Speaking of this, the others also sighed.

"yes, I have to work."

"I really don't want to go to work, I'm so tired, every day."

This grandmother's, when they were in Belloberg, at least they all had their own houses, but after coming to the ships on the company's side, they lived quite comfortably at first, with food and housing.

Only gradually, no one paid attention.

If you want to eat and drink, you have to make money, earn credits, okay, this is also normal, you have to find a way to make a living here.

At first, it was the company's humanitarian comfort.

However, after looking for a job, they found that there were too few capable of doing it, that series of technical work, they couldn't get it, they couldn't understand it, they didn't know it, and they also had all kinds of certificates.

to be safe to work.

Oh, my God.

Where will they have these certificates.

There are some in Belo Berg Kau, not surprisingly invalid.

So it seems that only some grassroots and hard work is suitable for them, hard and tired, and there are still few credit points, but there is no way, you can only do it, what do you want to do?

And it's a long time.

This former silver-maned iron guard who was eating synthetic meat also sighed.

Before he also brought automata, he wanted the people of the company to see how many credits could be exchanged, although the silver-maned iron guard did not let it out, but some eliminated, or civilian.

Think of a way, you can still get it.

As a result, the man glanced at it and shook his head for a while.

It means what kind of thing this is, shake 29 shake, the screws are about to pop out, what's the use.

So a very low price was quoted.

At first, he thought that this guy was a profiteer, but he just wanted to first come to a wave of disparagement and ridicule, and then collect it at a low price, and then resell it, so that he was a big wrongdoer.

So he looked for several places, all of which were similar without exception.

So this man's heart suddenly became cold.

No way?

How so.

It is clear that this is already an individual who served in the army in the past, after all, now the update is fast, but those cannot be obtained either.

But this is not bad, didn't you still take the war before?

It works too.

I didn't expect it to be put in the Interstellar Peace Company, it was not worth much at all!


That's the gap.

What can be done?

Sold it, people recycled it to a credit, plus the previous accumulation, you can also eat synthetic meat and other foods for a period of time, which is not bad.

Just want to maintain the words.

Then you have to keep working.

Seeing them like this, the people in the other bed were encouraged.

"Be content, at least we can live here for free, without paying anything else, this is already a great favor from the company."

The others were immediately upset.

"What are you, when I was in Belloberg, the house was very big, although it was not as advanced as here, but there were three floors, what balcony, living room, kitchen, everything."

You can live as much as you want, very comfortable.

"And here? Share with so many people. "

"It is."

"Okay, then I'll tell you something, the grassroots employees and field staff on the company's side, their salaries are not high, and on weekdays, they are all shared rooms."

It's a payment.

As a result, the company gave them these from the planet Arilo VI, and also provided free accommodation, and the level of eating and drinking was also good some time ago.

Now you just need to work and make money.

This contrast.

It's already so much better!

Everyone is also dumbfounded, well, even the company's own people are like this, so what about them, it seems that they really have to thank the company.

Although, working part-time is really tiring.

After all, it's just the lowest level of hard work, just like the assembly line.


Those families should have a much better life than theirs, I really envy it.

"Alas, it's okay! At that time, either save a little money, you can take a spaceship to other civilized life, maybe change a place, but the level will suddenly improve. "

"Or see if there's a better way out here."

"Afraid of something anyway. At least we're much better off than the guys who stayed in Belloberg, oh no, Arilo Six. "

Accustomed to the old title, I can't move Bellobor or something.

It's not comfortable to call Yalilo No. 6.

But in any case, at least everyone stays here safely, can still communicate, chat, eat, and if you change to the Arilo VI, it is estimated that there will be war everywhere.

Maybe even have to move and evacuate.

On the pavement.

Even dead.

That's really miserable, precarious.

As soon as they thought of this and compared them with themselves, these people immediately felt much better.

That's right.

At least they can still do this, they are already far beyond Belloberg.

Over there, maybe you're going to go to war.

Even civilization is dead.

Several of them smiled again.

"Yes, or we made the right choice, survival is the most important thing, everything else is virtual, no matter how big the house is, what is the use of not living?!!"

"I don't understand why those people are so stupid."

