It even startled Su Xiang himself.

Because every time the green sparrow came out, he felt very tired, and he changed his clothes, and every time he came to this man, then the answer seemed obvious.

So during a party with her for tea, Su Xiang spoke out to the green bird.

"Blue Sparrow, that, did you have a boyfriend recently? As a good sister, you don't have to hide it, I will bless you. "

Although the life of foreigners is short.

But Su Xiang did not mention this, after all, although she is humble, she still has a little emotional intelligence!


She is not humble!

There are also some Xianzhou people who fall in love with foreigners, which is not a rare example, although in that case, for them, the happy time is much less than normal.

Blue Sparrow: ???

After hearing this, Qingque suddenly had a question mark .jpg on his face, revealing an expression of what the hell are you talking about.

Then she reacted quickly and understood the cause and effect.

Directly dumbfounded and crying and laughing.

"No, you think too much, that's a very good friend of mine, I have a series of training with him, so the physical exertion is relatively large, and I often sweat."

If you come out directly, it will be uncomfortable and slimy.

So later, she brought her clothes over, studied the formation and improved martial arts, took a bath there, changed her clothes and came out again, anyway, Su Bai would not peek, no need to worry.

It's such a process.

Is it weird?

"Huh? Is that so? Sorry, I thought, cough 28, this is out of oolong. "

Su Xiang had to scratch her head.

Instead, Qingque remembered that although Su Bai was another self, he actually married Esders and them, it was too shocking, obviously Esders and they were also female Su Bai.


Wouldn't you be embarrassed like that?

Especially at that time, the shame exploded well, and as a result, what Estes and Blowing Snow said, it was very cool, so that the green sparrow was instantly stunned, and suddenly collapsed on the sofa.

You female perverts!

A normal girl like me, ashamed to be with you!

Even she fantasized about such a picture, and suddenly blushed madly covered her face and shook her head, not daring to think more, it was too shocking.

It felt like I heard something shattering.

Oh, that's her three views of the green sparrow.

But recently, she has been with Su Bai, discussing the formation or something, but she ignored these, hmph, sure enough, Su Bai is quite serious, according to everyone's rhetoric, it is these colored women, take the initiative to eat people, right?

So remembering these again, Qingque's body trembled and quickly shook his head.

Like her, who goes to work every day to fish and play cards, reads miscellaneous books by the way, flips through ancient books, runs around and plays emperor qiongyu with card friends, lives a full life, so she won't think about anything else.

Is it bad to live comfortably for a thousand years?

And now that there is a chat group, she can even live longer, maybe there is a way, or the fusion warrior on Kiana's side is perverted, and she can't live for 50,000 years at every turn.

He also looks like he can continue to live.

The demon yin body looked at it and lowered his head in shame.

Outrageous, a thousand years is nothing, obviously before this, she thought it was a long time.


It's still familiar with everyone together, that's good.

Looking at the bunch of familiar names in the group, Qingque couldn't help but smile.

Among the three universes of Honkai.

At this time, in a starry sky area, a huge fleet group is slowly flying here, and as the center is a huge, terrifying giant ship, which can be described as driving the cyan immortal ark in the fairy wind.

This is exactly the Jinpeng Xianzhou that has been built and renovated.

Around it, there are many small scientific and technological wind warships, in fact, these are all the space fleets on the side of the Mandate of Heaven, which are all very large, but under the background of the giant Jinpeng Xianzhou, it seems very small.

Then there are a large number of Thousand Trees combat ships, all kinds of models, patrol ships, transport, auxiliary, energy, alert and so on.

There are three body types: large, medium and small.

Some of the spaceships are absorbing the light energy of this star field, and then converting it into energy to replenish some warships in the rear.

to achieve battery life.

The scientists in those battleships were all amazed.

"Our fleet is equivalent to temporarily staying in this star field, and as a result, these spaceships can also collect and receive the light released by the stars in this area, so as to give it to us."

"Although we also have this kind of light energy conversion technology, it is obviously a plant ship such as the Thousand Trees Combat Ship, and the conversion and absorption efficiency are more efficient and amazing."

"It is clear that I have traveled for so long, and now I am directly replenished."

