Can you save some powerful magic killing moves?

But [Enfreya] has long been stupid, trembling, he will not be dreaming.

The terrible battle storm just now rushed to this side.

As if to indicate that this is indeed far beyond his strength and strength, then the [Hero Realm] statement is not the other party's nonsense, as a result, this medicine master Mr. defeated her at once?

This is completely different from the impression of him being gentle and friendly.

So strong?

No, it won't be that the person next to me is also very strong.

And what I just said, what dozens of people are stronger than him, so that [Enfreya] suddenly thinks of those pharmacists in [Kahn Town], and often comes back, and there are quite a few of them.

Could it be, then, are those?

It's terrifying!

It really gave him a great indescribable shock.

After all, this is already a serious challenge, no, crush his common sense, it can't be said that those pharmacists are actually stronger than the strongest warrior in the kingdom [Gedev Storonov], right?

No way, that warrior is the pride of the kingdom!

About his strength, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Find a few random people on the road, everyone knows.

But now this?

Moreover, aren't you pharmacists, why are you completely different from me!

The boy shivered.

He suddenly had an inexplicable feeling, as if he was an impostor.

The pharmacist was disgraced.

However, after that, these two Liyue pharmacists found the [Wise Man's Crown], and they were surprised.

It seems to be a magic prop.

Forget it, and then throw it to the magic guide researcher.

In addition, it seems that there is nothing, really poor, the warrior who calls himself [Hero Field], is it so much of a family?

Can't you just burst something good?

Magic books will do.

It didn't turn out either!

Of course, there was a little money, but neither of them cared about this.

And this guy's armor is actually hung with some metal brands, synchronizing the information of other survey partners, they naturally recognize that this is the metal card of those adventurers in the world.

There are different colors according to the level.

It's a murderer.

So after burying the adventurers, they returned to the city of Kahn, and of course, the enlarged place caused the shock of the teenager, how, how did it become like this?

And the other side.

The reconstruction and renovation of the fortress city [Yerantir] is also underway, after all, it is the first new city planned in the future, and naturally it is necessary to do well as a whole.


On the side of the Thousand Rock Army, by the way, they also began to sweep away the hidden scourges around the city.

See what enemies are plotting against you.

And it turned out, well, there really is.

【Erantir】The city, because of its past military functions, often gathered a large number of pre-conscripted recruits here, so with the war, it led to the construction of a huge cemetery here.

Many dead people were buried.

After all, the war between the kingdom and the empire can be described as persistent.

As a result, someone built a secret shrine in the underground area of the cemetery.

It is also here to accumulate power, intending to destroy the city.

It was discovered by the Thousand Rock Army at once.

It's too obvious.

"Damn it! Damn it! Where the hell did you come from?!"

The embarrassed [Kagit Dale Badantir] came out of the underground passage, which could be described as a gray face, and he glared angrily at these soldiers in front of him who were not religions, empires, or kingdoms.


They also brought adventurers and guards with them, who belonged to the city's original patrol of the cemetery.

When these people came over before, he didn't feel good.

As a result, I don't know what weird magic props the other party came up with, causing a smoke that can corrode and dissolve the underground to quickly diffuse, and even the zombies he made were quickly turned into a pool of pus.

Frightened, his scalp was numb.

Hurriedly ran up.

In fact, it is a kind of [Alchemy Smoke Jar] specifically for the undead, well, it was developed by the way in this world, and the effect is quite useful.

Unaware, he looked around darkly.

It's all people.

Completely surrounded.

At this time, there were also many black-robed subordinates around Kajitt, who also had gloomy faces and spoke out to him.

"Lord Kagit, what should we do?"

"Kill them all?"

Kargit snorted coldly, his appearance was very ugly and weird, wearing a red robe, he seemed to indicate that his status in the power he was in was not low, and he also had a necklace of a small skeleton hanging around his neck.

In his hand, he firmly held a black-purple orb.

"Hugh wants to stop my plan, since it has been discovered, then start directly, come out, my undead!"

"Hahaha. "

In the gloomy laughter, many zombies continued to emerge in the rear passage, and the number seemed to be quite a lot, which he made by using the magic created by the undead, and the number had exceeded one hundred and fifty.

There is still some momentum.

Although it was destroyed a lot by that smoke before.

But even so.

It still made the guards and adventurers of those kingdoms look ugly and scared.

"It's not good, obviously in the past, we patrolled to avoid the appearance of undead in the cemetery, and occasionally low-level undead appeared, and they would be eliminated immediately. "

"But there is a force that secretly hides here to cultivate the undead. "

This is a phenomenon in their world, where people die more, skeletons, zombies and other undead are prone to appear.