"I know that blindly and brainlessly follow the Great Guardians, if the Great Guardians are powerful, will the Silver-Maned Iron Guard always suffer heavy casualties in the beginning, and before, even the upper and lower areas had to be blocked."

"Really, I don't dare to say it yet, but now I don't have to worry about it."

"It's just a bunch of idiots."

After talking about this topic, these people with heavy faces and tired faces immediately danced their eyebrows, as if they had spirit all of a sudden.

Various evaluations of the stupidity and ignorance of those who remain. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

So there was a burst of laughter after that.

Then they all went to work in good spirits, which surprised the team leader on the assembly line, why are these guys so good today?

After hearing about this.

He also patted the other party's shoulder proudly.

"Yes, you are all lucky young men, thank the company, do a good job, the future belongs to you!"

Watching these people was like beating chicken blood, he also despised it in his heart.

A bunch of guys who don't have any skills, and still want to have a good appearance?

But on the surface, he still has a smile on his face.

After all, occasionally praise them, and they can still work well, so why not do it.

After working hard until seven o'clock the next morning.

These people yawned, looking like their bodies were hollowed out.

After returning to the dormitory, I just took a shower with automatic water, fell into a deep sleep, and woke up at one or two o'clock in the afternoon, and soon they were planning to touch on the topic of Belloberg.

After all, you have a bad life, and you always want to belittle others to gain superiority.

Man is such a creature.

As a result, at this time, someone lying on the bed exclaimed.

"Hell, a friend of mine suddenly sent a message over, saying that I haven't been in touch for a while, how is it over there outside the sky, it's okay."

"Isn't he even dead, and the Arylo Six is still there?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone didn't care to say anything else, and immediately rushed here and sat at the end of the bed.

And urged him to quickly ask, is it a bad life over there?

The result was a response:

The other party is doing very well, and he is still eating a big meal today, and he also sent a picture over, and he saw that all the food was dazzling, including meat, fruit and milk, and everyone who looked here was red-eyed.

What the?!

Can it be so cool? It must be a very small minority!

As a result, the other party asked in surprise, isn't this a normal day, is it not like this?

It stands to reason that if I went outside, I should have a better life, right?

The group was speechless.

The things on the company's side are good, but expensive!

Consumption is very high.

They don't feel right, the ground is okay?

The message was that of course it was okay, thinking we were the same as you? Don't believe in Liyue? It's a pity that the signal is intermittent, let's talk about it next time.

He is going to participate in the planning and construction of the new city.

Then how to send, there is no reply to the message.

In the past, when the star core was raging, it disturbed the energy 377 there, resulting in the information not being transmitted, and the number of destruction legions was large to a certain extent, and the energy on their bodies would also interfere with communication and the spread of information.

It's normal that the signal is not good.

There is so much energy in the mess in the universe.

As for better communication technology? Indeed, there was, but the company's erudite society did not get it, and it was taken by Su Bai.

That's the one I said last time.

However, in this dormitory, even just such a few pieces of information made them feel up and down all of a sudden, and they were fiercely grabbed and wanted to know more.

It's like tickling in my heart.

What the hell is going on?

Why is it said that the surface of the planet is fine, has the war not begun, and as a result, the other party is more unwilling to say, indicating secrecy?

Angry people vomit blood.

And that sentence of not believing Liyue made their faces hot.

Could it be that Liyue really carried it? And in good condition?


Doesn't that make them seem ugly?

Fleeing to the sky, he ended up living far worse than before, not even having his own single room.

I heard that the antimatter legion is not so simple, Liyue can block it for a while, it is impossible to block it all the time, they have to comfort themselves like this, otherwise they are very bitter in their hearts.

That's right.

They are doing the right thing.

Only gradually, these people no longer discuss those who remain, what stupid topics.

Their hearts are blocked, very dull.

I couldn't smile anymore.

It's hard to get some synthetic meat, and it doesn't taste good anymore.

Especially the man who was a former silver-maned iron guard, he still felt that Liyue's food was delicious, alas.

While working, the team leader looked at these people's soulless appearance, his face was unhappy, and he directly scolded fiercely.

"What for? Don't hurry up and push harder! Do you still want to live a good life?! "

"If it affects the efficiency of shipments, I will deduct your credit points!"

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