This speed even startled Vita.

At this time, she transformed into a huge eye, and hurriedly dodged Xi'er's slash, amazing scythe attack, and directly shredded the building in the distance.

Caused a rumble there.

The rubble fell, leaving a cloud of dust and vibration.

Ling Vita couldn't help but speak out.

"Don't be so enthusiastic, you're too fast."

"It seems that I want to have fun at the beginning, but I can only give up, so let's go directly to the theme!"

She reappeared, and the weapon flew first, whistling and unleashing amazing power, and Xi'er just swung her scythe to knock this back.

Then the two turned into streamers and collided and fought a few times.

The sound of bells continued to sound.

The two weapons also engaged in a series of confrontations, and Vita suffered a lot of losses.

Backwards go far.

After separating, Xi'er and Vita both landed on a dead land, with a sea of stars in the distance, and then Vita wanted to say something, and Xi'er's scythe had already been cut.

It made her face twitch.

"What kind of temperament are you, can you use a knife without using your mouth?"

Originally, she wanted to ask, what kind of weapon are you?

The result is not given a chance at all.

When encountering this kind of temper, it is really very "seven eight zero" Nai.

Vita had a cyan flow of energy on her body, causing it to turn into a ghostly light and shadow, thus avoiding this attack and releasing a large number of plumes.

To this.

Xi'er used her lawyer ability, and a huge bud emerged from under her, enveloping it all.

For a while, all of these attacks were blocked.

Then she floated out of the flower again.

During the period, Xi'er also thought in his heart, this skill is good, that is, there is still a feeling of being fixed and beaten, although it is indeed a defensive skill, but if you can get a spatial ability in the future, it would be good to combine it.

Keep yourself out of the buds.

Even if the flower bud is very defensive, it will definitely encounter attacks that can burst it.

In that case, she will suffer and be injured for no reason.

And in the face of the move Vita , just as the so-called coming and going is not polite, she directly summoned a spirit deer, and the blue-white deer like an illusion exuded an amazing aura.

Thus launched an attack on Vitta.

Keep galloping here!

It looked like a flame of light, and a succession of rapid lightning struck Vita , causing him to find various ways to resist, using many abilities, and Vita suddenly unleashed a huge energy impact.

Even the ground is constantly being torn apart!


This deer actually raised the antlers on its head and blatantly topped!

Directly blocked back.

Rita was shocked.

Can it also be used as a defense?

In fact, this is one of the manifestations of Xi'er's creation power as the law of death and life [Linglu Diana], who can cooperate and cooperate in battle, using a series of tricks.


It is a very powerful and convenient force.

Vita also sighed in amusement.

Then it tore the space here, and a round of extremely fast [Wheel of Wishes] suddenly popped out from the darkness surrounded by cyan energy, killing Xi'er!

Since this deer is in trouble, then it would be good for her to hit the Buddha-figure directly.

The blue light wheel roared from afar, and instantly came to Xi'er, which made the scythe in her hand turn rapidly, and then slashed suddenly, directly smashing this attack.

Vita was a little speechless.

Knocked me out with a weapon alone?

Damn it.

I didn't notice other abilities, just relying on the material, what exactly is that weapon made of?

The sturdy one is a bit too much.

And at this time Xi'er smiled.

"Strange? It's nothing, by the way, pick me up for the next trick! "

Another creature appeared beside her, looking like a snow woman-like creature, and the flower demon "Flora" appeared!

Then under Xi'er's order, a deer and a flower demon launched a pincer attack!

A series of explosions and roars are generated here!

Crashing into the earth one after another!

The so-called power is very free.

It will not be limited to summoning only one at a time, but can be played together.

To this.

Vita constantly coped, dealing with the left from time to time, bombarding the right by the way, it seemed that she could still deal with it, after all, it was similar to Xi'er's combat effectiveness.

The amazing wind and blue light continued to erupt, and a large number of attacks were created by her.

Shake the earth!


At this time, Xi'er, who was holding a scythe, also disappeared instantly.

Then it appeared behind Vita and made her hair stand on end.

I had to quickly summon her own weapon to try to resist this blow, but this time it shocked her violently, and when she was in the air, she was attacked by two creations in a row.

Victora, who was thrown in the air, was embarrassed and coughed.

"You're stronger than I thought, and you seem to be genuine."

