This Dragon Emperor is the strongest apex of the Dragon Clan.

It covets the power of world-class props and uses its own power to perform summoning, but it never imagined that along with these world-class props, there were also those players.

So the war began.

The first great war in another world began.

Of course, at the beginning, the six gods were not very good, and the real ruthlessness was the latter wave.

Esders: "There is no need to mention the specific war for the time being, the main thing is that this side of your Nazalik tomb received a reward after the original raid, a world-class prop." "

"That is, the throne of the kings."

Not to mention that they also have those world-class props stored inside, so being summoned will only pass together anyway.

With the whole grave.

Tsuchima buried: "Yes, it is rumored that the flying squirrel ran outside to set off fireworks, so that he and the grave crossed separately, and he was left alone, and he could only start an adventure with the vampire of the dead country." "

You bean: "No, isn't it summoning world-class props, flying squirrels can also follow outside?" "

Morgan: "Is it possible that the flying squirrel has this thing on it?" "

"What do you think that red ball of his is doing, weakness?"

Tsuchima: "Laughing rat, world-class prop flying squirrel jade." "

"It is also deliberately placed in the most obvious place, for fear that others will not see it."

It is precisely because of this separation, although they are all traveled in the time of the closed service, but because they travel through other worlds, they appear on different timelines.

The six gods appeared six hundred years ago.

After the arrival of the flying squirrel, he went through many adventures and took in some new members.

Then another two hundred years passed before the underground tomb of Nazalik came.

And destroyed three countries at once.

Because I have been living here for a long time, the flying squirrel has not reacted at first.

I think this name is a little familiar.

This crossing of 673 will be staggered.

So Night Maiko must stay inside the big tomb, and once she goes outside, she becomes alone.

At this time.

As the last supreme night dancer, he is watching the time, and the end of the day has passed.

Now it shows [0:02:30]

She has reached the Great Grave.

And after seeing the information in the group, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Good risk!

Almost didn't catch up.

If she lost Nazalik's underground grave, she would not cry to death.

Since you want to cross, there is a base camp such as the guild base, and you can know how big the advantage is just by thinking about it.

When you are alone, you can't compare at all.

The series of things accumulated in the [Hall of Treasures] alone are incredible.

And now there is no offline line, that is, crossed?


I didn't expect that just wanting to witness the end would be able to encounter this kind of thing, but if this is placed in the theme of online games, it seems that it is very common to be in line with reality at every turn, right?

But those are either both, the game world invades reality.

Something in one.

On his side, the player traveled to another world, but it was a little different.

Let's be honest.

But whenever she knows that there will be this out, she should call everyone in the guild to see if those guys are willing to go through, after all, facing the unknown new world, or how lively people are.

It is clear that Hei Luo Hei Lobsang and Flying Squirrel Sang have chatted with her online before.

For their own reasons, they all went offline.

The former is going to work.

If the little brother of the flying squirrel is concerned, it seems that he has a girlfriend and is busy getting married.


In the end, she, the guild leader, was still there.

The two sisters who have no conscience in bubble teapot and red bean bag mochi are estimated to have already finished caring for their skin and went to sleep.

He didn't even come to see himself.


Although they contacted yesterday and chatted for a long time.

But I'm still lucky.

Now there is only one player left here, but the chat group has come and met everyone from other worlds, which is more interesting and lively.

It's really full of anticipation.

"Sure enough, compared to the ordinary world, this kind of other world is more attractive, and it makes people full of interest in exploration."

"It's a bit bad if NPCs are still the same as before."

But after she issued the order.

Night Maiko was surprised, oh?

After crossing over, the intelligence of these floor guardians seems to have changed, as well as their own expressions, is this all a consequent change, interesting, it seems that you have to think about it.

So after communicating with them for a while, Yomako sat on the throne again.

And connect with the people in the group.

Supreme Supreme Night Maiko: "In other words, do you know the situation in my world, can you share that I have sent personnel to low-key reconnaissance outside." "

"Grab it with both hands. And that dragon emperor is very strong, he won't start a war with the dragon clan as soon as he comes. "

As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent is a victory in a hundred battles.

Looks like you'll have to be careful.

"And thank you very much to Su Bai over there in Liyue, thank you for the reminder."

Liyue Subai (group leader): "It's nothing, just cross it successfully." "

Spider: "Actually, I also wanted to prompt you, but he didn't send it when he said it, as for the Dragon Emperor, it should be above level 100." "

Supreme Supreme Night Maiko: "He?!! "

You didn't make a typo.

