Soon, it came to the entrance.

The wall on this side is like the first layer of perimeter defense, it is awe-inspiring, it really makes him can't figure it out, it hasn't been long since he came here last time, right?

Why did all of this pop up all of a sudden?

Instead, the people guarding here turned out to be familiar villagers.

Emfreya was dumbfounded.

"Uncle Tuka, Uncle Hughes, why are you guys? Are you all right? And why is this place like this?"

The two middle-aged men couldn't help but laugh.

"It's you, Enfrea, long time no see, but you have so many questions at once, how can we answer them?"

"Go inside, from other people, presumably you will get the answer." "

"After all, we are only guarding the entrance, and your carriage, not far from entering, there is an area to place and take care of horses and monsters, just give it to the villagers there." "

So he was stunned, and then entered here.


In the place where the horses were placed, he also found that a lot of Warcraft were kept here, which startled him, and even the horses were frightened, for fear of being eaten by Warcraft.

Fortunately, a villager led them to the other empty area.

That's how it got better.

During this period, the lady sighed on the side.

"Now, we, the people in the village, can only do some of these things to repay the kindness of the adults. "

Enfreya hurriedly asked.

Can you tell me, and is Allie's family okay?"

Under this explanation, he finally knew a lot.

Here, it was actually attacked by the disguised cavalry of the Sect Country, because there were several magic chanter masters, this was fine, hearing this, it really scared him out of a cold sweat.

It's terrifying.

Doesn't it mean that Allie almost had an accident too?

Fortunately, thanks to those adults, this gave him a lot of good feelings.

To 763, the current change in Kahn Village is one of the adults' subordinates, and they can't stand this environment, so they join forces to use magic to transform this place, resulting in the new [Kahn Town] today.

The houses before, they said, were too small and broken.

By the way, the villagers moved everything out, and then all at once they were torn down and the area was rebuilt.

And the pharmacists, took out a kind of stone.

Planted in the ground.

Immediately, it grew rapidly and grew into a huge building.

And with their actions, a complex of buildings was soon formed.

Enfreya: ???

This teenager is blinded, is this telling some fantasy story, the house is made of stone?


You're not lying to me.

Or what kind of rare magic prop is this, but why did the other party use it so generously?

It's precious to hear!

And pharmacists?

He is also a medicine man, but he has never heard of these ah, what to build roads, make building complexes, build city walls, do you call these [medicine masters]?

Hey! Did something go wrong?

Where is this all crooked?

Obviously, pharmacists are a profession that makes potions!

In fact, this technique has been used in Liyue before.

Now it is further development and upgrading, and it can easily get you a town out, even bigger, much more exaggerated than before.


It's just that the teenager's brain has become a paste.

The head can't react.

As a result, the eldest lady had a strange expression.

"Child, what are you doing? It's normal for us villagers to be shocked. "

"But aren't you the grandson of the famous medicine master (BFBD), who also releases magic, so you will be more knowledgeable than those of us in the village, those medicine masters say, in fact, it is very common magic." "

"Let's not exaggerate. "

"After all, we don't understand the magic of magic, but you should know something." "

The boy's face twitched violently, and he wanted to roar in his heart.

I know a hammer!

Ordinary magic?

It doesn't get much more outrageous to say.

Life magic can facilitate the lives of residents, but the magic that appears here and is used by those mysterious medicine masters is not the same thing at all!

Once it reaches the big cities on the other side of the kingdom, whether it is adventurers, nobles, or even the royal palace, it will shake violently.

What kind of magic is this?

Kahn Village, ah no, what a powerful existence it is here in today's town.

Not a religious state, not an empire.

Could it be a country from a more distant region?

For the changes here.

It really made him feel very strange and unbelievable, but the teenager still asked the location of [Allie's] house for the first time.

After all, it's too big today, and the roads lead in all directions.

Houses are connected.

I can't find what I remember anymore.

It's outrageous.

Finally, he walked for most of the day before he came to a house that was better than the fortress city, although all the houses here were more advanced than his side.

It's really dumbfounding.

Who would have thought that the buildings on the other side of the city were no better than the original village.

