the combat power of God, plus such a show, could it be that he is the heir that the emperor has found a good heir?

After all.

Even if it is the position of the seven stars of Liyue, it can no longer carry Su Bai, right?


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