Lisa looked at this scene playfully, oh, and said that it was not a couple.

You see, you see, you see,

Obviously this reaction.

I plan to let you kiss her."

Little cute.

You are so powerful when you provoke me, how can you face the wood when it is smaller and cuter, but so dull?

How strange.

Smart as you, will you also roll over?


If it weren't for the explosion to maintain his image as a mature woman and not let Mu be more ashamed.

Lisa really wanted to laugh.

This drama is also too full of joy.

You two.

What a living treasure.

It really killed her.

Ouch, it's all talent.

But after a moment, Lisa was silent again.

Hey, wait.

If she had succeeded just now, wouldn't she have had an extra sister who shared the artillery fire?

Now it was Lisa's turn to go crazy.

This girl is actually great.

Good character.

Good figure too.

I have just seen and touched it for you.

The foundation is very good.

However, Mu Geng, who was ashamed of not working, finally couldn't stand it after remembering his own operations and thoughts.

Disappeared directly here.

Ashamed, she chose to flee back to her own world.


Oh roar.

Mu is smaller and cute and runs.

And this way of leaving, how can I not see it?

I couldn't detect where she went.


What is this ability?

But Lisa could only sigh, hey, how could it be so hard to have multiple sisters.


Can you please hurry up?

Don't let my sister face it alone, I can't bear it.

Lisa chose to step forward, hugged Su Bai, and comforted him gently.

"Look at you, missed it."

"Although I don't know what you mean by family, you don't have any kinship at all, right?"

Then she stuck to Su Bai's ear and whispered.

"Sister can see that in fact, Mu is cute and likes you."

"That attitude, obviously."

Su Bai was also silent for a while.

From Mu Geng's reaction just now, he could also see it.

I didn't expect it.

The other self, liked himself.

This kind of thing is really very much what people can imagine.

Don't dare to write a novel like that!

But thinking of Tiantong Mugen's body, such beautiful legs, such a figure, and her character that understands herself, she was actually moved fiercely.

What superlative?

That's the best of all.

It's so exciting.


Never mind.

Let's let the pervert follow through to the end, the principle or something, just be flexible.


I Su Bai, Yutian Tong Mu Geng (female Su Bai).

So Su Bai went to the chat group and found Tiantong Mu to chat more privately.

Liyue Subai (group leader): "Mugen, I'm sorry, I misunderstood you. "

"How about you come back now, and let's continue?"

It didn't take long for Mu Geng's message to really return.

Tiantong Mugen (Su Bai): "???. go and die, you stupid! What to say about you! Bah, don't think about it! "

"I'm already fine, I don't need it!"

Then Mu has no information.

From this tone alone, it was as if she could see her angry face flushed, and she hurriedly sent out this news angrily.

And then loaded with ostriches.

This guy is still as arrogant and shy as ever.

The corner of Su Bai's mouth laughed.

Wood can't run away.

After all, she knows herself best, and when she replied like this, it means that there is no problem, she is just shy.

If you really reject and deny, this is not the content.

So after Su Bai sent a message again, he continued to chat with Lisa.

On the other side, Tiantong Mugen is actually in his own home.

After returning, she could no longer hold back the shame in her heart.

Shamefully threw himself on the sheets and burrowed himself under the pillow, trying to escape reality.

I want to forget everything I just did.

She, she actually tried to get Su Bai to kiss.


The most disgusting thing is that the guy actually refused!

Make yourself angry.

But now that I think back, why am I in a hurry, isn't this a joke for Su Bai?

And also exposed his own thoughts!!!

Help me.

She's such an idiot.

Tian Tong Mu even said that I was about to dizzy myself.

As a result, at this time, she also received a private chat from Su Bai, and after seeing his message, Mu Geng's cheeks had just disappeared, and she was red again, and she was very hot.

The eyes are shyly dodgy.

Let, let yourself go back?

Go back to be him?


I'm you!


Mu Geng quickly replied in shame, and then didn't care anymore.

It is impossible to go back, it is impossible to go back in this life.


No more contact.

Let Miss Ben be so humiliated.

Even if you are also Su Bai, you are unforgivable.

She Tiantong Mu swore here that even if she starved to death and jumped from the stairs, she would not reply to that bad guy!

But hiding under the pillow, she couldn't calm down.

Instead, I feel my heart beating faster and faster. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

I can clearly feel the throbbing, the heart.

That, my own real thoughts.

A moment later.

Mu Geng wailed.

"Ah, I, I seem to really like him."