The only thing that can be said is that the fortress city [Yerantil] is larger and has a larger population, but this is really nothing to be proud of.

After all, just looking at the living environment and level, it is better to develop here.

And these mysterious pharmacists also give out new houses, which is too proud.

Just because they helped the village by living in these houses. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

And the familiar maiden figure also appeared in front of him, she was squatting on the ground planting something, Enfreya's face was happy, and she just wanted to say something, but she saw a young man beside her, teaching her.

It suddenly made Enfreya's face turn green.

His heart was suddenly confused.

Looking at this completely different costume from the villagers, this one is one of them, just like the medicine masters I met on the road before.

Still very young.

His appearance is also much better than that of a teenager with his hair covering his eyes.

It made him feel bitter in his heart, difficult, could it be that he was caught up later?

So the teenager is sour.

After all, it was the girl he liked, but in fact, he never had the courage to confess, and as a result, such a big thing happened in the village, and he was not there, and the medicine master was more handsome than himself.

Could it be that Allie already likes each other?

As soon as he thought of this, he petrified directly.

As a result, at this time, [Allie] looked back and was very surprised.

"Huh, Enfrea, are you coming?"

"Just now, come and see, the herbs I planted are growing well, and if there are a little more varieties, Lord Pharmacist will buy them, and it can be regarded as a job for those of us." "

"Well, I'm learning pretty well. "

"After all, I remember that you are also a pharmacist, is it possible that I can also become a pharmacist in the future." "

After hearing this, this Liyue medicine master was surprised in his eyes.


According to the intelligence explored, there are also individuals called [Medicine Master] in this world, but I didn't expect that there would be one now.

Moreover, the Heavenly Dao Terminal he was wearing scanned the image of this person.

Immediately got the information.

[Enfreya Barreale], the grandson of the strongest pharmacist in the fortress city [Liji Barre].

There are many adventurers in that city.

Then adventurers will often be injured when fighting Warcraft.

In addition to waiting for healing and healing magic.

The professions called [Pharmacists] are actually pharmacists, and they are able to refine medicinal water and restore people's injuries.

This kind of product is naturally also very popular with adventurers.

And that fortress city has the strongest medicine master, which is [Liji Barrearay].

All of a sudden, this Liyue Pharmacist knew so much.

This is the means of collecting information from advanced civilizations, and some pharmacists who go to various cities will collect local information and intelligence by the way and enter them into the Heavenly Dao terminal.

So that others can share and flip through.

And the information shows that this person has an innate ability to use any magic item, such as those other than the human race, or other professions.

For today's world, pharmacists are also quite curious.

If you are in one profession, you can't use the magic equipment of another class?

So narrow-minded.

The alchemy props on their side, regardless of this, can be used by the Qianyan Army and the Liyue people, and there is no such restriction.

Or Lord Su Bai is powerful.

Have no bottom.

But he also shook his head.

The teenager has such a talent, and if there is no certain strength, it is not a good thing.

The tree is a big move.

Once you are targeted by someone with bad intentions, you will be in trouble.

Instead, he also invited the teenager over, curiously asking about some herbs and potions, during which another female pharmacist came over, it was his lover, and this situation also made the teenager Enfreya look embarrassed.


People used to have female companions.

I misunderstood.

Fortunately, I didn't say it, otherwise I would have lost my hair.

But he was also relieved, it was good that Allie didn't like people, and he still had a chance.

Soon, the teenager exclaimed.

"Do you mean that you are from a very distant country and do not know the knowledge of the pharmacist here? "

Then these two Liyue pharmacists also heard the specific information of the pharmacists of the other world.

Here, he is good at refining medicinal water.

For example, healing potions.

There are three types.

One is a potion made from a mixture of magic and herbs, which takes a little time to work.

The second is made from pure herbs, which is the least effective and the slowest to take effect.

The third is the best.

Infuse magic into the alchemy solution, this is a magic potion.

Drink it and it will work.

It's just expensive, laborious, expensive.

After all, it involves the use of magic and solutions.

Liyue Pharmacist: ...

This world, regarding the utilization and development of medicinal herbs, is completely scum.

Still stuck at such a rough and barbaric stage.

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