So you need to be careful when building cemeteries, especially the graves where a large number of dead people are buried.

There are also slightly more knowledgeable people.

Exclaimed. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"Could it be that they are [Zhilanong], that evil force, full of magic chanters, often causing disasters in various countries, this is targeting our [Erantire]?"

"A little insight, then send you to die!"

Originally, the people here were trembling in their bodies in fear, and as a result, the leading [Kagit] even activated the power of the orb and summoned a terrifying bone dragon.

It flaps its wings and appears here in a condescending manner.

There was a gust of wind.

As a result, these adventurers and some guards turned pale with fright and fled frantically.

"Run away, that's a bone dragon, an extremely dangerous monster!"

"Totally the natural enemy of the magic chanter, if you want adventurers to confront it, get Mithril and, no, mountain copper." "

Rank as an adventurer.

Further up is [steel grade].

One can imagine how dangerous the situation is today.

As a result, the second bone dragon also appeared quickly, which made these people desperate, and they didn't think about it, just obeying the orders of several soldiers on Liyue's side and coming to check this area.

It is possible to encounter such a thing.

This is dead.

As a result, soon, there were a few Thousand Rock Army left here, and those people all ran away.

They didn't care about the situation.

That's fine.

These people of the province serve as a drag.

This way there is no need for distractions.

And Kaji was deliberately angry, ordered these zombies and bone dragons to attack, crushed the small characters in front of him, and then went towards the city, the result was what he didn't expect.

A terrifying flame burst out, forming a sea of fire.

In an instant, a large number of zombies were burned and disappeared.

It turned out that this was a Thousand Rock Army, who shook his spear towards the ground, so that an energy fluctuation suddenly rushed over, clearing out these enemies.

Around his waist, the Eye of the Imaginary Vulcan also hung there.

And others spoke up for it.

"Old man, this is the end of your conspiracy. "

"Don't underestimate us, I thought you could summon a third bone dragon, it turned out to be impossible." "

"And it feels very average, three-meter bone dragon, not as good as the five-meter giant we hit." "

"Indeed, there is not yet a strong sense of oppression of giants. "

These words made [Kagit] those black-robed subordinates furious, and they dared to look down on the bone dragon and a few small soldiers!

They took up their staff and planned to attack, but a huge rock cone came and killed all these people at once.

It was just a scream.

Only Kajit, who was standing at the back and hurriedly resisted with the [Orb of Death], but even he was blasted out, so he had to hurriedly summon a bone dragon to block the front.

He hated it.

"Are you all magic chanters? "

"But it just so happens that the bone dragon is cleaning up your kind!"

"That's a creature with absolute resistance to magic!"

Mage's natural enemy!

As a result, in the face of the attack of the two-headed bone dragon, these Thousand Rock Army directly and easily dodged the dragon claw and dragon tail.

A look of complete helplessness for them.

The main thing is that dealing with dragons is too many times.

You can see how you attack.

Not to mention, they are warriors capable of hand-to-hand combat with Celtic giants.

And one of them shook out a scroll.

"Spell Xuan Ice Seal. "

I saw an ice mark that exuded a strong cold aura, directly hit a bone dragon, causing it to be quickly frozen by ice, and fell from the sky, smashing out a big movement.

Under today's research, spells and fairy scrolls have come out a lot. One of the best choices of scrolling materials is the sea beast.

The area is large, the strength is also strong, and the number is also large.

It's the perfect choice.

After all, dragon skin is good, but it is impossible as the main choice, and the pharmacist also launched another idea, in the past, when Liyue ancient method of making paper, it was made of a series of drums such as tree bark, plant fiber, etc., to make paper.

So now, can you use the bark of fairy grass, fairy plants, and special plants to create scrolls?

Such words.

The reel level will be high.

However, in this way, herbs and plants must continue to be studied and promoted.

Cultivate and mutate into more species.

The profession of [pharmacist] still plays a very important role in this process.

So at present, these two major categories have been formed, sea beasts and fairy grass paper.

Looking at the bone dragon sealed in ice, this Thousand Rock Army's gaze also turned to Kajit, shocking him.


Shouldn't magic be ineffective against bone dragons?

As a result, when he looked at the other bone dragon, it happened that the head of the bone dragon was cut off by a Thousand Rock Army at once.

Kagit: ...


Under the unbelievable gaze, the bone dragon that Kagit was proud of was neatly eliminated.

He himself was directly imprisoned.

It was captured by the Thousand Rock Army.

After some interrogation, several Thousand Rock Soldiers also understood that this was the case.

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