At this time, Ying and Paimon appeared here, and the scene in front of them was like a volcano, the temperature was relatively high, and the heat emitted in the distance was still coming continuously, causing the rocks to be a little red.

It's just that Su Bai in the rear laughed.

"Of course not, haven't you been to Nata, this is another world, and the location we are in today is called [Angelicia Mountains]. "

"Ann, Ann Jiesiah? "

Paimon scratched his head.

I really haven't heard of it.

"After all, it's a different world, with a strange name, but I didn't have much adventure with you, so I thought of calling you over, let's go, and see the scenery here." "

"Living here, there are kingdoms of dwarves and earth-digging orcs. "

However, the latter believes that the dwarves are garbage and want to kill them all, and the conflict and killing between the two races has been going on for a long time.

And the dwarves are in a state of loss.

As a result, they have abandoned the southern city called Feolezo.

Now lives in the city of [Fiao Jura].

The dwarf kingdom once had four metropolises, in addition to the above two, one western city was destroyed by a fight between two frost dragons, and the last one was the former royal capital of the dwarf kingdom [Feoberkana].

He was also forced to give up when the Demon God attacked.

Ying listened with relish.

There are four cities, and in Mond, it was just one Mondstadt. "

"Well, then there are still a lot of monsters and strange creatures here, and there is a big crack under the mountain range, the spread is very long, and the bottom is unfathomable, and the past races have sent more than one team, all of them are missing. "

Paimon was taken aback.

"Well, in this kind of place, there must be some very terrifying creatures living in 15." We have a lot of adventure, and we usually do. "

"Wait, you're not going to go there, are you?"

She panicked.

"Oh, maybe, but the next target is the lost capital of the dwarven country, which contains the treasures of the dwarves of the past, storing various crafts, magic items, money, technology and ancient books. "

"There is a treasure?!!"

Hearing this, Paimon's eyes suddenly lit up.

"This is good, let's go quickly, if we are led by others, it will be late!"

Ying is not angry.

You little money junkie.

As a result, at this time, Su Bai was still laughing.

"Ying, I'll bring you to play, are you also giving me a return, not demanding, kiss me." "

She was immediately dumbfounded.


Is this still called undemanding?

But she didn't say anything, but bit her lower lip, took the initiative to approach Su Bai on tiptoe, and gently kissed him on the face, during which Ying's face turned red and turned her head.

Softly with shame.

"Is that okay?"

"Or is it not enough? Want me to do it again?"

"Then come again. "

Ying looked at him helplessly and angrily, she already knew that she didn't say this, but she still did it, after all, this bad guy had already taken her heart away.

Paimondu quickly covered his eyes with his hands and shouted in surprise.

"Wow, Ying is so active!"

"Paimon, you shut up for me!"

"Whew, why are you so fierce to Paimon. "

After that, the two of them set out on an adventure here.

To travel to the capital of the dwarves' past, you have to go through three dangerous places.

The first is the big crack and the drawbridge.

In the past, on this bottomless and terrible crack, the dwarves built this suspension bridge, which surprised Yingdu, but it was still very technical and thoughtful, and now, it is the first line of defense of the royal capital.

Easy to defend and difficult to attack.

As a result, their royal capital eventually fell.

Although I am curious that there are also demon gods here, they should be two things from Tivat, and the one who occupies this royal capital now is the earth-digging orcs mentioned earlier.

Once you go here.

They attack remotely.

If humans go this way, they can't please them.

However, Ying spread her golden wings and passed from the sky with Su Bai, wielding her Taiyi Branch lightsaber in the face of those fierce and attacking earth-digging orcs.

Under the many golden sword lights, they were all wiped out.


If you can fly, why do you have to walk the chain suspension bridge here?

And these guys are very weak, and they think they are very strong.

Then after passing here, there was a large lava river in front of it, fiery red and scalding, it was obvious that the heat just now came from here, and Paimon who watched couldn't help but swallow.

Want, if it falls, there will be no bones left, right?!

As for the way through here.

It turned out to be a plank road built by the dwarves on the walls in the past, and looking at those roads, Paimon could already imagine that the dwarves in the past may have spent a lot of effort to open up this road.

Even if you are not careful, it will fall.

That's also terrible.

Sure enough, being able to fly is king.