Otherwise, normal space battleships, flying all the way, if the energy is not replenished on the spot, then either it will have to be used to a certain extent, or it can only become scrap iron drifting in space.

But now this full state, it's really cool.

A series of energy weapons can be used with confidence when the time comes.

Don't be embarrassed.

What all kinds of saving use, one part of energy can't wait to break into three parts to use something.

Now this state of being able to let go has a feeling that it has never fought such a rich battle.

Wandering away!

In a battle, a large amount of data can be collected, so that it can be continuously improved and corrected. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This makes it easy to develop quickly.

And this fleet group stayed somewhere after that, and the spaceships of other civilizations also flew over, carrying out trade exchanges and cooperation, not only one civilization, so it looked lively.

Among the Jinpeng Xianzhou.

In the area where goods are transported and transferred, a large number of materials are constantly inspected and verified, and a series of antique mirrors shine light to scan the like.

In the work area, there are also many Liyue technicians, constantly browsing the data.

Various alchemical instruments are in operation.

Among them, in the rear, there are also a large number of alchemical strongmen, carrying goods.

Inductive management.

Shipped in batches to different areas for safe storage.

At that time, most of them will be shipped back to Liyue.

On a large platform on a high place, many soldiers of the Thousand Rock Army stood here, looking at the scene below. Others sit at the table, using the Heavenly Dao terminal to work and communicate.

The foundation of Xianzhou has been completed.

It just needs to evolve.

And they're still discussing a series of things before.

"The last star field, but it was really speechless, we sent a group of spaceships over, and the civilization there also stopped it, indicating what fee to charge for the crossing, and the price was a lot, plus a lot of resources."

A high-ranking member of the Thousand Rock Army shook his head.

When everyone is stupid, this is obviously blackmail, who gives the big blame to whom.

Others laughed.

"As a result, when our rear fleet passed, especially after seeing the Jinpeng Xianzhou, the other party's channel was obviously panicked, that tone, afraid of no, quickly said that there was no need to hand over anything."

"You can go directly."

When the words fell, everyone here burst into laughter.

Bully the soft and afraid of the hard guy.

This is also the case in the universe, the law of the jungle is very straightforward, and I have seen a lot along the way, some civilizations are greedy, and some are directly as a race civilization that plunders everywhere.

The number is huge, arrogant, and domineering on weekdays.

There was also a fight with the Xianzhou fleet.

As a result, in the end, the other party scattered and fled, and was directly beaten and almost annihilated.

"Therefore, if this is for the sake of only that group of battleships, once it is not handed over, I am afraid that the other party may try to annihilate and then seize a series of resources."

"It's not impossible."

"In the final analysis, only when the 940 is strong can it control its own destiny and fly wantonly in the sea of stars, otherwise, after the weak are discovered, they will not be safe every time."

Some civilizations are peaceful and prosperous.

When encountering a visiting extraterrestrial spacecraft, it is also with goodwill.

However, on the Xianzhou side, he has also seen many destroyed civilizations, which is bad luck.

These words also made everyone shake their heads and sigh.

"In any case, those tragedies have been recorded one by one, as a warning, Liyue can only stand in the sea of stars if it is strong in itself, and it can be so prosperous now."

"Lord Emperor played a vital role."

"If it weren't for the rapid development brought by his old man, we would still be on the continent in Liyue, and we wouldn't know anything about the world outside the world."

The same goes for the world of Tivat.

If a terrible and brutal invader arrives, as some civilizations have seen along the way, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

The strength of Liyue before, as well as other countries.

It's not a shame.

Once bad luck and the tyrannical enemy arrived, the Seven Kingdoms were destroyed in an instant, and there was war everywhere.

Only as it is now.

Constantly growing, understanding a series of situations outside, can gradually calm down.

Everyone broadened their horizons one after another and learned about the wider world.

It is natural to feel how lucky Liyue is to have Lord Su Bai here.

So these soldiers, men and women, stood up and clasped their fists together, their faces firm.

"Thousand rocks are firm and heavy."

And soon, a message came from the Xianzhou reconnaissance department.

"A base of the Celestial Man has been discovered, with a large number of military forces stationed there, and there are many transport fleets in it, bringing a huge amount of plundering energy through the star gate."

"Many of them are high-level energy, which is very helpful for the development of Liyue."

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