This led to the present.

There are also quite a few descendants of these dragons.

The ones that just came out are the largest, the Frost Dragon King + Princess, and a few relatively older children, and in the distant castle of the royal capital they inhabit, there are some Frost Dragons.

So the water dragon carried Su Bai and them to the dwarf castle.

The golden mountain that was originally occupied by the Frost Dragon King was glowing brightly.

The dragon's love of money has led to the fact that many treasures can always be found in the places where they live, but there are several frost dragons living here who are still stupid and are instantly killed by the water dragon.

At this time, the other frost dragons immediately trembled and bowed their heads in submission.

And this time Ying also made a sound, so that the water dragon left a whole corpse.

The previous Frost Dragon King was broken into pieces, it was too wasteful, but now if it is like this, it can be handed over to the Liyue pharmacists, take it and process it, and decompose a series of materials.

It's like dealing with sea beasts over there in Liyue Port.

Wouldn't that be better?

Although she didn't know how valuable these otherworld dragons were.

But this time, the water dragon did leave a lot of hands.

And after dealing with the Frost Dragon and Baoshan here, Ying and Paimon's eyes set on the [Treasure Vault] in the rear, the gate here has not been opened, the Frost Dragon can't do it.

It is clear that there is a bigger treasure inside, but it can only stay here unwillingly.

Blocked by the craftsmanship and guardian magic of the dwarves.

It looks inexplicably like a gatekeeper dragon.


And Su Bai just waved, the guardian magic above disappeared directly, and the door of the solid and dusty treasure house immediately opened slowly.

Just as the crack of the door opened, the golden light inside was already shining out.

Paimon exclaimed in surprise.

"Wow, big treasure, that's great, Ying, we 787 got rich!"

Ying is also looking forward to it.

This is much more surging than opening the treasure chest in the ruins.

Not a rank at all!

A treasure trove of an ancient country, I don't know how many years of accumulated wealth.

It's exciting and exciting to think about.

So when the treasure vault was fully opened, there was a cheer and joy from the two of them.

The golden light completely illuminates the place, and it is full of mountains of gold coins and treasures, crafts, weapons, necklaces and other decorations.

Some daggers are set with expensive gemstones.

There is also quite a few pieces of armor.

Not to mention the abundance of other colorful gemstones and crystals.

For them, this is the joy of adventure, experiencing dangers, exploring the unknown, and then discovering hidden treasures, which is really enjoyable, fantastic!

Paimon Du picked up several gold coins and laughed for a while.

It is said that they have gone through so many places, and it is rare to have such a harvesting experience, sure enough, it is good to follow Su Bai, interesting monsters, rich treasures, and strange environments.

It's everything.

So Su Bai opened the portal, and the water dragon took these frost dragons to Kahn Town.

After that, it was scavenged clean, but if the dwarves knew who took the treasure, they would definitely ask for it back, but it didn't matter, it was just bullying the soft and fearing the hard.

Occupied by the frost dragon and the earth-digging orcs, they did not dare to squeak.

So at most, I know that there is also a dragon roar here, and the treasure of the old royal capital may have been taken away by other dragons.

And then consider yourself unlucky.

Anyway, there are many dragons in this world.

So Su Bai and Ying continued their adventure, there are many dragons living in this Angelician Mountain Range, and there are frost dragons in other places, as well as dragons of different races, so after that, the [Frost Giant] who can compete with the frost dragon nearby was unlucky.

And in addition to the sunfish from before.

There were also the fire dragons that ruled the surface, and the immortal birds that roamed the sky, all of which were found by Su Bai and them one by one.

All kinds of Warcraft have been seen.

To her surprise.

There are many types of Warcraft in this mountain range, and there are many mountains, and there were sometimes different Warcraft on each mountain in the past, and during the tour, I also met other pharmacist teams.

They all respectfully greeted this side.

It really made Ying cry and laugh.

They can all run.

It is worthy of being Su Bai's subordinate.

It's a huge scope.

However, with the current scale of this mountain range, it is enough to explore for a long time, and there are few people and many monsters inside, so humans from this other world dare not enter.


In a building, the country's top brass were meeting.

They have a headache and irritability.

"What's going on, I feel that everything is in chaos, what is the situation in the kingdom, why is there a force calling themselves [Nazalik's Great Tomb], and they also say that they have been living there all along, and openly support the second prince. "

"Hmph, this name sounds like a place where the undead gather, hell, are they trying to take this country?"