Facing the two creatures who came again, she suddenly shook hands, and a force centered on her instantly spread in, knocking them all away at once.

And in the light, Vita's figure changed.

With the sudden appearance of cyan wings, a huge creature that resembled a beast and a non-beast, a bird and a bird, appeared.

The strong impact turned this place into its domain.

Its two claws stepped on the air, so as if walking on the ground, each claw has three toes, looks sharp and lethal, once caught, it is not fun.

From here, it is still dominated by silver.

The further you go to the body, the cyan color constitutes the tone of its basic body, accompanied by a gloomy halo, like a gem, and there are the lowest five feathers behind it, like a peacock opening the screen.

Yes, this creature inexplicably has the shadow of a peacock.

To put it bluntly, it is not an exaggeration to say that the combination of peacock + beast is overstated. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As a matter of fact.

This is the strongest posture of Vita today, called the Almighty Wings!

Xi'er also showed trembling.

Isn't this the best whetstone that can be used as a self who has just become a lawyer today?

"Come on, let me see what you're capable of!"

One man and one beast started a big battle, constantly located in the air, various shuttles and exchanges, during which Xi'er also began to use power according to his own ideas.

For a while, quite a few phantoms rushed out of her.

Since [Creation Power] can have spirit deer and flower demon, then combined with her hunting skills, it directly strengthens a lot, and constantly transforms virtual and real.

Vita hits a phantom and finds that it is of no use.

The next moment, the shadow hit her.

And Xi'er can also constantly switch the position of the Buddha-figure through the phantom, and start a variety of battles around changing directions!

All of a sudden, her ability is very useful0...

Epic enhancements.

After all, the power of each phantom has skyrocketed a lot, and with the blessing of power, complete power is cool.

Skaha's ability was also used by her along with power.

All kinds of magic guns are exploding here.

However, the effect of the magic gun skill used by her is a fast-flying energy scythe.

Directly cut the earth!

Shake the sky!

Vita was overwhelmed and stressed.

It was unbelievable how this person was getting stronger and stronger.

And Xi'er also used a huge butterfly wing, which instantly sent Vita Zhen out.

In order to test her power, her scythe ability is useless.

Even so, as the power became more and more mastered, Xi'er began to unilaterally suppress Vita up, especially after she used another power [Withering], and broke down most of the attacks at once.

Even Vita's wings were evaporated.

She was horrified.

At this time, Vita inadvertently swept to the height of a certain building, Su Bai was sitting there drinking tea, this fact also made her break out in a cold sweat, isn't that an ordinary man?

When did it appear? Or has it been all the time?

Only now did you notice it?

And what frightened Vita was that at this moment, [娑] took the initiative to cut off contact with her, as if he saw something very incredible, and fled madly in fear.

Instantly disappear into invisibility.

Don't even dare to look here.

To hell with it.

What happened?

So she shuddered and realized something unbelievable, I am afraid that she has encountered some terrifying shocking monster.

Of the two, the woman was already very strong.

As a matter of fact.

And a more fierce one?

Fortunately, since a certain period of time, I have been afraid of something, and even Vita noticed this.

And it should be related to that Liyue and Xianzhou.

The mysterious giant spaceship crossed the sea of stars, constantly wandered in many world bubbles, and established contact with many civilizations, promoting a series of exchanges.

And there is more than 0.2 a ship.

Quite a few of them.

Words that trace the origin of Xianzhou.

I don't know when a very powerful civilization began to appear in the Quantum Sea, their footprint was getting bigger and bigger, and there were many battles at one time.

Defeated some civilizations, and also eliminated many evil creatures.

It is famous in many areas.


Its name is [Liyue].

At first, Vita felt that it was nothing, until [娑] personally gave an order to stay away from those immortal boats and not to have any conflict with them.

She was puzzled.


The power of [娑] is very powerful and terrifying, unfathomable, and some immortal boats, she feels that with the power of [娑], she does not need to put it in her eyes at all.

Flip your hands over!

Easy as pie!

And so it turned out?

That only illustrates one point.

That Liyue has an existence behind it that even [娑] is unwilling to provoke.

It's unbelievable.

But the information in front of you does point to this.

So now even [娑] is like this, the only thing that can make Vita think is the mysterious Liyue, could it be that these two people are that civilization?

She broke out in a cold sweat.

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