Compared to Su Bai's seven-series, Lisa only takes the road of the thunder system.

After all, it is to become a god.

It can also continue to grow in power, and it takes a lot of energy and time for a single department.

Once the second series is added, it is easy to lose control and mastery.

This is not only the superposition of two elements, but also involves the coexistence of power and the power of the demon god, which is more complicated and troublesome than the dual elements of Wanye and the multi-element switching of travelers.


It's also more powerful.

Therefore, Su Bai, this kind of power, naturally has a power far beyond the power of travelers.

After all, several series of travelers combined, they are still not the opponents of the Demon God.

Not flown to the pillar with a snap.

It was necessary to need the assistance of the grass god and simulate it so many times to defeat a pseudo-god.

But Su Bai this way.

Just one series, growing up, has the combat power of the Demon God.

So Lisa decided to devote herself to the mystery of Ray, which was enough for her to go on.

This is the future goddess of thunder.

And after the kiss, Lisa came to exclaim.

"Little cutie, don't, not in the wild."

"Let go of my sister, just come out and play."

And she also spoke out charmingly and helplessly.

"Moreover, when do you add a new sister, my sister is really not your opponent, or hurry up and put the piano away."

"Or another sister."

"That Keqing can also do it."

Su Bai scratched Lisa's nose funny.

"How can you take the initiative to let your lover find a few more women, Senior Sister Lisa, you are not ordinary."

Lisa gave him a blank look.

"Hmph, little cutie, you just steal the fun."

"Look how good my sister is to you."

At the moment of their conversation, both of them looked in a certain direction in surprise, and the abnormality there caught their attention.

That direction is, [Old Mond Ruins].

However, it has a more prominent name, Wind Dragon Ruins.

As the former location of the old city of Mond, it was once the territory of the Lone King of the High Tower and named the Tornado Demon God.

But that's a thing of the past.

Now the fallen Dongfeng Dragon nested in the deepest part and fell into a long sleep for hundreds of years.

It was originally Su Bai's next target after the North Wind King Wolf.

Lisa stretched out a hand and felt it carefully.

"The wind element there rioted, full of fury and chaos, causing all the elemental flow and earth vein circulation to also begin to be affected."

"Could it be that the Dongfeng Dragon has awakened?"

"And according to what you said before, little cutie, I'm afraid it has been eroded by the power of the abyss, so it's crazy."

"Well, it seems so, let's go over and take a look."

So, the two of them also headed towards that place.

Su Bai just let a cloud of wind elements appear under his feet, and flew up with Lisa.


It's also like flying clouds through the fog.

In fact, this was the Immortal Soaring Cloud Technique that he had prescribed.

It's very Liyue.

And in the ruins of the wind dragon, a blue-blue dragon let out an angry roar, and a figure that covered the sky flew out from the deepest part of the ruins.

It has a beautiful body and several pairs of wings, as if it is a subtle creation of heaven.

If Sumeru's Saino saw this, he would have to sigh.

What a beautiful dragon.

However, what is disturbing is that there are strange spikes on the back of the East Wind Dragon, which are exuding a deep and pitch-black aura, as if to attract people to fall.

With this power lingering and deepening, the East Wind Dragon Twalin became a little manic again.

It was painful.

So it flew faster, rushed out of here at once, and headed for the vast plain outside.

And because of its loss of control and restlessness, it caused a lot of storms, blew the ground into a mess, and many trees were uprooted and involved in it.

The splashes and fish in the lake were all rolled up.

It creates a spectacle like a dragon absorbing water.

Mond, began to suffer from the Dragon of the East Wind.

Or rather.

At this time, it is a magic dragon!

The magic dragon that brought the wind disaster!

And as the wind demon dragon flew everywhere, the Zephyr Knights immediately discovered its figure.

In another air, there are many knights wearing Hermes' boots, relying on this alchemy equipment, flying freely in the air.

They are men and women.

There are quite a few of them.

It's like a squad formation.

Seeing that the ground suddenly became a mess, they were furious.

"This, what is this? Where did the magic dragon come from'! "

It's a pity.