Connor: "Wait, above level 100?" Are we looking at the same original work, obviously there is very little information about the Dragon Emperor, well, when [Platinum Dragon King], I mentioned a son of the Dragon Emperor. "

There is also a rumor that the Immortal Coffin Dragon King said that the player is the filth of the Dragon Emperor.

It's clear.

The arrival of the player is caused by the Dragon Emperor.

It's just that the rest is gone, pure a background board, the same as the six gods and the eight desires.

Where did you see it?

Spider: "Maruyama said. "

Conna: "Who is this Maruyama, he knows a fart overlord forehead and so on, it turns out that is, that's okay." "

Ciel: "Oh? It's time for Oda again, he's a comic book drawer, does he understand a fart One Piece PG time. "

Seeing this, Connor directly covered her face.

Can she be blamed for this?

I just didn't think about it for a while.

Don't scold, don't scold.

Supreme Supreme Night Maiko: "What?" Is it more than our level limit, it seems very troublesome, there are such strong enemies in this other world, then the big tomb must be hidden. "

After all, it's like their level has an upper limit, and the enemy doesn't.

What's the point?

No wonder dare to peek at world-class props, there are indeed several brushes!

"I'm going to push Ma Rey to speed up the process. After all, he is good at plants and earth magic in this area, I ordered it before, but I didn't expect it to be careless! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

If you are surrounded by the dragon clan and fight here, it will be miserable.

Where is there such an unlucky person who has just crossed over and was blocked in the novice village?

No way.

Not enough.

You'll have to go through those props and see what you can use later.

Arm these men and yourself.


You're also very cautious.

And even more outrageous than flying squirrels.

Esders: "Don't panic, the Dragon Emperor is probably dead, before your group came, hundreds of years ago, players crossed over one after another and launched a killing with the dragon clan." "

"Now it's all like this, in the original work, the platinum dragon king came out, so most people think that this dragon emperor is probably gone."

Supreme Supreme Night Maiko: "Isn't that no stone hammer?" Harren, I'm going to be more careful. "

Others were speechless.

All 16 volumes.

The rest is almost over, and it is estimated that there will be no information at all.

The Dragon Emperor is a background board, where there will be its stage.

After playing platinum, it's about the same.

So you're afraid of a hammer!

Besides, Maruyama's words can also be understood as a strength of more than one hundred levels, no matter how strong it is, it is still necessary to die if it is targeted by players with so many weapon props.

Anyway, the strength is definitely not as fierce as the world-class enemy.

That's what takes thirty level 100 players, who are prepared for a series of preparations, and they can't necessarily win.

But it's all another world now.

Supreme Supreme Night Maiko: "But now I'm just a player, how many players wore it before?" It doesn't make sense, before me. "

Riveria: "Calm, it should be the six gods who came first, they can't beat the dragon clan, they can only find a way to protect humans, it is the origin of the sect, five of them are not immortals, only one survived." "

Everything else is old and dead.

This is the sadness of the short-lived species, what is the use of such a strong strength and so many weapon props.

Died all at once.

Of course, if they can come, it means that they also have world-class props.

"Behind is the King of Eight Desires, they should be seven men and a woman, and they also brought a flying city over, and they just went up with the dragon clan."

This word, Night Dance suddenly understood.

That is, they are the same as the Nasalik underground tomb.

If you are here, you are the only one online.

There were eight more of those guys!

and guild bases.

This flying city, she doesn't find it strange, there is more than one guild in the floating city.

So she asked.

"Is the Eight Desires King an all-round angel?"

It turned out to be everyone's message, and there was an elf player in it.

That's okay.

It seems not those birdmen.

Tiantong Mugen: "There is a very important point, the True Dragon King has [Origin Magic], which is the ability to be strong with your [World-Class Props]. "

This moment made her strained.

Supreme Supreme Night Maiko: "Lean!" I severely denounce the dragons! They're on! Where is there such. "

It's the same level as world-class props?

Her face darkened.

What is this not hanging?

Just know what their world-class props of this game are, what exactly is the concept.

will come to this conclusion, okay.

The world is so dangerous.


It seems that he is weak and helpless and pitiful, so he has to avoid the limelight first.

Supreme Supreme Night Maiko: "And then?!" I'm in a hurry, I hope you can say it quickly, please! "

Liyue Su Bai (group leader): "It's okay, in your past, the Eight Desires King used a world-class prop, possibly the top twenty, to make the whole world begin to pervade and fill with rank magic. "

"Thus polluting the Dragon Kings and weakening their origin magic."

As long as it is a dragon king born later, it will become a dragon who masters rank magic, and thus there will be no origin magic.

These two are mutually exclusive.

That is, the big trick to abolish them.

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