"It is obvious that the second prince has become the puppet of the other party, just a dog. In this way, the kingdom will be completely in the hands of this [Nazalik Great Tomb]. "

"It occupies the righteousness of the supporting side, sweeping away those who resist in a short period of time, eliminating the nobles, and directly forcing the palace, which is also too fast!"

To be honest, these high-ranking members of the church state were dumbfounded.

The other party fought a wave of blitzkrieg, and before we could react, the leader of the kingdom was about to change?

It's a sea change.

That second prince is simply plotting with the tiger.

But on the surface, it is the royal family of the kingdom that is vying for the throne.

But wherever the Great Tomb of Nazalik took the initiative to trigger this movement, there are articles to do.

But now, it's hard to do.

This Nazalik tomb always gives me a very bad feeling. The kingdom is in great trouble. But regardless of (bfeg), they are also part of the human race. "

So this person is worried that he can't be ruled by foreign races.

"No, our side is still at war with the forest elves, not to mention the pictures that the troops of the [Sunshine Holy Scripture] were completely destroyed at the border of the kingdom and observed through magic. "

"Is it destroyed by those strange earth element creations, individuals who have never seen before, the eighth order, now connected, it is likely to be a strong person related to this [Nazalik Great Tomb]. "

"We have too little information about them, and if the Destroying Dragon King is resurrected, we plan to use the True Artifact [Falling City and Falling Country] to dominate it as our combat power. "

The Wind Flower Holy Book was also tracking the traitor, and the other party also took away an artifact.

So the church country has a bunch of things on its own side. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

It is categorically impossible to act rashly.

"There is no way, we can only scout first, after all, even in our own country, there have been strange guys recently, and we can't find their traces and movements at all." "

"The only time was when the members of the [Fire Extinguishing Holy Scripture] ran into them, and not long after the fight, those on our side were defeated, and the other party mysteriously disappeared. "

This really made them angry, as the six-color holy scriptures of the religious state, there were six types.

[Fire Extinguishing Holy Scripture] is the elite special forces responsible for domestic assassination, counter-terrorism, and collecting information, and as a result, even they not only can't find each other, but also lose so quickly?

What the hell is this guy who infiltrated the church country?

But this problem should not be big, there are still masters on their side who have not shot.

At present, what should be concerned is the forest elves and the Ivan Xia Great Forest, as well as the [Nazalik Great Tomb] on the side of the kingdom.

So the church began to act.

Even the [Bahasid Empire], as an old rival of the kingdom, was surprised and also paid attention to the situation here.

It's here in the town of Kahn.

It is still a peaceful appearance, allowing the kingdom to roll violently, and the changes in the wind and clouds will not affect this place in the slightest.

And if people who are familiar with this place come again, they will be even more dumbfounded.

Because with the additional manpower on Liyue's side, now not to mention the previous town, the scale and size have become [Kahn City] and become a city.

It can only be said that the construction and technology on Liyue's side are too developed.

Give another world a little shock.

And not only the Liyue Medicine Master, the Thousand Rock Army Squad, the original villagers of Kahn Village, there are also a lot of Warcraft working here, and even the previous frost dragons are honestly grabbing the hunting Warcraft here.

Dropped on the ground.

The original [Kurasuke], now Ogura is commanding them in a flaunting manner.

"You guys put it well, these things to be classified, put them in that area, don't you understand?"


Seeing these frost dragons so obedient, this huge hamster monster was very impressed.

"Fortunately, I surrendered in advance, but I didn't expect that even the dragons were caught, and it's not just them"

Its gaze was on the other side.

There is a venerable frost giant carrying things, releasing ice and snow, transforming the environment, cooperating with Liyue and these personnel, manufacturing sites and alchemy props, and a big bird with flames on its body.

Danding is also burned there.

This is the immortal bird.

The fire dragon was also there, cooperating with the medicine master to draw blood.

It is precisely because of the extra series of behemoths that they have been expanded again, giving them a space for activity and movement, and a large area has been specially set aside for these monsters.

Separate from the human population.

These don't need to be placed in Liyue, just establish a research base here in the other world, after all, Liyue often does this kind of thing.

Liyue's manpower and military strength are abundant, anyway, there are many measures to promote fertility and increase the population.


In terms of battlefield alone, there is more than one.

Whether it is at war with the antimatter legion, chasing people in the sky, and fighting with other alien races, the Xianzhou fleet also travels in many interstellar and quantum seas.

Multi-threading at the same time is more than enough.

Therefore, forces like the religious country that do not even dare to open a two-front battlefield, in comparison, they are simply waste.

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