These knights did not recognize that what was in front of them was the East Wind Dragon among the Four Winds.

Instead, the name of the Wind Demon Dragon was immediately decided.

After all.

Mond has been attacked by the demon dragon more than once, what magic dragon Usa, what magic dragon Durin, and now there is another wind demon dragon, which is also normal.


Why is Mond so related to dragons.

"Brothers and sisters, it must be stopped from continuing to destroy!"

"Let's go together!"

So they all drew their weapons and headed towards the Wind Demon Dragon.

With the blessing of Hermes' flying boots, the rich wind element allows them to fly quickly, and their upper bodies can also hold weapons freely, many of which are knightly swords.

Others picked up bows and arrows behind their backs.

Some bows are filled with water elements, condensed into five water arrows.

There is also a brave female knight, the whole body is wrapped in the wind element, holding a longbow, that is, a bunch of wind arrows shot out, on her waist, there is the eye of the wind god.

Pay attention to the words.

There are knights of the Eye of God, and several.

Being able to be a governing force of a kingdom, in fact, the eye of God is not so rare, it can only be said that it is indeed rare.

The Eye of God you think is particularly rare—no more than ten in one kingdom.

The number of real god eyes, Inazuma Eye Hunting Order, directly loaded 100 in the god statue, this is still the god eye of those in the god Linghua, and it has not been confiscated.

Description: There is actually more.

And those who can exchange for Hermes flying boots are actually the top few people of the Zephyr Knights.

They are very good people.

It was specially arranged by Qin into a brand new team.

[Mond Flying Brigade! 】

So this flying knight team and the wind demon dragon directly clashed at the beginning.

Fight, on the verge.

Mond Knights Elite vs Wind Dragon!

Such movements can be observed by the Knights, and then another force located in Mond can naturally detect them.

[Fools] from the solstice winter.

They ostensibly served as diplomatic missions to the Winter Festival, pledging allegiance to the Ice Empress on the throne of the Winter Palace.

It is actually a behemoth that spans the Seven Kingdoms.

It makes the nations fearful.

There are traces of their activities in every country, and sometimes they stir up the wind and rain and oppress other countries.

Like Mond.

After the Grand Master of the Knights of the West Wind, Falga, led most of the elite to leave, the strength of the Knights was greatly weakened, so they were naturally targeted by the fools.

Now, however, it's a little different.

After the battle between the Knights of the West Wind and the Wind Demon Dragon, many fools were also watching the movements in the sky. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Among the fools camping in a certain wilderness, there were several who used lens-like equipment to look into the distance, and one of the female fools [Anastasia] was full of displeasure.

"Damn, how can this Zephyr Knights get a bunch of flying knights."

"It caused their mobility and combat effectiveness to go up a lot, it's really a hindrance, that hateful Liyue alchemist."

"It's okay to eat, why don't you provide Hermes flying boots."

"I hope this beast can beat them to the ground, so that we can get in trouble with the useless Zephyr Knights."

"Come and intervene in their management and bring the city defense of Mond."

The other fools also burst into laughter with malice.


A city-state that only knows how to eat, drink and have fun, either sleeping in or drinking and chanting.

What a waste.

It should be interfered with by their fools.

Recruit those guys and expand the size of the crowd of fools!

As a recruitment house!

After Su Bai and Lisa came to Twalin, they saw the West Wind Knights who fell from the sky.

Seeing this, Su Bai summoned a gust of wind.

Let them stabilize.

So these knights also once again inspired the Hermes flying boots under their feet, re-grew their wings, made them stop in the air, and came towards here with shame on their faces.

"I'm sorry, Miss Lisa, Master Su Bai."

"As soon as that evil wind demon dragon came out, we fought to stop its destruction."

"I didn't expect that this dragon was too strong, and we turned out to be no opponents."

And at this moment, along with the appearance of ice flowers, an abyss mage unexpectedly appeared at the neck of the wind demon dragon in an instant.

There was an evil demagoguery.

"Dragon, they abandoned you and no longer recognize your existence."

"In that case, it might as well join..."


Before it could finish speaking, a purple falling thunder fell from the sky, directly splitting it into flying ash.

