Paimon also let out a cry of grievance.

Woo hoo.

There are still so many fish on the ground that have not been picked up.

It's all gone.

It's miserable.

That stranger, I Paimon thank you!

It's too fast!

Ying sighed, fortunately he still had a few in his hand.

But the grilled fish dinner in the evening is gone.

It's really laughable.

Originally, they planned to leave again tomorrow.

Here it goes.

Straight to Mond.

"Lisa, this is my friend, her name is Tian Tong Mugen."

"I'm here to visit Mond."

After returning to Mond, Mu Geng was still here, so Su Bai took her to visit together.

After all, I know myself a little better.

You can't leave people here.

Then it was up to himself to be the guide, and they met Lisa halfway, and Su Bai naturally introduced Lisa.

However, this "Nine Zero Seven" Tiantong Mu was even more frightened.

Quickly pulled him to the other side and whispered.

"Su Bai, how to meet directly, what if I interfere with your strategy."

"It's okay, Lisa is already my insider, so it won't matter."

"Besides, just treat this as a normal friend, this is nothing."


Tiantong Mu suddenly widened his eyes and covered his mouth in surprise.

No, isn't it?

Could it be that they already have that?


As soon as she thought of the picture of Lisa and Su Bai, she blushed a little, and quickly shook her head, blah!

She is a lady, Miss!

What to think about


People are male Su Bai, isn't it normal to be with a girl you like?

After all.

Who doesn't like these very attractive girls in Genshin.

She likes it as a girl.

But Su Bai, this guy, is cool.

Who made him a man of the world of Tivat.

One can only envy.

Looking at the intimate actions of the two of them, Lisa's eyes lit up.

Could it be that this girl is also the object of Su Bai's ambiguity?

Lisa, who couldn't stand Su Bai, suddenly came to the spirit, she had long wanted to have new sisters to share her pressure.

After all.

Originally, she was a witch who liked to read books, and knew some things about men and women from books.

But then after meeting the little cutie.

She found that the books were not all right, and some were obviously deceptive.

Like what.

Fields can be ploughed.

Little cutie as a martial arts practitioner.

He has also developed so many martial arts, and his body is strong and strong, and his strength is unfathomable.

Anyway, she Lisa can't stand it.

So after seeing Tiantong Mu appear, Lisa suddenly came to a strong interest.

"Is Mu more cute, hello, such a cute girl, my sister is very favorable."

"Come, sister come and play with you."

"Huh, good, okay."

Su Bai was also surprised to see that the two women quickly became acquainted, and Lisa also took Mu Geng's hand and took her to play.

I could only shake my head and laugh.

There is an advantage between girls.

Being able to get along quickly at once is much faster than boys.

See no.

All directly held hands.

Change to yourself, but it took a long time to finally hold Lisa's hand.

It can be seen that Mu is also a little overwhelmed.

But anyway, Mu is also a girl, even if she is also Su Bai, but people are beautiful girls in their past lives and present lives, and they are completely different from themselves in gender.

It's the female version of herself.

The world, it's wonderful.

This is a parallel universe.

It was precisely because Mu Geng had always been a woman that Su Bai didn't say anything.

Change to a man, he can't accept it.

After all, he is also a man.

But when she thought that she had always been a girl, a beautiful girl, and now she was a peerless beautiful girl like Tiantong Mugen, Su Bai inexplicably had wonderful ideas.

She is like that, tsundere, cute, and a big lady-like black and straight.

A pair of slender beautiful legs, and charming black silk.

Coupled with the practice of Tiantong Flow swordsmanship for many years, the calves also have strength and strength, straight and round. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It's different from ordinary beautiful girls.

It will feel better.

I also know myself very well.

Often looking at each other, they had a soul in their hearts, and the two laughed together.

Super tacit understanding.

That's amazing.

But soon, he snorted again.

What perverts.

Think of where to go.

Even the other body of your own is gluttonous?

He's not that perverted.

Although I also inexplicably feel a little stimulated, cough.

Never mind.

Let's find Lisa in the evening.

So in such a shopping process, Su Bai suddenly had more items in his hands, and his hands were almost full of things, even covering his own appearance.

But also because of this.

As a result, Su Bai was not watched and awe-inspiring, after all, many people in Mond still saw his appearance.

Knowing that he had fought off the Wind Demon Dragon.

Of course.

There are still many people who watch them leave with respect and awe, especially many people from the Knights of the Zephyr 0...

After all, the men who followed Miss Lisa and went shopping with her.

Think with your feet to know who it is.

Because there is only one man who can be like Miss Lisa.

On the contrary, Su Bai is a little cold sweat, is the characteristics of girls shopping innate, how do you feel that the two of them keep buying.

After adding wood, it seems that the addition of multiplication has been produced.


Only two of them.

This little bit is nothing.

If there were more people, Su Bai suspected that they were going to buy a street.

Girls' shopping is terrifying!

At home.

Mu worked harder to help put things away, and I bought a lot of this shopping.

I didn't expect shopping in Mond to be so fun!

There are so many shops that are eye-catching.

Much more than in the game.

The game is more like a village, and there are few shops.

And Lisa just came to say, Mu more want to come to our house to visit, very big, there is a good look.

Startled Mu even more.

What a good kang.

But she cried and laughed in a flash, everyone is a girl, so there will be no plot like Brother Jie.

I'm so capable of thinking about it.

However, it didn't take long for her to regret it.

"Wait, Sister Lisa, don't be like this, Su Bai is still sitting in the living room."

"I don't want a nursing formula."

The embarrassed Tiantong Mu hurriedly escaped from the room, her face was red, and she looked very shy.

There were also tears of grievance in his eyes.

After seeing Su Bai sitting on the sofa, it was like meeting a savior.

She trotted over directly, not forgetting to cover her black skirt 0.8.

Hiding behind Su Bai's back.

And she whimpered nervously.

"Su Bai, don't look back, okay."


Su Bai was dumbfounded.

I noticed when you ran over, from long black silk legs to bare legs.

As a matter of fact.

Lisa's smooth skin makes Tian Tong Mu even more envious, as a girl, she cares the most about her state and appearance!

It's their second life.

So Lisa smiled and said that she had a special medicine formula.

Want to give it a try?

The naïve Mu nodded subconsciously, if she could make her skin better, then of course she longed for it.

As a result, Lisa told her to lie down.

It means that they are coming, and my sister has helped you apply it.

Look how good your sister is to you.

But Mu Geng never expected that this smear would not stop at the arm.

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