Whether it is her or Ying, as well as Su Bai can fly, so when flying over this huge lava river, looking at the scene below, Ying can't help but marvel, won't there be any monsters living here, right?

Inside Liyue Fire Dragon Mountain, there is also this magma lake.

There are many of them, and there are all kinds of monsters and fire dragons living.

It also provides very delicious Warcraft meat production.

At this time, a huge black shadow really appeared in this lava that looked like a sea, and Paimon was shocked.

"Could it be that there are also fire dragons here?"

What she didn't expect was that it was a huge fish monster called a fish beast in the sea over there in Liyue, and it was more than fifty meters in single shape.

Without a doubt, a giant!

It's like a lantern.

Su Bai was also introducing.

"Sometimes, there will be such creatures that have grown to a certain extent and passed a long time to produce evolution, which are generally individual individuals, after all, it is a very rare situation. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

"For example, this is the rare monster [Sun Shark] of this lava sea. "

"Well, it still has a certain collectible value. Grab it and throw it to Fire Dragon Mountain, and let it continue to grow. "

Ying looked at Su Bai and directly stretched out a hand, and in an instant, the sea of magma here and this [Lava Ruler Sun Shark] all shrunk rapidly, and then came to his hand.

It became a very small piece of water.

The sea of lava below was empty at once, although the magma was still seeping from other places.

But you can't recover in a short time.

She is also very impressed, worthy of Su Bai, she can't do this.

I still have to continue to practice.

Pure destructive power and means are completely different things.

Then Su Bai opened the portal and threw it into the Liyue Volcano, where there was an extra layer in an instant, as the living place of this giant monster.

Many fire dragons noticed this situation and got Su Bai's transmission.

I see.

So when the sun catfish was still swimming in the magma sea, it suddenly became frightened, because there were many more fire dragons on the shore watching it, and the breath was far more than itself, which was very terrifying.

Frightened, it quickly swam towards the depths of the magma.

Amused a few fire dragons here.

"It is obviously called [Sun Shark] and [Ruler of Lava], with such a domineering name, but it does not have the strength and courage to match. "

"But it's also a rare species, tell the fire dragon outside, don't eat it when you come back." "

"Master Su Bai sometimes always finds some rare species. "

"Yagi Sword, unleash the God of Thunder!"

At this time, in the sky, a purple thunder sword was summoned, and under its surging power, even thunderclouds and storms were produced, and the sky darkened.

It's gloomy.

Then a large number of thunder lights continued to fall, killing all those charging earth-digging orcs!

The ground is full of fallen orcs.

Unexpectedly, this royal capital has long been occupied by this kind of orc397 ah, I thought that just a little on the other side of the drawbridge, Paimon exclaimed, won't the treasures of the dwarf royal capital be taken away by these guys?

As a result, Su Bai said, no, inside is another creature living here.

Frost Dragon.

A kind of dragon race in this world.

But they couldn't open the treasure trove, and the contents were still intact.

Paimon was also relieved.

That's good!

And then there's theirs.

It's a surprise, there are dragons here?

It turns out that the old royal capital of this dwarf not only has no dwarves for a long time, but also two creatures are here.

At this time, the earth-digging orcs below were still roaring.

"Destroy these two guys, kill them!"

Ying's face is not good, some monsters are like this, either you die or I live, very barbaric and cruel, and she attacks or something, so she runs white power and injects sword weapons.

Make it bloom even more amazingly.

Wiped out a huge army of enemies at once!

As a weapon, there are three of them, and the Tai Yi Splitting Lightsaber that is often used, and the [Yagi Sword] that was summoned in the past when Inazuma and some powerful monsters were dealt with.

In terms of strength, the latter is greater than the former.

The Yagi sword can attack and defend, and can summon divine armor.

But this is not the strongest, the strongest is the [Nanming Fire Sword], the most terrifying lethality, a terrible weapon born entirely for destruction, so generally she will not use much.

Unless it's a real enemy.

This was all refined by Su Bai for her.

And now her strength is back to full strength, after using the power of white light, no matter which sword is powerful, far more than before, and she is still getting stronger, so she can use it freely.

At this time, the power of lightning and water is being summoned.

The furious splash swept these orcs away.

Sweep directly!

Beaten them and flee in fear, it can be described as losing their armor and armor, embarrassed.

Then Su Bai stepped forward to speak up.

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