Even if it has an ice shield itself, it will not help.

On Lisa's fingers, there was still a slight flash of electricity.

She glanced at it proudly.

"Hmph, the reaction of the Abyss Sect is really fast."

Because of this alarm, the Wind Demon Dragon went crazy again, and after letting out another roar, it flew straight to the other side.

That direction is!

Many knights exclaimed.

"'It's Mondstadt!'

"Not good! The magic dragon must not be allowed to wreak havoc in the city. "

These knights hurriedly chased over, and Lisa also looked at her lover Su Bai beside her.

"Little cutie, let's go over too, the only one who can purify the power of the abyss in Twalin's body is you."

"Sister can't."

She smiled.

"So, go and be the savior of Mond, my little boyfriend."

"Jean will be moved to tears."

However, Su Bai approached Lisa's ear and said playfully.

"Senior sister, where am I young."

"Obviously, you panicked for the first time, I have to let Senior Sister see it again in the evening."

Lisa couldn't help but give him a blank look.

"Necrosis, my sister is talking about age, you are younger than me."

"Okay, sister Wanshang let you bully, you villain cute satisfied, right? Let's go, let's go. "

For her own man, Lisa is also crying and laughing.

But it's really fun.

In the chat group, Su Bai also sent a message by the way.

Liyue Su Bai (group leader): "I have reached the stage where the wind demon dragon began to rage, but because of the flash of my little butterfly, the wind demon dragon clashed with the knights in advance, which intensified the erosion of poisonous blood. "

"Now heading towards Mondstadt, I'm going to purify Twalin."

"Would you like to come and see such an interesting scene?"

Tsuchima (Su Bai): "Huh? You call yourself Little Butterfly, isn't that right? "

Xiao Bury let out a wordless grumb.

What butterflies.

You are clearly a giant crocodile, and you can make a huge wave by flipping it casually!

Blowing snow (Su Bai): "So fast? I happened to take my little brother on my way to clean up the weirdos, which is also unfortunate. "

You Bean (Su Bai): "My family and I ate a celebratory dinner in the hotel, and the celebration did not have to be completely destroyed. So, I couldn't get rid of it. "

"It's a shame."

Tsuchima (Su Bai): "I'm in class. "

As soon as Xiao Bian's words came out, he directly silenced everyone.

You're a high school student! (Nord Zhao)

Let's read honestly.

Just don't think about running around.

Tiantong Mugen (Su Bai): "That is, Xiao Bury should go to study quickly, and you must listen well to the lecture in class." "

Tsuchima Buried (Su Bai): "Ahhhh, Mugen, it's hateful, obviously you are also a high school student, and aren't high school students used to save the world?" "

This is a tradition in the country.

What the.

College students, you say?

At this stage, isn't it good to be honestly prepared to enter society and become cattle, horses and social animals?

It's not comparable to high school students.

As for the bigger ones, that's even more calculated.

They will only exclaim, peri of the world? And this kind of good thing?

Then hurry up and extinguish, annoying to death!

And in the face of Xiao Buri's rebuke, Mu only despised it.

Tiantong Mugen (Su Bai): "I'm sorry, I'm a senior official now, a giant in a region second only to the chief. "

"And I'm still free, I'm going to come to Mond to see."

So Mu Geng applied to go to Su Bai's world, and Su Bai readily agreed.

Liyue Su Bai (group leader): "As for the rest, I'll open a group live broadcast, even if you can't watch it now, you can watch the playback later." "

"Another world and dragons used to be our beautiful fantasy."

Now, it can be achieved.

That's nice.

Xiao Bury went directly to class to desert, she was curious, how would Su Bai restrain Twalin?

Fly directly into the sky, instead of bombarding Kai?

After all, his vigor is really memorable.

Punch Nanshan and kick Beiyuan.

And Tiantong Mu also stood on the wall of Mond, last time she came to Liyue, this time she came to Mond, it was really a good experience, or play here for a day and then go?

Continue to let the Holy Heavenly Son work more overtime?

Soon, she saw the roaring dragon shadow.

Huge green dragon, coming!.

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