"At this time, he must have seen it, right?"

"Whew, what should I do now."

As a result, she quietly glanced at the chat group's private chat again.

Su Bai replied.

"I'll wait for you, you can come whenever you want."

Mu Geng suddenly plunged his head into it, shamefully grabbed the pillow, and pinched it into shape.

He broke the defense.


She blushed shyly and did not dare to reply indiscriminately.

It also has the majesty of a superior person.

As the second-in-command in Tokyo.

It can be described as an ice and snow flower that cannot be approached, and no man will be seen by himself.


Once he touched Su Bai, it would instantly become a state of high attack and low defense.

Because he is also himself.

So when she is with her, she will automatically remove all her defenses and will not be arrogant.

Instead, the two talked and laughed.

I laughed happily all of a sudden.

Relationships can instantly become closer than anyone else.

Because you are so reliable and trustworthy, you can skip a series of previous steps.

It is countless times closer than the relationship of best friends.

There is an old saying that the near water building platform gets the moon first.

That is to say, you know in advance, much better than cold contact.

And what about her and Su Bai, it was super super doubled.

As a result, he sank himself at once.

Tiantong Mu had to admit that he really liked him, and the other party, as Su Bai, must have understood it.

This means that it is useless for her to deny it.

He knows himself too well!

At this time, this understanding is completely lore, and this is the tacit understanding of another self.

Woo, outrageous.

That means.

The next time I go to him, I won't be able to run away from the first kiss.

Tiantong Mu bit his lip even more, his face was hot, and his beautiful eyes were incomparably shy.

At least.

Let yourself calm down first, well, decided, go and deal with the affairs with the Holy Heavenly Son.

At least.

There is also a buffer time of a few days.

However, Mu still covered his face.

"Unexpectedly, I also have a day when I like someone else, and that person is still myself."

"Mu Geng, Mu Geng, you don't know how to be ashamed!"

Then after communicating with the Son of Heaven, she learned that she needed to find Su Bai in exchange for something.

This made Mu even more silent.

As soon as he said on his front foot, even if he jumped, he would not reply to him.

I didn't expect the punch in the face to come so quickly.

No matter!

It's nothing if it's just chatting.

Anyway, it's not time to go to where he is.


Tivat World.

At this time, Su Bai put his arm around Lisa and whispered to her.

"Lisa, actually, about Mugen, I kept you in the dark."

"Actually, that's it."

After a while.

Lisa Meimu was surprised.

"Other worlds, feminine you? Is there such a thing? "

"No wonder you don't tease her much, even if you have ideas, poof."

Lisa, who laughed out loud, suddenly spoke deeply.

"So, Mu is cute and cute has always been a girl? Never changed? "


"That's not it! Take her. "

"Anyway, Mu Geng is a woman, she has never been a man, if you look at people strangely, then isn't she very aggrieved?"

"The wood is smaller and cuter, and she is a beautiful girl from beginning to end."

"So you'll be fascinated, isn't it natural that girls like men?"

Lisa's eyes sparkled with wisdom.

Then she whispered.

"On the contrary, my sister feels very lucky, the only you are a man, only you. And my sister only recognizes you Oh, hum. "

"Sister will always be a witch who belongs to you alone, you can do whatever you want to do to your sister (Qian Zhao's)."

"And to be honest, maybe you and she think it's the same person."

"But in my sister's eyes, you are actually two different people."

After all.

Tiantong Mu has his own life, and he is also more arrogant, shy, and has a big lady style, which is very cute.

And these are different from Su Bai.

Their similarity is in the distant past.

So in her eyes, it is clear that a girl lives a woman's life.

Indeed, with Su Bai, they are two people.

It's okay.

This is the two living different lives, so in fact, it feels that the difference is still very big, Lisa feels that Mu is more different from Su Bai.

But maybe Su Bai and they don't have this perspective and feeling.

Because the angle is different.

"Anyway, my sister was surprised that you told me such a secret."

Su Bai touched her face affectionately.

"That's because Lisa, you're my wife, the closest person around me."

"Besides, if Mu Geng is really with me in the future, there is no need to hide it from you."

"Because the details and interactions in the future, you will see, those are very different from Tivat. So there's no need to make you wonder and speculate, I don't want Lisa to become some kind of shocked and sad woman. "

Hearing this, Lisa's eyes showed emotion and attachment.

But she laughed instead, making fun of her lover with silky eyes.

"Little cute, what is the skill of keeping your sister in the dark, it's fun to keep her under the quilt."

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